Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today is a rest day from Summertime. We had lunch at Solomon’s island at the Marina. It was so humid this morning I didn’t go for a walk. DH and I took a nice long evening walk to the Marina and back. Beautiful walk and not to hot outside.

Debbie - it was 91 yesterday. Today was a little cooler. Great job on your walk and zoom yoga. We sure getting to know the RV. I love it.

Cookie - great job on your upper body and walk. LOL, invasion. That is smart shopping like that. Yes, RV’s come a long way’s. It is a house on wheels.

Good night.
'Evening! Walk today and just got back from seeing a play, Six, with one of my sisters. It was about the 6 wives of Henry the 8th. Very good, but I would prefer it if the music was a bit less loud to better hear the lyrics. Now I sound old!

Deb, you are very consistent with your walks and workouts. I'm am looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend.

Belinda, glad it was cooler for your evening walk. How nice to be walking along a marina!

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. Ugh, my new computer keyboard is off (pauses when typing, double letters) so annoying will figure out tomorrow.

Belinda - Sounds like a wonderful lunch and nice evening walk. It’s really hot there, temps cool down here tomorrow.

Cookie - Great getting a walk in. It sounds like a good play. I agree don’t like my music loud anymore.

Good morning,

D4 Full Body is done. One more workout for this week. I like they are short and to the point.

Debbie - great job on your walk and UB workout at the gym. Temps cooled down there today. I hope yo can figure out your computer keyboard. Sounds annoyin.

Cookie - I agree, I also don’t like my music loud anymore. I guess I am getting old too. Great job on your evening walk.

Have a great Mother‘s Day weekend. Any special plans?

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. I spent time putting my Lowe’s list together, geez reading the reviews on products just makes it more difficult + out of stock items :(

We are going to my Moms tomorrow & on Mother’s Day spending it with my SILs & spouses. How about all of you?

Belinda - How is it working out doing your workouts in the RV? I forget your birthday is so close to Mother’s Day:)

Cookie - Have fun at your nephews wedding & time with your family. I forget if it’s today or Saturday?

Good morning,

Day 5 Cardio and abs is done. Workout was 30 min. Getting read for a walk outside.

Debbie - great job on your weight workout at the gym and walk. Sometimes those reviews can be scary. I hope you find what you looking for.

Hi Cookie.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Today was a walk outside. We went to my Mom's and it was a nice time with the family.

Belinda - Nice work with Day 5 Cardio & walk. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Cookie - Have fun at the wedding.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Rest day for me today.

Debbie- glad you got to spend time with your mom and had a great time.

Cookie - i hope you have a wonderful day today too.

Good night

Happy Mother's Day


Today was a walk outside after the rain.. I forgot to say that DS & DILs dog Penne had 2 parasites. It's strange the vet forgot to tell them. DS thought it was a stomach bug. They called the vet and they apologized when they called but still such an oversight. They did give her meds and TG it is working now.

Belinda - Nice day to take a rest day:)

Cookie - I hope all went well with the wedding & family.

'Evening! Sorry got super busy with the kids coming in and the wedding and then visitors! Spent the day working and trying to catch up. Hope you both had a lovely Mother's Day.

Deb, how is your mom doing? Glad the meds are working to help little Penne feel better. That's crazy how the vet forgot to mention it. Sometimes those reviews can be so contradictory between themselves, and then I get overwhelmed.

Belinda, how's the road trip? Are you in Maryland?

We are back home. I have appointments this week and next week.

We did walk for over 3 miles on the marina and to the beach. Sadie is worn out. I also did week 2 Full Body fit and strong workout = 40 min.

Debbie - great job on your walk yesterday. I am also glad the meds are working to help Penne feel better. I can’t believe the vet forgot to mention it. It shouldn’t never happened.

Cookie - we will hit the road again next week. Yes, I was in Maryland. I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day as well. Sorry about trying to catch up.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. Just about everything is picked out for bathroom. Just waiting for contractor to look over. I went back today to Floor and Decor to double check and caught a mistake and changed something happy I did. The freestanding bathtub I want keeps going out of stock. I pick another one and it goes out of stock. How many people are buying bathtubs LOL :oops:

Belinda - It sounds like you had a beautiful trip. Does Sadie stay put in the RV when driving? DS bought a car seat for Penne and it’s working out. I couldn’t believe they exist :)

Cookie - it sounds like a fun weekend but you must be exhausted. My Mom ribs are healing but she is having an endoscopic on Thursday so hoping for good results.


