Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I did Upper body plus abs today.

Debbie - great job on your walk and legs at the gym. it’s time for your DS to remove his old clothe, LOL. Where did you find the peppermint spray? I couldn’t find it any where. The RV is sealed nicely.

Cookie - I forgot to tell you we have a pizza oven. DS bought it for us. We made pizza, the entire pizza oven flipped over, it was on a stand. I had to throw the pizza out. We gave up on making pizza, lol

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Got in a walk today. The weather has been dreary, rainy and cold!

Deb, your eldest ds sounds like the ideal person for the garage cleanup! It aggravates me to look at ours right now w/ds stuff all over. We had it pretty organized before and now it seems like we're almost back to step one.

Belinda, hope dh's pizza oven doesn't do that! We have a terrific Italian restaurant within walking distance of our house, and they have made great wood-fired pizzas. Unfortunately, the parents have returned to Italy and their children (adults) have stopped making pizza. DH was actually talking about volunteering at a pizzeria to learn how to make them!

Today was a walk outside & STS Total Body. I went to have my stitches removed from my tooth today. They said it looks really good and I am growing bone. The only thing is they forgot to remove one of the stitches. It took a bit but I just did it.

Belinda - Nice work with upper body and abs. I found the peppermint spray in Lowes (with pest control items). Luckily the store is only a few miles away.

Cookie - It was mostly sunny here but we did have a few threatening clouds. I guess I was glad DS's clothes weren't in the house but now I don't want them at all. I love wood-fired pizza too bad the children don't want to. I would think that is big business.

'Evening! Walk and talk with my friend and a JS ub workout. I'm yawning like crazy - think allergies are making me tired.

Deb, we moved DS's clothes and things to plastic storage bins, which are all in the garage! Think we're just going to have to go thru and donate most of them, since now he's decided to be a minimalist. Or whatever the version is where you live with a few things and store everything else at your parents! Was it hard to take out that stitch by yourself?

Belinda, hope you're having a great day.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. We put a bird feeder on our deck and it is just crazy. I can't believe all the birds we are getting and squirrels.

Belinda - Hope all is well.

Cookie - It's nice to get a walk in with a friend and a talk. The storage bins are a good idea. It's funny, we have so many storage units being built in our area. I guess that also defeats the purpose of being a minimalist. I would love to peak in them and see what people are saving.

'Evening! An Essentrics wo and perhaps a walk after dinner.

Deb, there's a lot of them all around! I often wonder if folks even remember what they placed in there and how long the items have been in there. The fees must add up. I was thinking about getting one of the smart bird feeders but dh says their residue is too messy. I love to sit and listen to them in the morning. they are so noisy!

Belinda, hope all is well.

I forgot to hit the enter button. Yesterday I did Lower body=45 min. Today is a rest day from Sydney rotation.

I did a dance workout.

Debbie - great job on your workouts.glad you got your stitches removed. I hope your tooth feels better. Thanks about the peppermint spray. We had a bird feeder on our deck. It was also had birds and squirrels.

Cookie - your comment on your son being a minimalist and storing all this things in your garage made me laugh. My kids are the same way, store everything in my garage. Dh and I are going through the garage, we will donate most off it.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Gym Style Legs. I ended up getting a longer pole and facing the bird feeder off the deck. They are making a mess, hopefully it helps.

Belinda - Sounds like good leg and dance workouts.

Cookie - Nice essentrics workout & eve walk. I would think the fees would add up. I wonder if they end up buying more things because they now have more rooms.


Lower body glutes is done. We are tasking off on Tuesday. I have my infusion on Monday. We are going back to Solomons Island in MD, then to Nord Carolina.

Debbie - good job on your walk outside and GS Legs. It’s too hot to walk outside these day’s. Good luck with your bird feeder. We ended up moving the feeder on a tree in our yard. Too messy.

Waving hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL

Today was a walk outside & Gym Style Chest & Tri's. We are going out to eat, we were supposed to have bad storms but think it is further South not much rain.

