Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Well, now I've got a cold. Am thankful I can still taste and smell b/c one of my sisters I traveled with now has Covid!

Deb, hoping your kitchen is done when you get back. Two weeks in FL must be so relaxing! And a walk on the beach sounds terrific. How are your hamstrings and calf?

Belinda, are you able to visit your dd and dil? Glad you got to see the cherry blossoms the other day. A friend sent me some photos and they were beautiful.
I Hi,

Today was a walk on the beach. We should have walked on the street because on the way back from our walk we were sand blasted. My hair was tangled mess. We are expecting rain on and off the rest of the weekend.

Belinda - Are you visiting your DD & DIL?

Cookie - I’m sure all the traveling ran you down, I hope you feel better soon. My hamstring hurts on and off, DH thinks it could take between 4-5 weeks to heal:(. My calf is just bruised now. Saw a girl with a neoprene sleeve on her hamstring thinking about ordering one.

Good morning,

My internet went out yesterday, it didn't came on until late evening. I ended up taking a rest day yesterday.

Today I did SBF BarreAmped Total Body.

I was hoping Heather posting a new rotation, noting yet.

I will be back to catch up on personal. I have to run getting blood test done. I am still not feeling well. I am very nauseous and very fatigue since the vaccine. My doctor is running tests. BBL
'Evening! Got the okay for light weights, so that's good news.

Deb, yuck on getting sandblasted. Your poor hair! Hope the rain isn't too much.

Belinda, not having internet is extremely frustrating. Good luck with the blood test. Hope you feel better soon.

Today was a walk on the beach. It didn’t rain today, storms coming tomorrow afternoon.

Belinda - Sorry your not feeling well, feel better. Good luck with your blood work.

Cookie - Good news you can start light weights:).


Today was a walk before the storms came through. I caught up on some sleep and phone calls.

Belinda & Cookie - I hope you are both feeling better.

Yesterday did Cathe's newer tb band workout. Felt good afterwards, and even did some Essentrics stretching. Today did a bit more Essentrics, but now my right foot doesn't want weight on it to walk. It's okay for standing still but not for walking. Thought I could walk it out, but that didn't work. A lady walking her dog saw me and offered to go get her car and drive me home! While she was well intentioned, I felt so embarassed, esp since I was in near my house.

Deb, do you sleep better there or at your NJ house? I always prefer to be in my own bed. Hope you got in another beach walk today.

Belinda, hope you're busy enjoying your dd, dil, dh and Miss Sadie, and are feeling well.

I thought I posted yesterday, I guess I didn't hit the enter bouton.Yesterday I did a SBF stretch and walked outside. Today is a rest day.

Debbie - I have to wait for the results on the blood test. Hopefully it wasn't the vaccine. Wished I could take a walk on the beach.

Cookie - I am so sorry about your foot. Hopefully it's just some freaky thing. Feel better. I am trying to get more stretching in.

Good night.
Good morning,

Heather Robinson didn't posted a new rotations. I saw Caroline Girvan posting a new rotations called IRON series, it looked good. I did IRON Series 30 Min Leg Workout - Dumbbell Leg Day | 1 this morning. Really like the slower pace. No cardio in this series either. She will do 2 upper + 2 lower body + 1 TB each week. Each workout will be around 30 min.

I have a Ortho appointment. I will be back later.

I missed posting yesterday but both days walk on the beach. Our contractor & DS sent us pictures of our kitchen. It looks good. I was surprised even though I didn’t spend a lot of money on the pendant lighting, they look good. Still more for them to do, cooktop is supposed to arrive this week.

Belinda - It sounds like a good rotation. I hope you hear good news about the blood work. You will be walking on the beach before you know it. Will you wait to hear about test before going to TX?
Cookie - I wouldn’t be embarrassed, can happen to anyone. Awesome for you to do what you can & before you know it will be healed. I sleep pretty good in both places but for some reason look forward to getting back to my NJ bed:)

Good morning,

IRON Series 30 Min Upper Body Workout - Shoulders, Back, Chest | 2 day is done.

Debbie - no news on the blood test. The test should be in a few day's. Glad everything is going smoothly with your kitchen. When you came back, you have a new kitchen.

Cookie - how are you foot doing? Any better?

Have a great day, everyone.
Evening! Sorry for not checking in yesterday. It was our anniversary and went for a drive around Vermont. Lovely, and there was even snow in some places! Dr said I was not to be putting weight on my foot, so now I'm back to resting it. I've always been a fast walker, and now I think my 91-yr old uncle with a cane might be faster than me. I'm going to be much more careful but am getting concerned about how much walking I'll be able to do next month in Barcelona and Scotland.

Deb, I always sleep best in my own bed but love to sleep wit the sound of waves, if I could. Glad you're getting your walks in. I'll be living vicariously through you. How's the reno coming along?

Belinda, crossing my fingers for favorable results on the blood tests. That rotation sounds tough. How's your shoulder?

