Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! I'm dragging today. Think all the hosting and running around has worn me out. Took today as a rest day. Would have been much more restful if I didn't work!

Deb, glad to hear your mom is doing better. My tio fell last week and his arm and hand are quite bruised. He refused to go to the emergency outpatient or see a doctor. He's afraid they'll tell him he can't be on his own, and he probably shouldn't. A walk and legs all in one day - wow!

Belinda, that's cool that you could lie down while your dh drives! What a way to travel!

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I was exhausted all day wanted to nap during yoga;)

Belinda - I hope your headache is feeling better. I have to order the new dvds too.

Cookie - Could us being tired have to do with pollen? I can see how Tio feels, it' sad that you have to worry like that when you are older.


Today is a rest day from Prime. It‘s also the last week of the challenge. Sydney will release another summer challenge May 6. Can‘t wait what she comes up with. I will do some Cathe workouts until than.

Today I walked outside. It‘s cooler outside today.

Debbie - great job on your walk and zoom yoga. LOL, yoga does make you wanted to nap. I was pretty tired all day yesterday too. Thank you. After my walk outside, my headache was getting better.

Cookie - glad you got some rest yesterday. It‘s said seeing loved once's getting older. I would be worry too.

Off to get ready for my ortho appointment today. Need to pick up my night retainers. BBl
'Evening! A walk today and got in a lot o stairs going up and down in buildings.

Deb, I didn't even think of pollen! Yes, I'm sure that's it. I can relate to wanting to nap during yoga.

Belinda, glad your headache is better. The pollen is bad already this year.

Today was a walk outside and Slow & Heavy Chest & Back. I ran a bunch of errands today.

Belinda - It sounds like you enjoyed the Prime challenge. It was cooler here today too.

Cookie - Stairs are a workout!


Prime Day 19 Upper body (Back, biceps and shoulder). Tomorrow is the last workout in Prime.

Debbie -great job on S& H and your outside walk. I sure enjoy the Prime challenge. It was a little cooler here yesterday and today.

Cookie - great job on your walk and stair climbing yesterday. I have a lot of stairs in my house, lol. I don‘t have allergies. I think the headache came with the infusion…I probably didn‘t drink enough water before the infusion.

Have a great Friday.

Today was a walk outside & full body workout at they gym. We are going out for pizza tonight.

Belinda - Great job with Prime 19 upper body.

Waves hi to Cookie

Have a great weekend:)
'Evening! The painters finally left today, so my wo was cleaning up and resetting, and a short walk. They were very messy. there's a few things they missed but I'm hesitant to have them come back. Tomorrow I have to do a conference, so it will be a long day.

Deb, today was a nice day for a walk. How was it by you? Did you do your Friday going-out-to-eat?

Belinda, what is there about the Prime workouts that you like?

Today I did my last workout in Prime. I finished with D20 Cardio and Core.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside & full body workout at they gym yesterday.

Cookie - the workouts are short round 30 - 40 min, 5 workouts a week. They exercises are new for the weight workouts. Her cardio is low impact, she changes the exercises with each round. I didn‘t get bored with Prime. The music is great too. She works your abs in a few of her workouts mixed into the exercises. I have no idea what she will come up with on May 6? if the workouts are low impact I am in.

It‘s raining here. No walk.

Have a great weekend. I probably will do a nice stretch and walk tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside. It was cool but nice out. Tomorrow ds & dil are coming over for me to teach them how to make my weekly tomato meat sauce. I'm hoping they won't be bored.

Belinda - Great you completed the Prime challenge! They sound like good workouts. It looked like rain here but it didn't happen.

Cookie - Not nice when workers leave a mess:( Hopefully it didn't take too long. You should sleep well tonight. The pizza restaurant we went to last night is close to where your son & dil live.


Sadie and I went for a long walk outside today. It was beautifu.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside Have fun teaching your DS and DIL how to make your weekly tomato meat sauce.

Hi Cookie.

Good night.
'Evening! Did ub 100s today, and more reorganizing. Went to a show and they had a silent auction going on. I bid on something, and they've called to tell me I'm the winning bidder. Now, I have to figure out where I can put it, since the dimensions are larger than I realized. Saw it in a large open space. Oh, and tell my dh what I've done!