Belinda - Great job with lower body glutes. Moving the feeder has helped. Good luck with your infusion. Does it make it easier to travel since the RV is all set-up?

Cookie - Are the summer visits starting or does it happen closer to July?

'Evening! Did ub premix this morning. Visitors here, but tomorrow we're going to visit youngest ds, dil and the baby.

Deb, I was in Scranton, PA yesterday and there was a lot of rain. Surprisingly it was only a 3 hr drive one-way. Glad moving the feeder helped. My sister has a baffle on her feeder, and that seems to repel the squirrel. The visiting has started!

Belinda, glad all is good. Enjoy your trip. It sounds lovely.

Today was a walk outside. It wasn't too humid here today which was nice.

Belinda - It should be really nice beach weather. Thinking about going on a day trip to the beach this week.

Cookie - Nice ub workout. Our son's are coming over tomorrow. You were lucky the drive didn't take longer with the rain. I know someone who flew home yesterday and lots of delays. I just bought a longer pole but next step will try the baffle.


No workout today. I did get a lot of steps. Benn cleaning my house and did laundry

I will catch up on personal tomorrow. I am exhausted. Good night
"Evening! Went to visit ds and his family today. Got in a walk when got home.

Deb, hope your dh enjoy his day and yours with the family. Good luck in the battle against squirrels!

Belinda, cleaning is definitely a workout! Rest up.

It was just clean & cook max here too;) I'm exhausted but it was a nice day.

Belinda - Good luck tomorrow with your infusion.

Cookie - It sounds like you had a nice day:)

'Afternoon! Had a meeting end early, so I thought I'd post with those few moments. Got in a short walk but it's hot. Also got in STS2 ub 1 workout. Fried!

Deb, clean and cookmax is quite the workout! Hope if you went for your daily walk, you were able to get it in before it became too warm.

Belinda, hope all went well with the infusion.

Infusion went well. I didn’t had any coffee this morning, I am dragging. My blood pressure is always a little high at the infusion center. Today I decided not to have coffee before, blood pressure was perfect. My energy is down. Go figure. When I came home I made myself a nice couple coffee. I probably be up all night long, lol.

Cathe’s presale ends June 28? I think?

Today I did D31 Full body - 30 min. Glad it wasn’t a long workout. I was half asleep.

Debbie - thank you. Sounds like you had an exhausting day too.

Cookie - I don’t know how you and Debbie dealing with the heat. I am a wimp. Good for you. Great job on STS2 UB 1.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside, it was tough. I went to lunch with my SIL and a friend from HS. It was a nice time. Afterwards went to the gym to do legs, I was dragging.

Happy tomorrow we are taking a day trip to the beach. Hopefully it will be cooler. Supposed to be in the 90's till the weekend:(

Belinda - Nice work with D31 Full body. Happy to hear your infusion went well. I would have had coffee too, maybe it won't bother your sleep. The heat is exhausting. Thanks for the heads-up about the presale. Enjoy your travels.

Cookie - Nice getting a walk in and STS ub 1. We have a weather gauge in our kitchen that displays the temperatures inside & outside, humidity and also the heat index. I'm not sure why I look at it before a walk:rolleyes: not too motivating.

Today was back, biceps and abs.

My appointment was canceled at UPenn for July18. They did had an appt. for Thursday, someone canceled. Lucky me.

Debbie - the heat is really getting to me lately. Haven’t walked in day’s. Be careful walking in that heat. Great job on your walk and leg workout. Glad you had a great lunch with friends and SIL.

Cookie - have a wonderful day.

Have a great day.
'Evening! Essentrics today. Yesterday the poor little dog was uncomfortable with the heat when we walked. Today when I got his harness out, he went in his kennel!!! Took that to mean no walk today!

Deb, if I looked at your clock before a walk,I wouldn't go. You are amazing! Glad you had a nice time with your family and friends. Hope you enjoyed the beach today.

Belinda, thankful your infusion went well. It's gotten more humid this evening, and it's the humidity that does me in. Stay in and relax.

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