Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

Day 57 TB HiiT is done.

Debbie - lol, about the baby spoons. I still have my kids too, but they in a box in the basement, lol. I am going through every box I still have unopened from our move. DH was wondering the same as your DH did, lol. I haven't gone too the homeless shelter in so long, I been sick so much. My car is full of stuff to donate. I go through my things frequently, I still accumulate a lot :( That is funny about the sardines, lol.

Cookie - I probably will continue with Heather next rotations? I will wait and see what Heather comes up next? Or another instructor on YT? Sorry you still not feeling better.

Have a great Tuesday and workout everyone. I probably will take Sadie for another walk today.
Going to do Essentrics right after this.

Deb, it's a lot of work to box up a kitchen! I don't envy you, but it will be worth it when the reno is over. I was just saying this weekend we need to go thru our canned goods. Thanks for the motivation. When the pandemic was bad, we had accumulated a lot of canned goods. Are you keeping the baby spoons? Some do.

Belinda, I'm sure you can understand that I'm really aggravated that this is going on, and the feeling of lack of control over my own health. I know others have it much, much worse, but it is wearing. Great day for a walk.

Today was a walk outside & a gym leg workout. The good thing about the reno is they leave by 4pm. Another day down LOL.

Belinda - Nice workout! It is nice here but getting cooler the next couple of days. Good idea, I need to load up my car for Goodwill so I am forced to get things out of the house.

Cookie - I must have had can goods for a long time, because one of them leaked/exploded in the back of the closet. I thought can goods last forever:oops: I will keep the spoons since I had them for this long LOL.


Today is a rest day on the schedule.

Debbie - it's in the 50's, raining and very cold here. That's not bad if they leave at 4 pm.

Cookie - I know how it's very aggravated that this is going on. I hope you feel better soon my friend. Been there so many time. Can you do some UB workouts? Or sitting?

Tomorrow I am getting my 3rd vaccine. In 3 month I will get the booster. If they are not changing it to a 5th one, lol.

Great job everyone!

Today was a walk outside, colder than I expected. I also did zoom yoga, to help with the stress;) The workers used something (I think primer) that smells terrible. We had the door open but it was cold out.

Belinda - Aww, rest day:) I'm counting the days till we go to FL and I can rest. I'm not sleeping well. The good thing with the vaccine is you can travel and feel safer. Hopefully not a 5th one, LOL.

Cookie - Every time I stress about the renvo, I think of what you say it will be worth it when it is done:)


This morning I ran some errands and got my 3rd vaccine. So far, so good.

I just got my workout in Glute Activation + Lower Body Strength // Day 58 HR12WEEK 2.0.

Debbie - I am extreme extreme immunocompromised. I can't feel safe even with the vaccine. My Rheumatologist still doesn't want me to eat inside of a restaurant, only outside without sitting close to other people. With everyone are not wearing mask, my doctor advised me to wear a N95 plus a medical mask at all times. I can never be safe. I will wear my mask at all times when I fly to DS. I couldn't get off my immune depressed medications while I took the vaccines. I am on 2 immune depressed medications for RP. Usually, you have to stop a week before the vaccine and a week after to build up some antibodies. I had to stay on all my meds. I relapse every time I to stop taking my meds. I plan on getting an antibody test to see how many antibodies I actually have after 3 full vaccines :( W Good, you opened all your windows.

Cookie - how are you doing?

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a cold, rainy day. I walked at the gym. Hoping to get a good night's sleep tonight.

Belinda - Your workouts sound like fun. I didn't realize you would still have to take as many precautions. It is worth it for your health to do so. As much as people are taking masks off I do see a handful that keep them on even in their own cars. I think everyone should do what is best for them. It will be interesting for you to get an antibody test. I would think it would be good for the Dr.'s to know the results. It would be helpful for them to understand RP.

Cookie - I saw part of your state getting snow this weekend, hopefully not your area.

Good morning,

I am also dragging today. Didn't sleep well last night. Yesterday I got my 3rd vaccine, I will get the booster in 3 month. I was nauseous and had a slight headache all afternoon and through out the night. My arm hurts too. I am glad when this is over.

Debbie - yeah, unfortunately I still have to take as many precautions. If you Immunocompromised you will not develop the same antibodies as a healthy person. That's the reason I got 3 full vaccine and will the get booster. Covid is still around, just not as bad. I know so many friends of DD that just gotten covid. It would be interesting to see how many antibodies I have. I will let you know. It was very cold and rainy here too. Didn't help with the chills I had last night.

Cookie - hope you doing well. Hopefully you will not get snow. I am so over it.

