Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Happy Easter,

Today DH and I did Iron Biceps & back. Had an awesome workout. We also took Sadie for a nice walk, she was mostly in her stroller, lol.

Debbie - I hope traveling is quiet when we leave. We probably will test the meds next week to see how Sadie is doing on it. Walking up hills is tough for me too. We have lots of hills in WV. It's cooler today outside.

Cookie - enjoy your time with your family.

Hope you having a great day today.
Happy Easter!!!


Today I took a rest day. It was cool here. I brought dinner to my Mom’s and she met my younger DS’s GF. It was a nice day.

Belinda - It sounds like you had a nice day & workout:). It didn’t feel like Spring here.

Cookie - I hope you enjoyed your dinners.



Today was IRON Series 30 Min Dumbbell Leg Workout - Calves Included | 11 day. Great workout.

Debbie - it doesn't feel like Spring here either. Glad you enjoyed your time with your family yesterday.

Cookie - I hope you doing well.

Have a great workout and day. It's cold and rainy outside.
'Afternoon! Checking in before I forget or don't have time later. Had a very nice weekend. Lots of food and lots of family!

Deb, glad you're home but the traveling was not fun! I used to drive stick - loved it. My current car is the first one I've had w/o it! Hope they can put the cooktop in soon. It is so nice that you could bring food to your mom.

Belinda, good idea checking out the meds for Sadie before traveling and while vet is around. I don't think I'll get the new series as a physical copy. I can stream them.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. It was so cold here, needed a winter jacket, could have used a hat too.

Belinda - Nice leg workout! You can hopefully have Spring like weather in TX. I forgot to tell you saw so many RV's on the road when we were traveling. I didn't realize but you can rent them.

Cookie - I hope you are not getting the snowstorm. We are out of the range. Happy to hear you had a nice weekend.

'Evening! Just got done with a meeting. Another Essentrics day today and am feeling it.

Deb, it's a snowy day here again in the great northeast! Yuck! Did you get much snow?

Belinda, another good workout for you. You sure are busy.

Today was an unplanned rest day. I was caught up with cleaning dust and trying to organize before I realized I didn't get my workout in. It was so cold here.

Belinda - Nice workout!

Cookie - Nice essentrics workout! Not a snow day here, just some hail but so cold & windy. Hopefully that was the last of it.


I did IRON Series 30 Min Posterior Chain Workout - Glutes, Hamstrings, Back | 13 day this morning.
I been packing my suitcase and I also have to pack stuff for Sadie.

Debbie - DS said it's in the 80's. I will take that. I am so tired of this cold. We also got hit with snow. I do see a lot of RV's lately. I still need to clean my house before we fly. I hope you got some rest after all that cleaning.

Cookie - good job keeping up with your workouts. How is your foot feeling? We did get a lot of snow. It's melting. Still very cold outside. It's suppose to be in the 80's this weekend. The weather is crazy.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I was so tired again today. Even after having coffee, I fell asleep. I hope I have some energy tomorrow.

Belinda - Nice glute, hamstring workout. I remember my Aunt always cleaning her house before she would go on vacation. She said in case someone needed to come in, it would be clean. I do a light cleaning but when I get home always so dusty. Ugh, on the snow but 80's will be real nice:)

Cookie - Hopefully your snow is melting too!


Today was a rest day on Caroline's schedule. I did ended up doing a SBF barre workout.

Debbie - your Aunt sounds like me, lol. Yes, I always clean my house for the same reason your Aunt is. My mom always used to say the same. It must be the change in weather. I feel pretty wiped out lately too. Great job on your workouts.

Cookie - hopefully the weather is getting better. The snow melted and it's getting warmer outside.

Good night
'Evening! Another day, another Essentrcs workout. Funny, now that I'm doing them every day, or just about, I'm enjoying them more and more. That's a good thing to come from my darn foot.

