Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Guess I didn't hit post last night - sorry about that. UB wo today. Picked up the quilt. We haven't decided on where and how to hang it, so for now it is on a guest room bed. Thankfully, dh also likes it.

Deb, we had thunderstorms yesterday also but it was a beautiful day. Today was nice but cloudy and not as warm. Yes, I'm sure the delays will be forgotten when the house is completed.

Belinda, that's great your ds and dil have such an interest in your heritage and cooking. My dh has just taken an interest in cooking in the past year.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was unexpectedly summer like today & tomorrow. I haven't even taken my summer clothes out yet.

Belinda - Nice job with STS 2 Supersets. Are you planning roadtrips with the RV?

Cookie - Nice UB workout. I'm always nervous hanging things, feel like I will make lots of holes before I get it right;)

Good morning,

Yesterday I also went for a nice long walk before my doc appointment. I can‘t remember if I mention it? Since a few weeks my knees be acting up again. When we picked up the RV in NY, I noticed not only pain in both my knees also pain in my ankles. So I started putting ice on my knees and walking more. When we arrived in Ohio visiting family, my knees and ankles started swelling so bad I figured it‘s from too much sitting. I did everything to bring the swelling down. At this point, I had trouble getting up, my knees locked up and it took me a few min just to move, the pain was unbearable. I also took meds I had on hand from my Rheumatologist which didn‘t do anything. When we drove home, I didn‘t regenized my ankles. I have never seen them so sollen up. While we driving, I was elevating/icing both my knees/ankles. I couldn‘t bring the swelling down to safe my life. I contacted my Rheumatologist last Friday to see if the swelling had something to do with RP considering my knees locked up, my entire body was getting so stiff? He wanted to evaluate me. The long term of prednisone is causing my body to retain so much fluids in my knees/ankles. He took an ultrasound of my knees/ankles, I had a lot of fluids especially in my right knee. He said he could me a shot in my knees to relieve the swelling/pain. He pulled so much fluid out of my right knee, he is sending it to the lap. He also upping the infusion, I still have flairs. My knees feeling better this morning already.

Today will go for a nice long walk.

Debbie - great job with your walk outside & zoom yoga yesterday. I have a huge walk in closet, I have my summer close and winter close out all year around. We probably will take off next week.

Cookie - I am sure you find a special place for the quilt. Glad your DD likes it too. Great UB workout.


Today was a walk outside & Gym Style Chest & Tri's. Our older DS came for dinner. We also went to floor and decor to pick tiles, so many choices. Thank god for cell phones can take pictures and decide at home.

Belinda - I'm sorry your knees and ankles are acting up. I'm happy to hear you did get some relief. It is good the Dr. is doing further testing and took you in so fast. Great job getting you walks in:)

Waves hi to Cookie


Today was a walk outside & total body at the gym. We are going to dinner tonight.

Have a great weekend:)
Good evening,

No workout to report today. My birthday is tomorrow, DD scheduled a mom and daughter pampering day today. I got a facial, hair cut and a pedicure today. We also had dinner in DC tonight. I had such an amazing day today.

Debbie - great job on your walk and TB at the gym today and walk + GS Chest & Triceps. Thank you about my knees/ankles. I still have some swelling. When I had my pedicure I also got a nice massage. I hope it will help bring the swelling down more. I am glad my doctor is doing further testing.

Tomorrow my DD and DH have something special planned? Still haven‘t figured out what they up too tomorrow, lol. I hope I get a workout in tomorrow, if not I will do something on Monday.

We are taking off with the RV on Monday. Looking forward to it.

Good night.
'Evening! Had a conf in NYC yesterday and today, so a lot of walking and talking! DD come down this afternoon and we got in more walking around and dinner out. Tomorrow planning on doing more exploring and walking, and meeting a niece for lunch here on Sunday. Looking forward to going thru Lilac Walk in Central Park tomorrow.

Deb, picking out all those details can get overwhelming. How is the process coming along? How is your eldest ds doing? Hope he has recovered well.

Belinda, hope your swelling is doing better and you do okay with your walks. Where are you off to first with the rv? Happy birthday tomorrow. Today was a wonderful day with your dd.

Walk outside is done.Had to cut it short due to the rain.

Cookie -we are going first to Solomon Islands, MD. We are staying in and around MD,/VA alone the coast. We made reservations for the Key West right on the ocean. We are looking into 2 more other places in between. You getting in some steps. Enjoy the Lilac Walk in Central Park .


Today was a walk outside. It was cooler here but nice to be in the fresh air.