Today was a walk on the beach. We really couldn’t sit on the beach. It was really windy & and hard to have an umbrella up.

Belinda - It looks like a nice weight training rotation. Hopefully you get good results soon.

Cookie - A nice way to spend your Anniversary:). Doesn’t the time go so quickly. What does the Dr. think about your trip? I’m wondering if he’s hoping if you rest your foot, it will be improved by next month.

Good morning,

Iron series day 4 LB is done. My glutes are fried.

Debbie - hopefully the weather is better for you today. It's raining here.

Cookie - happy Anniversary. Believe it or not, we always go for a drive. Sorry about your foot. Did your doctor say how long he wants you to rest your foot? Sending you healing vibes.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.

Today was a walk on the beach. The weather has been up and down here. DH didn’t put enough sunscreen on because of clouds but he’s burned. The sun is so much stronger here than home even on overcast days.

Belinda - Sounds like a nice workout! We are expecting rain tomorrow.

Cookie - Hope all is well.

'Evening! Very rainy day here! And windy!

Deb, your poor dh. Sunburns are painful. It's been a not pleasant weather day here. Do you go to a gym while you're in FL? The dr is hoping w/resting my foot, I can do some walking in Spain. He was also talking about me using one of those rolling walkers for one leg, but there's a concern about my other leg compensating and then causing more issues. I have an appt with a dr about the varicose veins on that foot, and am hoping they can be removed, which would help. It's a mix of a heel deformity, numerous bone spurs, morton's neuroma, varicose veins and stress fracture. I've been putting off surgery on the heel issue for a few years, but now think I'll do it in the late fall. Since they'll have to cut the achilles tendon and rebuild, I'll be off that foot for about six months, and I'd rather do that during our winter season.

Belinda, how's the new workout routine doing? It's so interesting to see how the countryside changes when out on a drive. I also like to look at the architectural styles of homes and how they are landscaped.
Good evening,

I did SBF stretch today. It rained all day long.No walk outside today.

Debbie - hope your DH isn't to sunburned. I learned my lessons in FL, I burn easily too. I have to be very careful.

Cookie - I am so sorry what you are going through with your foot. I hope the surgery will help. Six month is a long time. I love seeing the countryside changes when out on a drive. DH and I also like to look at the different architectural styles of homes especially in different states.

Got my hair done today. Just came home, it's late. Good night.

It rained all day here too. We ran a couple of errands but not too much of anything else. In the morning we saw someone lying on a towel on the beach. At that point it was lightly raining & dark but a big storm rolled in quickly. We had gone to breakfast across the street, & they were funny and asked if she had a death wish.

Belinda - DH is mostly red but not in pain which is good. It must have been fun to get your hair done:). We noticed a lot of restaurants that have outside dining are allowing dogs. They don’t seem to even be service dogs.

Cookie - Sorry you are going through so much with your foot. Good idea to get surgery done in colder weather. We always say we are going to go to the gym. The one we used to go to closed, so need to find a new one not to far away.

'Evening! Had a ton of rain and wind last night. A piece of our siding got blown off! We're lucky to not have any flooding. Another day of Essentrics.

Deb, that person must be very daring! I sure wouldn't be. Sounds like you're enjoying your time there. Nice!

Belinda, I always feel good about things after getting my hair done. I've gone to the same person for at 25 years, and have become friends over that time. How did you find your stylist?
Hi everyone,

I did Iron series TB today. I was going to do a SBF workout, I ran out of time. I did managed to walk today.

Debbie - I am glad your husband isn't in pain. I had some nasty sunburns, I had blisters :( I use the highest sunblock now. I gave up year getting a tan. We ate outside with Sadie in a restaurant in DC. It was an expensive restaurant, they didn't mind Sadie was in her dog stroller. As long as, dog owners have control of their dogs, I don't see a problem. In Germany, people always bring their dogs in Gasthauses, indoor or outdoors. Very common in Germany. My sister brings her dog everywhere she goes.

Cookie - I am sorry you are going through so much. So sorry about your siding. It rained all day yesterday here too. The sun come out a little today. That is fantastic you go to the same person for so long. I been going to mine for about 5 years or longer. She used to work in the mall for Bubbles, during covid she decided to open up her own salon. I think I mention that before. She has a very small hair salon, she only can have one client in at a time. Which worked perfectly for her during covid. She makes more $$ now seeing her own boss than she did with Bubbles hair salon. I met her through my DD and DIL. DD and DIL lived across from the mall back them. They told me about that young girl (she is DD's age and is from Poland) , I should try her out. I am glad I did. I absolutely love her. The girl, always tells me I remind her of her mom in Poland :) Her mom is also my age. DD and I always go together to get our hair done. We all talk a lot non stop, lol. The girl checked on me constantly when I had covid :) she is a sweetheart. She reminds me of my DD.

Good night.

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