Deb, that's generous of you to share how to make the recipe with them. That also shows the respect they have for you and your cooking. Very nice! Ds and dil haven't even broken ground yet! Guess the planning regs changed or something. They had anticipated started the end of Feb but are now hoping for the middle of May. What's the pizza place for future reference?

Belinda, the workouts sound terrific. Are you still doing the bellydancing? It must be hard to get everything in. I struggle with that every day and you do so much more than I.
Debbie - I forgot to tell you when I first met my husbands Onkel in Ohio…many years ago. I thought him how to make Rouladen? Everything I see him he brings it up on how everyone loves the Rouladen, lol. For the live of me I can‘t remember teaching him how to make it. He does, lol. He still makes it, he told me last week and everyone loves it. My husbands Cousine made Italien meatballs and sauce. She gave us some for the road. It was so delicious. I am going to have to ask her for the recipe.

Cookie - lol, so what did you bit on that is so large? Lucky you. They workouts are terrific. I haven‘t done a belly dance in a while, not sure if I mention it? My knees and ankles are swollen since a few weeks. On Sunday I didn‘t regenized them. I am icying/resting.

Today was just lots of steps. I taught the kids but it seems like my DS will be making the sauce. They wrote everything down. The bad part is I don't measure everything and just eyeball it. They were fine with it and just showed them so they could get an idea of what it looks like:)

Belinda - It is amazing your Uncle still makes your dish, a big compliment:) I bet he thinks about you teaching him when he makes it.

Cookie - The name of the restaurant is the Reservior Tavern in Boonton. I bet you thought you wouldn't win;) In NJ sometimes the permit process is unreasonable. A local Mom & Pop business was adding apartments to their building and it was supposed to take 6-8 weeks, they are still not open 6 months later. DH said the owner said between permits and inspections it is taking forever.


STS Giant Sets is done.

Debbie - that is how I cook, lol. I learned it from my mom. DD cooks like that too. Yes, I thought it was amazing he still makes this German dish. He nailed it too with the ingredient. I am sure your DS and Dil will treasure those recipes.

Cookie - you probably trying to figure out what to do with your big win.

Good night.
Evening! Beautiful weather n the afternoon and got in a walk.

Deb, I'm writing down the name of the restaurant. Thanks! Your ds and dil are so going to treasure the recipe and memories of cooking with you. My ds thought the permits would have been approved a few months ago also. We remind him it will all be worth it in the end. I usually don't win things, so it did surprise me.

Belinda, my dh is so proud of himself for learning to make roulade. His mother never taught him, but then he never spent time in the kitchen then. I won an art quilt. It really is beautiful but much larger than I realized. It measures 65" x 85". Think we're going to put it in the upstair hallway, at the top of the stairs. Only it means we'll have to move a thermostat. Just last week had that hallway painted - so, of course, then it will have to be redone. Glad you're taking care of your knees and ankles.

Today was a walk outside & Gym Style legs. It was a beautiful day, summer like but tomorrow goes back to Spring.

Belinda - Great job with STS Giant Sets. I had to look up to see what roulade is, looks delicious! Is it a special holiday dish? It's funny that your family cooks like that too:)

Cookie - Great day for a walk:) It will be worth it for ds & dil when they start building. I'm sure the art quilt is beautiful and you will have years of enjoyment from it.


Today I went for a nice long walk outside.

Debbie - great job on your outside walk and GS Legs. Rouladen are delicious. It‘s not a special holiday dish. That‘s how we cook :)

Cookie - I agree with Debbie about the art quilt. That is a big quilt. That is funny. My DS never wanted anything to do in the kitchen….every time he comes he ask me to make his favorite dishes. He also records them. I don‘t mesure anything, he is figuring how much goes into his dishes. I showed my DIL how to make German salad dressings, again she is figuring it out how much goes into the dressing without overpowering the flavors. I showed her how to make a Wiener Schnitzel….she nailed it.

Have a great day everyone.

Today was a walk outside & Gym Style back, shoulders & bi's. We had lots of thunderstorms here tonight.

Belinda - It was a nice day for a walk:) It sounds like your family enjoys cooking. That is great.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

STS 2 SuperSets is done. I will go for a walk later.

Debbie - great job on your walk and GS back, shoulder & bi‘s. We had a lot of thunderstorms here too.

Hi Cookie!

I will be back later.

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