Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was really nice day at the beach. It was windy and cool, I kept my cover up on and at times was wrapped in my towel. I guess because the ocean is so cold the temps don't climb. Today must have been skip school day because lots of HS kids all over. They weren't bad just so crowded on the beach.

Belinda - Great job getting in back, bi's and abs. It's hard walking when it is so hot. It was nice to get a break from the heat today. Do you take the RV to the UPenn appointment?

Cookie - Nice getting essentrics workout in. I saw very few dogs going for their walks today, must feel like your little one.

Quick check in. We are getting ready for Solomon’s island. I did Lean Legs Workout | STF - Day 33 this morning. I will check in later when we are on the road. BBL

Debbie - glad you had fun at the beach. We will not take the RV to UPenn, we leave it at Solomon’s Island. It’s only a 2 hour car ride vs over 4 from my house.
'Evening! Decided today was a rest day. Eldest ds apartment isn't air conditioned, so we bought one and installed it for him. He was very thankful and happy.

Deb, some of the schools up here are only open til 10:30 b/c they don't have air conditioning. I can't imagine trying to do anything with 25+ kids and no air conditioning. The beach sounds heavenly.

Belinda, safe travels and good luck with the infusion. Nice job getting your workout in first.

Rest day for me too. I took my Mom back to the Dr. and they said there is a slight chance it could be cancer but may not be worth the risk of surgery. His recommendation is to test in 6 months and see. It is a major surgery and could require a 7+ hospital stay. We were shocked and it involves removal of other things besides the cyst.

Belinda - Good luck with your Dr.'s appointment tomorrow. Great that it is closer and than you can go enjoy the time away.

Cookie - Boy it must have been hot installing the A/C but so worth it. Part of my childhood we didn't have A/C but when we did get it in some rooms it was heaven:) It's tough to be in school without a/c but great they are letting out early.


No workout today. I had my 6 month check up at UPenn. She wants to hold off on the prednisone. She said it is to early to tell if the infusion isn’t working , I have not been on it long enough. If I don’t improve in a few days to see my doctor. I also had a hearing test at UPenn. I was very impressed with them. She took me in 2 hours earlier. Everyone at the hospital is very friendly and very helpful.

We have trouble with our hot water in the RV. I had a very cold shower this evening

Good night. I will catch up in the morning
'Evening! JS ub workout today. Had thunderstorm this evening and the heat and humidity have decreased!

Deb, I'm sorry to read about your mom. How's she taking the news? It must be very hard. We didn't have air conditioning growing up.

Belinda, it is wonderful that you're happy with your medical team - that's so important.

Today was a walk at the gym & leg workout. It was too hot to walk outside. They are finishing up on my deck and they are doing an amazing job. So meticulous, for years we had lattice under the deck and it fell apart. He suggested framing it and doing it in vinyl and not too bad a price.

Belinda - It's great that everything went well and you are treated so well. Sorry about the cold shower, would you have to go to NY to have it fixed?

Cookie - Nice work with JS ub. Good news your humidity decreased, not yet for us. My Mom is taking the news pretty good. I think she likes the idea of testing instead of surgery. Fingers crossed no changes at each testing.


Took a rest day. I went to the mall with my 2 SILs to get my SIL in TN a Pandora bracelet for her birthday. We go to TN on Thursday for a few days to celebrate.

Have a great weekend:)
'Evening! Got in a JS cardio ball workout - fun but sweaty! Took larger, older dog to vet today. They did routine blood work and her liver functions are higher than they've been. Took her today for x-rays and shots to relieve her arthritis pain. X-rays shows growths and there's really nothing they can do. Right now, she's not too bothered by it, so guess we'll just wait and see.

Deb, glad your mom is handling it okay. Hoping there's no changes along the way with testing. Humidity is bad here today. It must be nice to have your deck almost done and looking so good.

Belinda, hoping the infusion went well and you have a warm shower today.
'Afternoon! Wicked UB done. Usually, I wear my earbuds when I'm working out, but today I didn't and dh came in while the wo was on. He enjoyed hearing how she likes torturing us. That was a tough workout.

Deb, we had thunderstorms and humidity is back with a vengeance. It's very swampy feeling. What a nice gift! You're sure traveling a lot these days.

Belinda, thinking of you and hoping you're having a great time.

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. DD came to visit us at the RV park. Unfortunately she didn’t stay long she had to go back home.

Today I did STF - Day 35 Upper body push and Cardio = 30 min.

