Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys! Yesterday was a rest day. I was too tired to do anything, so I stayed on the couch watching Bravo tv until my son's baseball games started. The first game was at 4. A student of mine was on the opposing team. I was sitting behind home plate and he was the first batter for the team. He stepped up to the plate and when he saw me he got all excited. He hit a foul and I commented on how it was a strong hin\t. He smiled at me and then hit a powerful line drive. He got on first and points to me and says, that was for you. Then he turns to the first baseman, my son, and says, that was for my English teacher. My son sees he's pointing to me and asks who? The student says my name and my son says,\ that's my mom! It was so cute. At the end of the game, they shook hands and gave each other a fist bump. Too cute. It made my night.

Today I got up early to get in my first official long run in my training plan. 8 miles. 8 miles should not have been this hard today, but the humidity is at 100%, and even though I started at 6:45 this morning, I was drenched. I wanted to stop at mile 5 because my pace sucked and the humidity was killing me, but I saw a turtle. It reminded me of the story of the tortoise and the hare. . . slow and steady wins the race. I accepted the fact that my pace would suck the whole way, but better to push through it then quit. Besides training in the humidity will make the marathon in November that much easier. There will be no humidity the day of the race, that is for sure. I finished in 1:25:03. Just happy to get the miles in.

Not much else to report. We had a good 4th at my neighbor's house. Getting ready to eat breakfast and then my DS has two more baseball games today.

Belinda- that poor pup being afraid of the fireworks. I am lucky that Baxter isn't afraid. . . when he is in the house. When he needed to go to the bathroom before bed, they were still lighting them up. I went outside with him and he peed and then he ran as fast as he could, bad leg and all, to the back door to be let inside. He did not want to be outside at all.

Deb- the boys are loving summer so far. My younger DS is not a sports kid, but I signed up him for a summer drama club. He starts on Monday and is all very excited.



Today I did Simone De La Rue Full body workout. It was hard, a combo of dance cardio and conditioning exercises with light weights. The choreography was fast and high impact but I modified.

My SIL and I met my our friends at the beach. It wasn't crowded, rained for a short period and no traffic, it was a nice day:)

Belinda - We still have people doing fireworks. Also each night a different town does fireworks so it's never ending. The poor dogs around here:(

Kristin - That was a heartwarming story about your student, really sweet!! You would think your early morning run with be less humid:( It's nice that both of your boy's have different interests, drama club sounds like fun.

Hi girls,

Today I did X-train Hard Strikes. We went swimming in my in-laws pool, until a big horsefly kept biting us:eek:
For some reason they are attracted to the chlorine pool:confused:

Hope you had a nice weekend:)

Good morning,

Athletic Training is done.

DH and I changed our Hawaii trip to September.

Debbie - sorry I didn't check in yesterday. Went out with friends this weekend. We still have those crazy people shooting fireworks. Forth of July is over for crying out loud!! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend at the beach and pool this weekend. Sorry about the horsefly! I carry bug stray around with me at all time. Those bugs are crazy this year.

Kirstin - how are you enjoying your summer break so far?

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was a blast. BBL!
Hey guys. Just got back from my three mile tempo run. My average pace for the run was 8'39. Feeling good! It started to drizzle, but it felt good. I'd rather be wet and cool than hot. I plan on going to CF after breakfast.

Yesterday was a rest day for me. I got my period and just felt crappy overall physically and emotionally. I find that for the last year or so when I get my period I feel very down and depressed, more so than in the past. Some of my friends tell me it is because I am over 40 now. It sucks whatever the reason. Men have it so easy.

Deb- ouch! horseflies hurt too! I hate bugs. . . just a nuisance. Why can't they come out during winter when no one is outside and disappear in the summer?

Belinda- We still have fireworks every night over here as well. Hopefully, it is all over now, lol. It is Monday for crying out loud!



Today I did a treadmill workout. I had the day off and ran errands after the rain stopped.

