Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Today I will start week 10 ,Arms & Abs Workout // Day 46 HR12WEEK 2.0. I probably will walk again today. It's suppose to be in the 70's.

Debbie - my family in Europa have the same if not more updated coverage with Ukraine. A lot isn't reported in the US. I watch European news daily. My sister in Germany and I talk daily. They are very worried.

Cookie - I agree, with Debbie. Wednesday is just around the corner. Please, relax and feel better.

'Evening! Did another Essentrics workout today. it's super windy here now.

Deb, did you get another walk in today? You sure get a lot of mileage. That ds is a news junkie, plus he's rather neurotic, so he's definitely following what's going on. It's hard to think of much else.

Belinda, hopefully they'll figure out the fluid soon. Thanks for the good wishes. I'm hoping to get a-ok for at least walking.

today I did NO REPEATS Full Body HIIT Workout // Day 47 HR12WEEK 2.0. Great workout. We also walked the dogs twice today.

Debbie - hope you had a great workout today. My family are all news junkies.

Cookie - great job on Essences. Good luck tomorrow with your appointment. I will see my Rheumatologist on Monday.

Good night.
'Evening! Another Essentrics day! At least I really do like them and feel better after. Have to leave at 7 am for dr's appt. Never thought I'd be looking forward to going.

Deb, did you get a lot of wind? Hope all is well.

Belinda, how are your knees after the workout and two walks? Hope you're doing well.

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. The wind/rain storm lasted about 15 min. but the power went out 1/2 hour later around 10pm and turned on about midnight. It wasn't too bad, we were just going to sleep. TG for these really good flashlights I have. A lot of our neighbors have bought generators. We always think should we get one LOL.

The last 2 days I walked outside, it was actually nice out.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I have found coverage for the war on some cable stations but it is limited. The network stations briefly cover it too. I wonder why.

Cookie - It's great you are doing essentrics! I'm sure you are looking forward to the Dr.'s appointment, good luck:). I can see how your ds can get caught up in following the news. I watch hoping to hear a sign of it ending.


i took a rest day today.

Debbie - I watch German news. It’s horrible and heartbreaking what is going on . Sorry about your power. We get a lot where we live. We probably should buy a generator too.

Cockie- hope your appointment went well today and your appointment doctor gave you the ok to get some light workouts in.

Good night

Today was a walk on the treadmill & zoom yoga. It was a messy slushy/snow day. I hope tomorrow is nicer. It's crazy how much it cost me to fill up my gas tank yesterday. The attendant said it can get worse:( I feel bad for people that are hit really hard by the high prices.

Belinda - You are right it is horrible and heartbreaking what is going on. Do you watch German news on your laptop? It amazes me you can see the German stations, more so when it is good.

Cookie - I'm wondering if your appointment was cancelled due to the weather. Hopefully it went well, if not more rest will help.

'Evening! Another Essentrics day. No walking for at least another month, and have to wait for m creatine level results, prob tomorrow. Looks like workouts with weights will have to wait at least til then. I have to admit I do love Essentrics, but feel confined not having a choice to do what I want. We are supposed to go to Barcelona and Scotland in May and plan on walking a lot there, so I'll do what they say (at least right now!).

Deb, it's frustrating to be without power. Glad you weren't for long. We and most of our neighbors have generators. I can listen to the news but watching it really disturbs me. It is just horrible.

Belinda, you're right - it is heartbreaking. The poor Ukrainians! I can't watch it. How are your knees doing? And Sadie?
'Evening! Another Essentrics Day! Now I have to wear this ugly, heavy boot on my foot. It cumbersome and gets in my way, so I'm not sure how long it and I will be going steady. We're supposed to have another snow storm starting tomorrow ending on Saturday. Yesterday we had some more. I'm ready for spring.

Deb, do you usually make it to the gym every day? You're so consistent with your workouts - very impressive.

Belinda, hope you're doing well. How's little Ms Sadie?

Today I did Heather R. D48 LB SS. We also went for a short walk with Sadie.

Debbie - gas prices are very high these day/s. I agree, I feel bad for those that hit very hard by the gas prices. Yes, I watch German news on my PC. It's getting very cold here too. I am so ready for warmer weather.

Cookie - oh no! So sorry you have to wear this ugly, heavy boots. How long do you have to wear it? Yikes, on the snow storm. I am also ready for spring.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, it was actually nice. Tomorrow will be a nice day too, before a Saturday snow storm:( The weather does seem like a roller coaster, up and down.