Deb, I always clean before going away. Another thing I do that my family thinks is crazy.I Also, I think coming home to a clean home makes all that re-entry stuff (unpacking, laundry, ...) less onerous. Yesterday I got so caught up in doing things that I forgot to check in. Hope you're feeling okay.

Belinda, you must be getting excited. I also was tired today. Monday I actually took a short nap! Think that has happened less than 10 times in my adult life. 80 degrees sounds heavenly.

Today was a walk outside, still need a jacket but getting better. I didn't sleep as well last night but strangely had more energy:oops:

Since we are back kitchen reno has been on hold waiting for the floor. Our contractor called and said the floor came in when we were away. When he went to pick it up, they sold it. I'm guessing someone offered more money. I have been making lots of sheet pan dinners, and they are actually good:)

Belinda - Nice barre workout! Have you tried the meds for Sadie yet?

Cookie - Less stress knowing you are coming home to a clean house. It's nice you are enjoying the Essentrics workout. Do you feel your foot is healing?


Today was a walk outside, finally Spring here:) I also did Cathe ICE Metabolic total body at the gym.

We are going to dinner tonight.

Have a Great Weekend:)

I had a doctors appointment this morning, my hair is falling out :( My body is in stress, having covid, constantly having flair ups with RP, constantly taking steroids, the vaccine all played a roll in my hair loss. The 3rd vaccine really messed everything up. I just finished a short round of steroids, took my last pill today. I will start another 2 month, high dose tomorrow to stop the flair ups. I just can't get a break from RP. The last one affected my rips cage, noise and ear.The dermatologist wants me to try Rogain. It's suppose to help regrow hair. We shall see.

I did Iron TB this evening. I

Debbie - sorry about the kitchen. I hope it all gets done soon. Yes, we tried the meds on Sadie on Monday, it knocked her out all day long. I will take the meds in case I need it on the plane, but will hold off giving it to her. The poor thing couldn't lift her head or stand up without help :( I felt so bad for her. The meds worked rather quickly on her too. I love sheet pan cooking. Enjoy dinner tonight. How is your husband doing?

Cookie - I also like having a clean house when I came home. Traveling is stressful. Hope you doing better,

Good night.
'Evening! Working on a huge project and got so busy, ran out of time for a workout. Managed a bit of my own version of Essentrics.

Deb, that's terrible about your floor! Seems unethical. Hope it gets resolved quickly.

Belinda, sorry you are going through so much. Will it affect your trip?

Ended up taking a rest day today. I checked with DS and DIL on exercise equipments they have. They have the DB's select from Bowfex. I am all good for my workouts next week.

Debbie - I am sorry about your floor. I agree with Cookie. I hope it gets resolved quickly.

Cookie - thank you! I hope this round of meds will put RP into remission, I need a break. DH, Sadie and I will fly on Tuesday. I am looking forward seeing my son and DIL.

Good night.

Today was a rest day. I felt so tired so thought it best if I took it easy.

Belinda - I'm sorry you are going through so much with RP. Hopefully it will go in remission. I always wondered about the Bowflex weights, you will have to let us know. Hopefully Sadie won't need the meds. My DH is doing well. I have heard good things about Rogaine.

Cookie - Hopefully you are almost done with your big project. Enjoy the weekend:)


I did Iron Shoulder and SPF Power yoga.

Debbie - thank you! I hope I get a break with RP. I will let you know how I like the Bowflex weights. I really hope Sadie don't need the meds. Glad to hear your husband is doing well. I am using the Rogaine twice a day. I found it at Costco for a reusable price. I hope it will help.

Cookie - hope you had a great weekend.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, it was really nice. Also went to get some ice cream;) It's a nice drive & the stand makes homemade ice cream.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I tape a show called GMA3 on ABC TV in the afternoon. I started watching it during Covid. Dr. Jen Ashton is a women doctor who answers questions. On Friday's show she addressed hair loss for both men and women. The 3 things she recommends are Rogaine, prenatal vitamins & "Rest" hair from blow drying, heat products & shampoo.

Cookie - I hope you had nice weather this weekend.


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