Belinda - The fireworks finally stopped here too! I bet going to Hawaii in September will be better (less crowds and better weather). I wish I could go back, it is so beautiful:) I will start bringing bug spay with me, we ate outside the other night and have a few mosquito bites:mad:

Kristin - I'm sure a drizzle is nice to run in especially in the summer. Are you meeting different people at CF now that you go in the morning? I found once I was in my 40s, started getting pre-menopause symptoms. Now that I am in menopause don't like the days I feel down and depressed which happens more than I like:(

Hey guys. I did a 5 mile run with my friend today. We started at 6 a.m. to beat the heat. I feel like it is the afternoon, but it is only 9:00 as I write this, lol. I am going to see my mom today, then going to lounge by the pool.

Deb- Ugh, I don't want to ever deal with menopause, and yet I know it will be here sooner rather than later. I don't mean to ask a too personal of a question but, do you take anything for menopause? I wonder when it comes my way what the options are for me. If the depression is bad now with PMS, I don't think I can handle the depressing feelings with menopause. It is hard. I'm on day three and am starting to finally feel like my usual happy self.

Waving hello to Belinda.

Hi everyone,

I also did an oldie today Step Works. Very fun revisiting my old dvd's.

Debbie - the fireworks finally stopped here too. In my neighbors there is a yellow lab missing/running around since 4th of July. She is still on the loose. My husband saw the dog yesterday. He contacted the owner/or so we thought (it was the cousin of the owner) DH and I tried to find the dog, we saw her but she was in a flight mood :( We told the lady to call Animal Control they can catch the dog. I hope the dog will not get hit by a car. I would be out there looking for my dogs day and night.

Kirstin - I was in pre menopause in my 30's. It really affects everyone differently. I had no depressing feeling with menopause. Maybe you need to talk to your doctor when you have your next well woman check up. Great job on your run today.

Have a great day.

Today I did Cathe Live Lower Body Barre and Weights. I went out with my SILs and a family friend for a quick bite. It was good, I wasn't too bad;)

Belinda - Your step workout was an oldie but goodie, one of the 1st Cathe videos I did. I read the same thing about a dog in our area running away because of the fireworks. They did catch the dog, but so sad that the dogs get that nervous:(

Kristin - Great job with your run! I did try bio-identical hormones for a brief time right before menopause. I did feel better but not 100% so didn't justify the worry about being on them. I do take estrogen cream (only once a week or every other week) which is a safer alternative. My SIL takes estrogen pills daily. My other SIL takes a very low dose of anti-anxiety med that helps her. It seems like everyone is different. I plan to discuss it again with my Dr. just to make sure what is safe and not. I think everyone is different so it is best to discuss with your Dr. Hope that helps.

Good morning,

Butts and Guts is done.

Debbie - I still like Cathe's older workouts, so much fun. Your workout sounds amazing yesterday Glad you had fun with your SILs and friends. Glad they caught the dog in your area. I think the one in mine is still missing:(

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

Have a great workout and day, everyone.
Hey guys. Went to the morning Crossfit class. Now just straightening up the kitchen and then I am taking my younger DS to his acting camp. His first day was Monday and he really liked it, which is good. Tonight we are going out to dinner with friends.

Not much else to report. My legs are very, very, very sore from Monday's Crossfit workout and running. Tomorrow I am running 4 miles and possibly going to CF. Friday is my long run, then we are heading to Connecticut for my older DS's baseball tournament. Should be fun.

Deb- that does help, thanks. I am going to talk about it with my doctor the next time I have a wellness check.

Belinda- I would be a mess if Baxter ran away and would not stop looking for him either. So sad. I hope they find him soon.



Today I did a treadmill workout. I went to the dermatologist for a check-up and she asked me if I have gel nails (I don't). She said they are seeing problems because of the heating/setting lamps. I never thought of that, I guess you could put sunscreen on :confused:

Belinda - Another favorite of mine, Butts & Guts:) I hope they find your neighbor's dog. We have one of the biggest seeing eye dog training facilities in the US near me. A dog ran away from a home that was training him and the school is offering a $500 reward. I hope they find him too.

Kristin - I sure you will be extra sore this summer, you are able to get in a lot of workouts:) I'm happy your son likes drama camp. When my boy's were young they only offered sports camps (limited too). It's nice that they offer other options now.

