Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Walk outside and Day 9 Full Body is done.

Debbie - sorry you juggling so many things. I talked to my sister in Germany today, she is also renovating the downstairs were her mother/father in laws lived. They went to existing living a few weeks ago. She is remodeling the entire downstairs. She shared pictures with me, now I want to update my house too. I am also looking forward to the weekend. Great job on your workouts.

Cookie - I hope you got some rest yesterday. Why they have to knock you out? I thought you awake during the surgery? Sorry you need laser surgery.

Have a great Friday and weekend

Today was a walk outside & Muscle Max. We are going to get a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - Great job with D9 Full body & walk outside. I think some people love/handle renovations better. I always worry I won't like it.

Cookie - I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Have a great weekend:)
'Evening! Had a nice long walk today.

Deb, my hair has been having a bad time this week. It's either been humid or rainy!

Deb, I was thinking about you a Zoom yoga. You've been doing it for quite a while now. You are always consistent in getting in your workouts! DH says thanks, and he has a wicked sweet tooth, so he probably would always prefer dessert first.

Belinda, how was the massage? I should look for a new massage therapist. My other one moved, and I haven't found one yet that has been close to being as good.
'Evening! Got a lot of things done around the house and eldest son came for a visit.

Deb, hope you're having a lovely weekend. The weather was beautiful here today. Was it also by you?

Belinda, when do you leave for your next travel adventure? Sorry, realize I didn't answer about getting knocked out. I had a scratch on my eye a few years ago, and so I'm very anxious about something near my eye.

Today was 40 min cardio and abs.

Debbie - I think it’s exciting renovating. I think you like the new renovations. I really want to renovate my kitchen. Great job on your workouts.

Cookie - the massage was amazing. I scheduled another one. The massage therapist was amazing. Sorry your therapist moved. I went to Woodhouse Spa, they all over the US. Maybe they have on in your area. I would be too anxious about something near my yes if that happened to me. I hope he numbs me good. I was doing thing around he house today too. Enjoy your time with your son. We leave on Tuesday.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. It was overcast here and light drizzle. The painter powerwashed our deck today it is amazing it looks so much better. He is new to our neighborhood and lots of people are using him. His family came and had lunch with him today, I thought that was so sweet.

Belinda - Nice work with cardio & abs. It sounds like your massage was great:)

Cookie - Nice getting a walk in. It will be really nice tomorrow here. Zoom yoga is really good for stretching, otherwise tend to skip in workouts.


I walked outside today.

Debbie - good Job on your walk. It rained a lot yesterday. Glad you get a good stretch from zoom yoga. I should do it more often. Glad you deck looks so much better and your liked the way your deck turned out.

Cookie - I hope you get some rest.

Have a great Sunday, everyone

Today was a walk outside. I went to the Farmer's Market a few towns away (our town doesn't open till mid June). Not too many vegetables but did buy some vegetable soups to eat for when I get my wisdom teeth pulled on Tuesday.

Belinda - It was a nice day for a walk:) Does Sadie come with you most of the time?

Cookie - I hope you had a nice weekend.

'Morning! Missed hitting post again last night! Leaving for airport in a bit. Am going to visit ds2 in Barcelona. We'll go together to Madrid, then back to BCN. DH and I are going on to Prague for a few days.

Deb, yesterday was our power washing day. Love how things look when it is done. DH does it and yesterday was the patio. We'll do the dock when we get back. Love how it washes siding too! Good luck with the wisdom teeth surgery on Tuesday.

Belinda, I'll have to look for a therapist when we get back. Essentrics has been very helpful for the stretching and balance.

I had my infusion today.

Debbie - good luck with your surgery. Sorry you have to go through this. Soup is a good idea after the surgery. Sadie goes where we go.

Cookie - safe travels. Have lots of fun with your DS2. How long will you stay? I hope you find a good therapist when you get back. I think you gonna like Prague. Good food.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. Nervous for tomorrow, not sure what to expect as far as recovery goes. I shouldn't have read about it LOL.

Belinda - Hope your infusion went well today. Thanks about the surgery.

Cookie - Have a great time visiting DS2 in Barcelona and surrounding areas. I'm sure it will be beautiful. One of the girls at the gym was telling us she's going to Barcelona any day. To visit a friend who is studying abroad for 2 weeks.

Debbie - thinking about you today. You got this. You probably can’t/should workout after the surgery. Take good care of yourself!
Hi again,

Went for a nice long walk and did 40 Minute Upper Body AMRAP Workout - Strength Training PLUS CARDIO! STF - Day 12.

Debbie - good luck with your surgery today. Let us know how it went. If you feel up too.

Cookie - you must be tried with all that traveling.

See you all tomorrow.

The surgery went well it feels uncomfortable and some pain taking tylenol and tonight something stronger. I'm glad it's over. I did go for a walk. My face is swollen and still some bleeding.

Belinda - Nice getting a walk in. Great job with Day 12 AMRAP workout:) I will hold off on any exercise besides walks until I feel better. Thank you for your thoughts today;)

Cookie - Enjoy your trip!


I did D13 All Standing Lower Body today.

Debbie - I am glad your surgery went well. I hope each day you feel better and the swelling/bleeding goes down.

Cookie - have fun on your trip!

Happy Hump Day everyone.

Today was a walk outside. I am feeling much better. Most of the swelling has gone down, eating is hard. I don't think it would be as bad but the tooth where they put stitches hurts the most.

Belinda - Thank you:) Nice work with D13 All Standing Lower Body.

Waves hi to Cookie


today was walk. Glad I went early, it started to rain.

Debbie - glad you are feeling much better. Sorry about the eating. Hopefully you feel better each day. When will the stitches come out?

Hi Cookie!

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I also ran a bunch of errands.

Belinda - Nice getting your walk in before the rain. We had thunderstorms here in the morning but by afternoon it was gone. Eating is getting better but today it was more painful. The stitches come out in 3 weeks, seems like a long time to me.

Waves hi to Cookie


We went for a 4 mile walk today, I also did day 14 Full Body Power workout = 45 min.

Debbie - I am so sorry you still in so much pain. Did your dentist gave you some meds? Take it if you got some it will help with the pain/infections. Feel better. The weather been crazy here lately. It’s to humid to walk in the afternoon.

Waving hi to Cookie


Today was a walk outside. I have been looking through pictures for a project my SILs 60th birthday for her DIL. It's great going down memory lane but boy do I need to declutter the photos.

Belinda - Nice long walk:) The weather has been like summer here, too soon:( I enjoy the Spring so hopefully it comes back. They are giving me a prescription alleve/advil pain medicine. It was better today. I guess I will have good and bad days until they take the stitches out.

Waves hi to Cookie


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