Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

RWH Back, Shoulders and Biceps is done.

Debbie - glad to hear the red tide is gone for now. Is't it interesting how nature takes care of it self.

Hallo Kirstin.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Just finished Crossfit workout with DS. It was a combination of cardio and barbell weights. You did five rounds of 10 calories on a bike, 10 air squats, 150 meter run. Then go get a barbell and do as many rounds of cleans, front squats, presses. I used a 45# barbell. I did a total of 16 and was wiped out.

I am so tired right now, lol. DH took the boys to a baseball tryout and I have the house to myself, I might just take a nap, lol.

Deb- I am so obsessed with The Greatest Showman, lol. I love it. Zac Efron is my celebrity crush, haha. Even if you have never seen IT, you know there are scenes with just a floating red balloon. It was creepy, lol.

Belinda- The Greatest Showman is a musical with Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron. It is amazing. It is about the life of P.T. Barnum and how he created the circus. Love it!



Today went for a long walk on the beach. We also went to visit DHs Uncle, Aunt & cousin. It was a nice time.

Belinda - You would like Greatest Showman, it’s not at all how I would have thought the circus came about.

Kristin - I like all movies with Zac Efron which surprises me. So CrossFit is different each time, different instructors too?

Good morning,

I will do RWH HiiT #1.

My Ortho called me yesterday and ask me if I could come in. I actually had an appointment for today. My Invisalign lower #7 is still not tracking. When I saw her the last time she ask me to bring all my old and new tray's in case there was a problem. Luckily I remember to bring all my old tray's and my last 3 sets. Tray #7 won't track due too tray #5. I know it's all confusing! Now she wants me to go back to lower bottom tray #4 for 10 day's, tray # 5 a.s.o. She said, my lower botton teeth stopped tracking with tray #5. She still wants me to continue with tray #7 (I will change Friday to tray #8) and move on to #8 a.s.o. I hope I will not get too confused since I have 2 different tray's that needs to be changed at 2 different day's. My upper tray #7 I will change to tray #8 on Friday. Than change in 10 day's to #9. I have to change lower tray #4 in 9 day's to tray #5. Yesterday I was looking for a Invisalign tracker reminder to track at least the lower tray. I haven't found one that would track 2 different tray's numbers yet. I will contact Invisalign and see if they could help me with tracking my teeth. I have to go for another check up in 2 weeks. I guess my Ortho doesn't want to make sure my lower teeth are tracking correctly. My lower teeth are being stubborn. Which I read can happen.

Kirstin - I will check out that musical. Sounds like a good one if you like the soundtrack. Nicely done on CF yesterday.

Debbie - glad you enjoy your time with your family. Your walk on the beach sounds relaxing.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I just did a short run today, 3.5 miles. I wanted to go for at least 4, but I had to go to the bathroom :oops::mad:. Whaddaya gonna do, right? Anyway, my body is pretty sore these days. I feel like I am already starting to see a difference a bit in my body. . . between eating better and the crossfit mixed with running. . . I refuse to get on a scale yet. If I get on the scale and the number is undesirable it will more than likely derail me, lol. I do not like how thick my face is in recent pics. I know I have work to do. . .

Belinda- I didn't realize how complicated the Invisalign was. It seems like a lot. . . it will be worth it in the end though. I have heard that the lower teeth are more "stubborn" than the top.

Deb- my husband gets jealous when I watch a Zac Efron movie, lol. :rolleyes: My older son was 3 years old when I watched a movie with him in it with a cousin. I had said he was my boyfriend. Later on that day I heard DS tell my DH all serious, "Do you like Zac Efron?" DH answered, "I guess." DS said, "Well, Mommy says he is her boyfriend. . . how does that make you feel?" Too funny. I was in the other room and I cracked up laughing. I remember his little voice asking that question, lol.


My husbands brother is still in the hospital , he has throat cancer. Hi is in Ohio .We got a call today brother in law isn't doing well. They only giving him a few day's maybe a few weeks. Tomorrow my brother in law will move in to hospice. The roofer didn't come today to fix the roof/siding. First they said they needed a clean up at a house. Then we got another call in the afternoon saying their truck broke down. Hopefully they came tomorrow. When my kids come back from the wedding DH and I will drive to Ohio to see his brother. My DD is also going to the wedding or I would ask her to stay with all the dogs, she isn't flying out until Friday. The wedding is on Saturday, DD will fly in and out and will be back on Sunday.