Day 7 Arms with cardio. Here are the exercises:
Tricep OH Extension
Tricep Kickbacks
Tricep Push Up Burpees
Shoulder Press
Lateral Raises
Front Raise + curtsy lunge
Hammer CurlsCurl Pulses
Sumo Squat Hop + Bicep Curls

Debbie - LOL, I guess a lot of people renovating their bathrooms. Yes, Sadie stays put in the RV.

'Evening! Got in a lot of steps at the garden center picking out plants! We have a 94-year old neighbor who asks us to get her plants for her. We get the plants and then water them over the summer for her. What's surprises us is her son lives two houses over and three grandkids live in the area. She says she thinks we have better taste!

Deb, you must have such great taste that others want the same tub! Bet you feel relief those decisions are almost done. It's amazing what they have for pets these days! How's Penne doing now?

Belinda, glad you're back and I'll bet Sadie loves being in the rv with you. Great workout.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Supersets. It was a nice day but rain back tomorrow:(

Belinda - Looks like a good D7 arms with cardio workout:) Will you visit DS & DIL this summer with the RV?

Cookie - It is so sweet of your neighbor to say. I love garden centers but don't have a green thumb. We are having our deck repaired/water proofed next week. I have to wait before I can plant. I bet your property looks great.


I saw the Optometrist today. I have to get an eye exam for RP yearly to make sure there isn’t any inflammation in my eyes. Good news is I don’t have inflammation. I do have cataracts in both eyes. He re commands I get surgery. I also have extrem dry eyes. I have to use eye drops a few times a day and an another one at night. My eye side is getting worse.

Tomorrow is a rest day from Summertime rotations. I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow. I haven’t had one in a long time.

Today was Pure Strength Legs and Glutes NO JUMPING Workout *At-Home Leg Day* | STF - Day 8 = 47 min
45 seconds work/ 3 rounds SS/ rest 15 seconds.
1. Goblet Squat
2. Front Squat Staggers
3. Left Leg Lunge
4. Right Leg Lunge
5. Heel Lifted Squat and ½
6. Heel Lifted Squat Hip Abduction
7. Sumo DL
8. Glute Bridge
9. Split Squat
10. Split Squat
11. RDL
12. RDL
13. Band Abduction
14. Bear Crawl Finisher with bands

Debbie - great job on your walk and Supersets. We are planning to visit DS and DIL in TX. Haven’t figured out when yet with all the appointments/infusions. We will make it happened, lol. You doing a lot of renovations. We also need to get our deck done.

Cookie - I love going to the garden center. DD and her BF took me on my birthday to one in DC. That was the largest one I have visit. I spent so much $$. That is so sweet of your neighbors to say. Didn’t you had surgery on your eyes?

Have a great evening.
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'Evening! A walk on this drizzly day. Today is dh's birthday, and he's waiting for his chocolate sorbet and salted caramel whipped cream. Sometimes he is just like a little kid.

Deb, you have renos going on at both places?! OMG! Our neighbor is sort of like Gladys Kravitz in the old series, Bewitched. She keeps an eye on what we're doing and lets me know what she likes and doesn't!

Belinda, yes, I have cataracts. Earlier this year had surgery in both eyes but there is cloudiness behind each the lenses, so I will have that fixed the end of August. That should be laser surgery and outpatient. Since you're used to taking eye drops, you'll be ready for the recovery process.

Today is a rest day from Sydney C.. I did went for a long walk outside this morning,
I am getting ready for a massage. Looking forward to it.

Debbie - I hope all is well.

Cookie - that‘s what I thought you had. Thanks for the tip on the drops. I thought with cataracts they would repair the cloudiness? Is it normal to have laser surgery afterwards?

I gotta run.
'Evening! Took a rest day today. Just finished a meeting, and I'm tired.

Deb, hope all is well.

Belinda, guess some cloudiness can appear about a year later, but mine came within a week. It's a lot better than it was before the surgery! He said it not unusual but not common to need further surgery. Since they needed to knock me out, I'm not sure how I'll do with laser surgery! I also have dry eyes and take drops and krill oil capsules orally.

Yesterday was a walk at the gym & zoom yoga. Today was a walk outside & lower body workout. I have been juggling so many things. I forgot to check in yesterday. I’m looking forward to the weekend.

Belinda - Good news no inflammation in your eyes:). Looks like a good leg workout. Great getting walk in. A massage sounds nice!

Cookie - I like DHs dessert choice for his birthday:) Sending him birthday wishes. It was drizzling when we walked today too. Not good for our hair;)


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