Debbie - have fun in TN. I hope you enjoy your rest day and had lots of fun with your SIL. We have warranty on the RV. It‘s brand new. If something is wrong with the RV, they can’t figure it out they come on site. No need for us to drive the RV. We are paying for this service. We did called the Tech, he was worthless. DD figured out what was wrong after 30 min. He ended up with a hot shower :( Everything is computerized in our RV. We have a main panel in the kitchen which I call the mother panel. Everything is on that panel. DH forgot to turn on the hot water heater on the panel. I wasn‘t happy I had a ice cold shower, he had a hot one. Now I know where to turn on the water heater. We learn as we go.

Cookie - hahah….your Dh likes how you got tortured. Thank you. My shower is very nice and warm now.

Have a great weekend.

Today was an early morning short walk before the humidity was too bad. DH walked at the gym (smarter). Thunderstorms tonight but not too bad and still hot & humid.

Belinda - Great job with STF Day 35 upper & cardio. Everything is so technical now, but your right as you use it you will learn more. Happy you have a hot shower:) Cold plunges are supposed to be good for you but don't think I could do it.

Cookie - Nice workouts JS ball & Wicked UB. My DH likes to look at the TV and see if I am doing what they are doing LOL. I hope your older dog gets some relief. It's amazing how far they have come with treating animals.


No workout today. We traveled to Outer Bank,Nord Carolina.

Debbie - I don‘t know how you walk in that heat. Be careful! We are definitely learning with each trip. There are so many different things to remember. Our old RV was very basic. Hate cold showers. I get cold easily.

Hi Cookie.

Good night
'Evening! Got in a walk first thing this morning before the heat got bad. There's high humidity, so my hair was looking like Phylis Diller's when I came back from the walk! Saw Beetlejuice, the play, today. Very entertaining.

Deb, how do you handle the humidity? Sometimes I get a headache from it. Thanks for your comment about our older dog. She gets shots to help with her arthritis, meds for it, and supplements. I want her to be comfortable and not in a lot of pain. Have you ever done one of those cold plunges?

Belinda, glad you got the hot water figured out. I wouldn't be at all happy with a cold shower. The Outer Banks are fabulous! We used to go every summer for decades. Enjoy!

Today was a walk at the gym. I also went back to Floor & Decor to change some things for the bathroom in FL. The contractor was sick & waiting for permits so it should start moving again.

Belinda - Have a great time in the Outer Banks:) Is it crowded where you are? I walked early the other day but today no way I could walk outside.

Cookie - We have a small window when you can walk, but usually I sleep in LOL. I'm happy I joined the gym but really prefer walking outdoors. The humidity it tough, my hair, funny about Phyllis Diller and she liked it;) I haven't done the Cold plunge but I went to a yoga studio that had it but no way would I do it. I'm upset if I get in the shower and it didn't warm up yet.

'Evening! Got in a walk first thing this morning, and then a shorter one this afternoon. Also, got in STS2 shoulders. No wonder I'm feeling tired now. Getting ready to watch the Stanley Cup Finals. We have cava chilling, whether to celebrate or drown our sorrow, time will tell.

Deb, I'm like you, in wanting/needing a warm shower! A woman I work w/has done a couple of cold plunges. I don't understand why someone would torture themselves like that.

Belinda, I also get cold easily, so I wouldn't be happy either with a cold shower. Glad you have that figured out. How are the Outer Banks? What part are you in?

No workout today. We ended up exploring the area. We had a lot of thunderstorms.

Debbie- we are not far from the outer banks, we ended up in Elisabeth City, it’s a very more quiet. Please be careful with that heatwave. Hope he can start in your bedroom soon.

Cookie - there is so much to learn in the RV. We only have 5 panels in the RV, they all do different things. Have fun watching the Stanley Cup finals.

Good night everyone.

Today was a walk outside & total body barbell. It was so windy here, temps dropped but still a little humid.

Belinda - Is it nosier in the RV when it is thunderstorms? Have fun exploring.

Cookie - Great job with your walks and workout, I can see why you are tired. DH doesn't watch hockey but checks it out on the news. Do you have a favorite team?


I got my workout in early this morning. Full Body Burnouts Workout | STF - Day 36 = 40 min. We went to the beach which is only a few steps from the RV. Sadie had a lot of fun too.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside and TB Barbell workout. It‘s still very hot here in NC. It‘s not nosier in the RV. You can hear it We been looking at front beach properties. Way to expensive for what you get. Most of the homes are outdated.

Cookie - what is wrong with your dog? I most missed it. I hope your dog is doing better.

Good night.
'Evening! Did a pilates wo today. It used one of those rings - think I've had one for about ten years and this is probably only the second time I've used it. Not doing much for the cost per use analysis! Had dinner with my uncle and one of my sisters.

Deb, growing up I liked the Detroit Red Wings b/c their uniforms are similar to the university many family members went to. I thought that's where the players went when they graduated. I was never very bright!. How was your weather today?

Belinda, glad you're enjoying OBX. My oldest dog has a growth on her liver, and it's pushing against her spleen.

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