Today I did Heather D59 Tabata cardio & abs.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside before the cold front comes in:( It will be nice to not have workers around this weekend:) We are going to get a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - Nice workout! I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight. I fell asleep for almost 2 hours today, I still think turning the clocks ahead was part of the reason. I remember them saying that if you are getting side effects from the vaccine it was a good sign that your body was reacting positively. Hopefully that is the reason for you. Feel better.

Cookie - Any plans for the weekend?

Have a great weekend:)
Hi everyone,

NO REPEATS Full Body HIIT Workout // DAY 60 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done. I finished the 12 week rotations. It was a lot of fun. Not sure, what I will do next? I will see what Heather comes up next. I also did SBF hip mobility. My hips are tight.

Debbie - I usually only nap when I am sick, I took on yesterday. I also slept through the night. Which was amazing. I hope you are right about the side effects on the shot. Thank you. It gotten so cold here too. What happened??

Cookie - how are you doing?

Have a wonderful weekend.

Today was a rest day. I ran errands and the weather wasn't too bad. Tomorrow it will get really cold here.

Belinda - Nice workouts & congratulations on finishing the rotation:) It's good that you are sleeping better. My arm was sore for a couple of days and also swollen at the injection spot.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

SBF BA Barre Power Stretch from DVD is done.

DIL is here for a few day's on business. She is staying with DD until the event is over.

Debbie - thank you! My arm starting to feel better. It was a little swollen at the injection spot, it just hurt lifting my arm up. I was moving my arm around since the vaccine. Hope you enjoyed your rest day. It's very cold here today.

Cookie - I hope you check in soon. I am getting worried about you.

Have a great Sunday today.

Today was a walk outside. It was colder than I thought, and even light snow showers. It actually was pretty because it wasn't sticking;) We leave for FL tomorrow morning. I'm just happy to get away from the construction.

Belinda - Nice barre work, I haven't done in awhile will have to. Will you go visit DD when your DIL is here?

Cookie - I hope you are feeling better.

Good evening,

Today I did SBF Barre 14 (LB). This week is a recovery week.

Debbie - it was a power stretch from her DVD. Do you have the DVD? Yes, we visit DIL yesterday. I will see DD and DIL on Wednesday. Both have an event in VA. You walked in this cold yesterday? You go girl. We went to see the cherry blossom in DC, it was way too cold. DD, DIL and I just took a few pictures, then we left. Luckily, DH waited with the car near were we got out. I am watching DD's dog. He doesn't want to go outside, lol

Cookie - I hope you feel better.

Good night.

Today was a rest day. All went well with flying to FL. Just really tired.

Belinda - Nice workout! It was so cold when we left this morning. I’m with your DDs dog stay in when it’s cold;). The cherry blossoms are so pretty, makes you feel like Spring is around the corner. Nice of DH to stay close with the heated car:). We have a cherry blossom tree in the front of our house but it doesn’t bloom till the 1st week of May.

Waves hi to Cookie


SBF TTT Cardio Torch plus TTT Lower Body Lean is done.

Debbie - glad you safe in FL. The cherry blossoms would have been pretty if the sun was out. How cool you have a cherry blossom. LOL, DD has a few around her condo. We should have taking pictures in front of her house.

Cookie - hope all is well.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was a nice day, cool for me but not everyone else. It is very busy here. I slipped getting out of the car and hurt my hamstring & calf. It’s sore but at least I can still walk.

Belinda - Nice workouts!! Have fun visiting DD & DIL. Will you stay over?

Cookie - Do you get time off for Spring break?

Good morning,

Today I did SBF TTT (Tighten, Tone & Torch DVD) UB sleek. SB is uploading most of her DVD's to the streaming site.

Debbie - Oh no! sorry about the slip. Hopefully it isn't too bad.I wouldn't mind walking on the beach. Enjoy! We got ice last night. How long will you stay this time?

Cookie - I am getting worried about you. We haven't heard from you in day's.

Have a great day and workout.
'Happy Wednesday! Went to visit relatives in Texas and Mexico. It was fast and a lot of fun but exhausting! Today got in an Essentrics. Hoping to get all clear on light weights from dr on Friday.

Deb, hope you're enjoying FL! Excellent idea to go there while the reno is going on. Will it be done before you plan on returning? It was incredibly hard to come home to these cold temps.

Belinda, hope you're recovering quickly from the jab. I also heard its a good sign to have some reaction to it. Enjoy your dd and dil.

Today was a walk on the beach. We spent the day there it was nice weather.

Belinda - Sounds like a nice workouts. We are here for 2 weeks. We want to be back for Easter. Did you visit DD today?

Cookie - That will be great if you are cleared for weights. It sounds like you made the most of your visit/vacation. Traveling can be exhausting. We are hoping the kitchen will be done. DS said our neighborhood was without electric today for most of the day. I’m sure that delayed the work.


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