Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Sorry, another busy weekend with visitors. A busy day but no time to work on the big project - hopefullly tomorrow and Wednesday mornings. Had to stay home while waiting for plumber who never showed. Just wished he let us know he wasn't coming.

Deb, bet that was good ice cream! Did you get another walk in today?

Belinda, hope you're going to rest some day! Hoping the Rograine works.

Today was a walk outside, cooler but still nice. I did Cathe High Reps at the gym. Today, I bought some flowers to plant at Costco. I still can't plant because it's too cold at night.

Belinda - I'm sure you are getting ready for your vacation:)

Cookie - The weekends go by so quickly. Sorry your plumber didn't show, ours is supposed to come tomorrow and finish hooking up our sink. No one showed last week to do work. Unfortunately, seems to be the norm. I saw snow in the forecast in the North, hopefully not by you.

'Evening! Another Essentrics day.

Deb, drizzly day here but none of that other stuff - at least yet! Did you get your sink hooked up? If so, bet you're relieved! The plumber is still MIA. TG it isn't an emergency. Do you have to pick out new flooring or will you be able to get the same selection as before?

Belinda, all packed? How are you feeling?

Today was a walk outside. Also went to pick out the back splash. The last thing we needed to pick out. Tomorrow our floors will be installed, fingers crossed.

Belinda - Safe travels:)

Cookie - Nice Essentrics:) Sink & cooktop is hooked up, so happy. Geez, I hope your plumber comes soon, maybe because he knows it's not an emergency, not rushing. It's funny you asked about the floors, we almost needed to pick another but this evening we heard it came in and they will install tomorrow.

'Evening! Long day and busy project. Had to take a rest day - no time to get in my workout.

Deb, so exciting! Flooring tomorrow!!! Do you have all your appliances? Was it hard to choose your backsplash? No walking here - much too cold for that!

Belinda, how are you doing? Is tomorrow your trip? Hope all is well.

Today was a walk outside. It was cool here, our heat is back on. It's nice to have a new floor and it has some cushion underneath.

Belinda - I hope your traveling went well.

Cookie - I hope your project is coming along. Everything is coming together, all appliances here but they need to hook up my refrigerator & dishwasher. Also need my food closet put together. Everything is still in other rooms but able to do cooking and use my sink. Slow but getting better. I'm down to 2 choices for the backsplash. I'm not doing a design, using subway tiles and either going with a tan or grey.

Hi ,

we flew to TX yesterday. Sadie did She was phenomenal . All the stewardesses love her. They ask me if they could hold her . I had Sadie on my lap the entire fights. The stewardess came by just to play and hold her. They all had dogs. We had no idea how Sadie would do on an airplane.

I was tired when we arrived in El Paso yesterday. I skipped my workout. which was an upper body. I did lower today. I will do the upper body tomorrow. Tomorrow is a rest day, I will catch up. We also took a nice long walk today. I have to get used to the dry heat.

Debbie - glad your kitchen is almost done. Great job on the walk.

Cookie - thank you for asking. I am ok. Meds haven’t kicked in yet. We are in El Paso since yesterday. I needed a break. Having fun with my son and daughter in law

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe butts & guts at the gym. It was still cool here needed a light winter jacket. We are going out for pizza tonight:)

Belinda - I'm so happy to hear Sadie did well. Also that the stewardesses enjoyed her company:) I could just imagine the difference in weather. It is nice to get a break and hopefully your meds will kick-in. Enjoy your time there.

Cookie - Time is flying almost May, hopefully your foot is healing.

Be back tomorrow:)
'Evening! Went to dr today - neurologist. Guess most of my problem is with the nerves and bone spurs. Can do weights work upper body only, since that doesn't bother my hip, leg and foot. Did a Jessica Smith upper body workout!

Deb, you're going to be so happy and relieved when everything is done, and it will be worth it! Needed a winter coat just to walk to my garage this morning!

Belinda, glad to hear you, Sadie and DH arrived safely. Sadie's fan club continues to expand.

Today was a walk outside. They had a problem fitting the refrigerator in the space. Hopefully it will be resolved next week.

Belinda - I hope you are enjoying your time away.

Cookie - You will have a buff upper body. It must feel good to get some clearance. It was cold here too but in the sun not too bad. Our heat is still coming on occasionally.

My Post didn’t posted yesterday!!

Good morning,

TB with Caroline is done. We been walking daily too.
It’s very hot here in El Paso.

Debbie - I am glad I didn’t needed the medicine for Sadie. She is adjusting great with all my son‘s dogs. They all getting along well.

Today was a walk outside. We celebrated my younger son's birthday, it was earlier in April, it was a nice time:)

Belinda - It sounds like you are having fun. It is nice to walk in different places, hopefully lots of shade;)

Cookie - I hope your project is coming along.


Today was a walk outside, it was a beautiful day! We enjoyed time outside.

Belinda - Nice arm workout! How do you like the weights?

Cookie - I hope you enjoyed the nice weather. Can you bring your computer work outside to do?

Good morning,

Week 5 leg day is done. We will go for a walk soon.

Debbie - I like the weights. They easy to switch out the weights. They were bulky. I prefer dumbbells. Glad you enjoyed the outdoors.
Cookie - how are you doing?


Today I walked outside & did Cathe Lite stacked UB. It was drizzling all day but did get a walk in when it wasn't.

Belinda - Nice leg workout! I was wondering if the weights would be bulky, but it's still working for you.

Cookie - I hope you had a nice weekend.

Hi everyone,

i am keeping up up with my workouts. Yesterday I did lower body, today was chest & back. I also took a walk.

My DD surprised me by today. I thought she was going on a business trip instead she came to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. I am still over the moon I can’t believe they all kept it secret for weeks and I had zero idea. I am so happy we all together in TX.

i didn’t bring my computer. I only have my phone or I use DH iPad..

Debbie - they are bulky. I am glad DS has them so I can work out. Space wise they are great. I will not buy any anytime soon. It’s very hot here in El Paso. 86 and Saturday is 96

Cookie - hope you doing well.

Have a great day everyone.
'Evening! Finally finished the project this afternoon! Almost feel gleeful - I'm so thankful it's done. Think I'll have a glass (or 2) of Prosecco to celebrate. Did my own version of Pyramid UB.

Deb, hows the kitchen? The weather was great here Sunday and today. Nice day to be outside. Didn't work outside today - just wanted to really focus and get that project done. How's the kitchen? With not doing cardio for a few months, I'm certainly not getting buff - quite the opposite. Was bummed out yesterday. Saw a special type of neurologist, who says my foot problems, besides the bone spurs and arthritis is all neurological damage. Said no more lower body weight work, can build back up to walking and to start swimming. Did about a short walk yesterday, less than a mile, and my foot is all swollen up, and feels like it's on fire again. Think he's right. I was always much worse after doing deadlifts, squats and lunges.

Belinda, what a lovely surprise! Glad you're all together for the big day tomorrow. Any special plans?

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Lite stacked LB at the gym. Getting in so many steps since refrigerator still in the hall, food and cookware. I haven't really moved anything back since they will try and figure out the refrigerator situation Thursday or Friday.

Belinda - Nice surprise for DD to visit on your birthday!! Even better that they pulled it off;) It sounds like you are able to get your workouts in and still have time for fun. Wow, it is really hot there.

Cookie - Congratulations for getting the project done:) The kitchen is coming along, I am so happy we did it, you were right:) I'm sure it's hard to hear, but as you build up your walking it really does work your legs. I hope your foot recovers quickly from you walk today.


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