Hey guys. Four-mile run done this morning. It was already very humid at 7:30 this morning. I am going to have breakfast and then heading out to Crossfit.

We are heading to Connecticut tomorrow for my son's tournament. It should be fun. We are taking the ferry over. My husband wanted to just stay in the car on the ferry for the ride over. I could never do that. I would feel too trapped being in a car on a boat, lol. God forbid something goes wrong. . . he thinks I am crazy. I will be on the top deck with plenty of space and a cup of coffee in my hand, lol.

Deb- I am glad my younger DS has something to do for the summer. He is the opposite of my other son in every way. He is not into sports at all. He does not understand all the rules in baseball and he has been surrounded by baseball his whole life, lol. He is more artistic and creative. He seems to really be enjoying it.

Waving hello to Belinda!


Good morning,

Cathe HiiT (Pyramid) is done. Needed a shorter workout today.

Debbie - trying to rotate all my old dvd's. Use what I have instead buying more. I read this morning, Animal Control put out a trap for the dog. They caught her :) So happy she is found. I have to pass the gel nails to Aleisa and my DIL.

Kirstin - good job with your 4 mile run today. I hear you on the ferry. I would feel trapped too. Have fun tomorrow.

Will try to be back later.

Today I did X-train bi's & tri's. I was caught in the rain and my shoes/feet were soaked! I need to carry a spare pair of shoes/sneaks in my car;)

Belinda - I'm guessing the Dr. would have suggested sunscreen to be put on before getting nails done. It's always fun to do older dvds:) Good news about the dog:D

Kristin - I didn't even know it was an option to stay in the car:eek: I too would feel trapped. Enjoy your trip to Connecticut.

9-mile long run done. I didn't want to get up early and I didn't want to run 9 miles, but I got up and headed out the door at 6 a.m. and got each mile on the training plan done. It is so humid out, even at 6 a.m. that my dri-fit shirt is soaked with sweat, lol. This time I took energy gels with me and took three of them at 5 miles. That got me through to the end. Now I just finished paying bills and we are going to have breakfast and head to Connecticut for DS's baseball tournament. My dad will be watching Baxter. I hate leaving my pup behind, but it is only for a weekend. We will be back on Sunday.

Deb- I just got my gel nails Wednesday and I meant to comment on your post. I don't get them often, but I've been consistent in the last two months. It is a scary thought that they might cause cancer? I never heard that before. DH thought I was crazy for not wanting to stay in the car. I think he is the one who is nutso. My boys heard us talking and agreed with me, lol.

Belinda- so glad they found the dog and brought her back to the owner!

I will check in probably on Sunday or Monday the latest!

Have a great weekend!

Hi everyone,

Busy day today, just getting around to post my workouts I did this morning. I did Strong & Swaty Ramed Up UB and did a 3 mile walk with my friend. I also did Clean Max. Now I am done and tired, lol.

Debbie and Kirstin - I am so happy they found the dog. Like I said, I would be searching for my dog 24/7. That dog was running around for almost 5 day's :(

Debbie - I love Cathe's older dvd's over her newer stuff. Nice job on XTrain Bi's & Triceps. It must have been raining hard. Aww...hate when this happens. I always have an extra pair of shoes in my car too.

Kirstin - have fun! Great job on your run today. Put sun screen on your nails girl. I never thought you get cancer on your nails :( I hate cancer! LOL, about your husband.You have some smart boy's :)

That's it for today. I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.

Today I took a yoga class. We are going to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - Cleanmax always get me so tired:) You are so organized having extra shoes in your car . . . it is my goal!!

Kristin - Enjoy your trip:) I think cancer scare is because of the heat lamps, bet if you put sunscreen on it would be no problem.

Have a great weekend:)
This morning I did BB Brazilian Butt + UB. Need to get beach ready, lol.

Debbie - cleaning over 4000 square feel makes me very tired. Need a smaller house, lol.. Well, I have a pair of comfy shoes in my car, when we go out I wear high heals. Sometimes my feet are killing me, I need to change into something more comfy. I wear a lot of dresses with cute shoes.

Kirstin - enjoy your trip.

I will be back tomorrow. We have a company dinner in DC tonight. Those are always fun.

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