Belinda - Lots of fun birthday celebrations. A day of pampering was perfect right before you leave for the coast. Enjoy your surprises and Happy Birthday:) Looking forward to hearing about it.

Cookie - NYC is so pretty this time of year, happy to hear you are getting the most of it. The Lilac Walk in Central Park sounds interesting. Older DS is doing much better. They gutted the bathroom at the condo so I need to start finalizing some of the picks next week.

'Evening! Got home just a bit ago. Had a very nice time walking around and exploring. Got in a lot of steps!

Deb, very glad to hear your son is doing better. We never stop worrying about them, no matter how old they are! Will you have to be there when they do the reno?

Belinda, lots of birthday celebrations! Your trips sound terrific!

Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes. I had an amazing few day‘s with my family.

Today I started Sydney C. Day 1 of Summertime Fine 30 Minute Full Body At-Home Endurance Workout | ALL FITNESS LEVELS | Build Muscle + Burn Fat. Great workout.

We are taking off tomorrow with the RV and will come back before the 14th. RV is packed and ready to go.

I probably will do Summertime Fine D2 before I leave tomorrow. Great job on your workouts everyone.

Debbie - I hope your son is ok. Thank you. My birthday was perfect with lots of fun activities and lots of good food. Great job on your walk.

Cookie - thank you. We had a lot of fun. Glad you had very nice time this weekend.

'Evening! Running out to a meeting. Met my walking friend for another walk and talk. I'm lucky to have her in my life. Have a couple of calluses coming on from all the walking this weekend.

Deb, today was beautiful here in the afternoon. Very humid in the morning. Hope it is terrific where you are. How are the design decisions coming along?

Belinda, have a great trip! It sounds like a lot of fun. You're amazing with getting your workouts in.
Cleaned my house today. Now I am tired. Time to relax.

Cookie - thank you! Sorry about the calluses. Great job on your walking. It‘s very humid here too. Having a walking partner sounds like a lot of fun.

I forgot to check in yesterday, I walked today and yesterday. I did Lean Legs today. It was very humid here. It was strange both DH & I both woke up dizzy today. DH is prone to vertigo but I don't think I ever had.

Belinda - Happy Birthday!!!
Great job with your workouts. Enjoy your trip sounds like fun. It's good that you organized everything in the RV and it is ready to go. Can you use the refrigerator or do you have to wait till you are hooked up to electric?

Cookie - It sounds like you enjoyed NYC except for the calluses. Just means you did lots of walking;) They really didn't want us their for the reno plus with the balcony construction it wouldn't be good. I went with DH to pick out a suit for a wedding next month, so later in the week back to design decisions.

'Evening! Got in another walk today. The weather is beautiful!

Deb, how are your dh and son now? Not being there during the renovations makes life a lot easier!

Belinda, hope the trip is off to a fantastic start!

Today I did D2 Arms.

Debbie - thank you. We can use the use refrigerator, very convenient when you on the road. We also can you the microwave /air fryer / convection oven if we wanted too. I can make coffee. Use the bathroom.We have power. Once we at the campground we hook up to their electric. Great job on you walk and Lean legs.

Cookie - we had a few hiccups this morning, it‘s all good now. Great job on your walk.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I didn't sleep well last night so hopefully better tonight.

Belinda - Nice D2 arms workout. That is great you have electric when you are driving and some many conveniences. My DH would love the idea of a bathroom;) Enjoy your vacation.

Cookie - It was a beautiful day for a walk. I am not feeling dizzy but DH is still having periods of vertigo. He takes Bonine and it works for him, but makes him tired.


DH and I took a nice long walk to the Marina and around the camp ground. I also did D3 Summertime 40 min lower body and glutes.

Debbie - sorry you didn’t sleep well, I hope you got a better sleep soon. It’s very convincing having everything handy. We love it.

Hi Cookie

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Upper body workout and a shorter walk. Kids are coming in this weekend for a nephew's wedding, so did part 1 of the grocery shopping today. It's like prepping for an invasion!

Deb, hope you sleep better tonight. It's hard to function and think well without a good night's rest.

Belinda, boy, RVs sure have come a long way. It's like a house on wheels!

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was hot today about 83 degrees. I needed so much water & slept better last night.

Belinda - Great getting your D3 workout in. It's nice you are by a marina. You must be getting to know the RV real well.

Cookie - Nice upper body workout and walk in. LOL on prepping for an invasion. I'm sure it's lots of work hosting family and having a wedding. But it will be so much fun for you.


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