It is getting harder and harder to watch the news. One congressman said, we should just do things without talking about it. I agree.

Belinda - Nice workout! Does Sadie get excited for her walks? When we had our dog all we had to do was grab the leash and she was happy.

Cookie - Nice work with essentrics. It's better to rest so if you go to Europe, you have a better chance of healing. I go about 4 or 5 days a week to the gym. It's usually quiet when I go so I like that.

Good morning,

Day 49 Tabata Cardio and abs is done.

DD is staying through the weekend.

Debbie - Sadie gets very excited for her walks. We do bring her stroller in case she gets to tired. It's very hard watching the news these day's.

Cookie - feel better soon.

Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.
'Evening! Another Essentrics workout.

Deb, we're supposed to get the storm also. My dad's widow is coming into town tonight and leaving on Sunday,, but I don't think we'll have a get together due to the weather. You are very consistent with your workouts! My dh told me today that the dr said 6-8 weeks, not one month, for my foot. Honestly, I like the one month idea a lot better. We do plan on getting in a lot of walking in Europe, so I'll listen.

Belinda, my dh is in the other room watching the news again. I can't. It is just too much. How's Sadie's breathing?

Today was a walk outside, it was nice just walked with a jacket. I also went to the gym and did Cathe's gym legs. We are going to get a bite to eat before the storm tomorrow.

Belinda - Nice tabata workout:) It must be nice to have DD spend the weekend. Are you getting the storm also? Sadie must enjoy seeing her cousin.

Cookie - Nice essentrics workout:) I hope you get to see your Dad's widow, but if it's bad weather I guess not. Does she still live in Mexico? My Dad's wife is trying to go visit her relatives in Mexico this year. At least it will be warm in 6-8 weeks.

Have a great weekend:)

Today we did day 50 TB. DD did the workout with us, she really likes Heather workout. I also like her music.

Debbie - I always have fun with DD. Woke up to a snow storm. It feels like Dec :( Yesterday we sat outside. Sadie is getting better around her cousin.

Cookie - I know. The news is too much to watch. It's very said what is going on in Ukraine. My family, they all worry. I am worried for them. Talked to my sister today, she said the grocery stores are empty.I hope you get to see your dad's widow. How are you feeling?

Have a great weekend.

Today was a rest day. Not too much snow, but it snowed all day and was really cold.

Belinda - It did feel like December:( Nice workout! It's great that you workout with your DD:)

Cookie - I hope you didn't get too much snow.

Good evening,

I ended up taking a rest day today. DD left today.

Debbie- we got hit with a lot of snow. Tomorrow it's suppose to get get warmer. It's very cold outside. Trying to book a flight/or decided if I want to drive to visit my DS and DIL in TX in April?

Cookie - how are you feeling?

Good night.

Today was another rest day. We went to go visit my Mom for her birthday. It was a nice time but so cold with snow flurries.

Belinda - Hopefully this was the last snow storm of the year:) We are going back to FL the end of March/beginning of April. We will fly down but take the car back. I'm not sure which I prefer. You still need to wear a mask on the plane and airport if that makes you feel safer. People may think I'm crazy but I won't fly on the Boeing 737 Max because of all the problems they have had. We are flying earlier than I want but it isn't the Max plane so I feel better.

Cookie - Hope all is well.

Good morning,

Today was cardio D51, Week 11 is done.

Debbie - I hope this was the last snow I see this year. I plan on visiting my son the beginning of April. I am looking into flying too. It would safe us 3 day's plus 2 nights in a hotel. We will bring Sadie, we just have to coordinate it. DH wants to drive. I don't blame you on not wanting to fly in a Boing 737 if they have so many problems.

Cookie - how are you doing?

I have a doctor appointment. Gotta run.

My appointment with my Rheumatologist went well today. I will get a full 3rd covid shot, next week. Then in 3 month I get a 4th shot. Hopefully I have the same symptoms I did with the first and 2nd shot.

DH and I booked our flight to TX to visit my son and DIL in April. I am super excited to see my son's new house and spent some time with them. We will stay 3 weeks. We are flying first class all the way through no-one sitting next to us. We will bring Sadie, she has to be in a carrier in front of our seat. I am already looking for cute ones to buy for her. DH and I already planning a trip to FL after TX. My son had to come first, lol. We looked into driving and staying 2 nights in hotels too. Less stressful for all of us plus traveling by plane is less exposure to covid, IMO. Of course, we will wear our mask.

Good night.

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