Kirstin - Invisalign isn't usually that complicated. Usually you get the same # tray and wear them at the same time. My tooth wasn't tracking since #5. I didn't know, it wasn't tracking? Invisalign is new to me too. I only notice a huge gap between my tray and my tooth in tray #7. I didn't like how my teeth looked in my lower tray. It's all good. It's only will take me a little longer to finish with Invisalign. The same could happen to braces. Some teeth are stubborn. It's true the lower teeth are harder to move. It's all good. I just have to remember when to change my upper tray and when to change my lower tray, LOL. I found an Invisalign app that will help me to track my lower tray's from here on out. My upper tray right now I track through my iPhone calendar. I will try to find another app that would tray my upper tray instead of my iPhone. Sorry about the bathroom issue. You still got a good run in that what matters.

Today we walked the beach but it was so hot, It didn’t matter what time you walked the temps was in the 90s and no breeze:(. Looking forward to cooler temps when we get home this weekend:)

Belinda - Sorry to hear about your BIL:(. I hope you can get a calendar for your Invisalign. You have so much going on. Good job with RWH!

Kristin- That is a really cute story with Zac and your DS. I not crazy about how I am looking either:(. I plan to crack down when I get home, before it gets away from me.

Thanks you, Debbie! I have to search on the app store for another good tracker for Invisalign. Good job on that walk. How long are you staying in FL?
Good morning,

RWH legs is done. I had to modify all those jumps. I used my rebounder for most of the jumping. Next time I will do leg strength premix #1 only.

The roofers are here.

Happy Hump Day!
Crossfit workout done. It was t-o-u-g-h today. I am too tired to even describe it. I just wanted to wave hello. I will be back tomorrow with personals and fill you in the details.

I am going to bed!!!!


Today we walked on the beach. There could have been a tragedy on the elevator in our building tonight. A woman was bringing her dog in the elevator and the leash got caught in the door but TG they were able to get the dog off the leash. We just missed which I am glad because they said the owner was a mess.

Belinda- Not sure if you have an attic but when we just had our roof redone in the summer wish I would’ve known to cover everything up there because it was a mess.

Kristin - it must be tiring to do CrossFit during the week.

Good morning,

RWH Plyo 1 is done. I couldn't figure out how to do all those Plyo jumps on my JumpSport so I ended up modifying on the floor. My knees can't handle all that high impact. Cathe moved all over the place in this one, lol. I had to modify pretty much every move. On some of the moves I just marched in place, lol. Like the one arm burpees. I did like the music especially at the end when she did the stretching. I heard that song before but can't remember which workout? I hope Plyo 2 is a lot easy on my knees.

They didn't get the roof done yesterday, I think they will be done with the roof/ siding today. I can't believe how cold it is :( We have the heater on. It dropped into the 40's last night.

Debbie - thank you about the attic. As soon as I saw your post, I told DH to check. I would have been a mess too if my dog leach got caught in the door. How scary. I am glad the dog is ok.

Kirstin - CF is tough. Can't wait to hear what butt kicker you did last night.

I will try to check in later.

Today we walked the beach again. Tomorrow is our last day we leave Saturday. Looking forward to getting home and back to eating better & exercising.

Belinda- I can’t do plyo either, I must modify. I haven’t done RWH in awhile I so don’t remember the song. Hopefully your roof will get done.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

We have people working on the roof, siding and installation. They also will work on the gutters today. We had a lot of damage from the storm a few weeks ago.

It's so cold outside, we had frost on the ground. Not looking forward to the chilly weather.

I slept in this morning. The roofer showed up really early this morning. I couldn't get my workout in. Besides taking the dogs for walk, I doubt I will get a workout today. We shall see. The dogs are scared from all the loud noises.

Debbie - I want to walk on the beach. Enjoy!

I will try to be back later.

We walked our last day at the beach. It was still so hot DH was burned even using 50 spf, just so hard to keep lotion on when your sweating.

I started to clean and pack and will finish in the morning.

Belinda- I remember how much noise the roofers made. I could just imagine the dogs don’t understand. We also replaced gutters and they look and work better.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

RWH Chest, Shoulder & Triceps is done. Had a great workout.

Debbie - safe travels.

Kirstin - what are your plans this weekend?

Have a great weekend, everyone.
Hey guys. I took a rest day yesterday. Just walked the dog and then went Halloween costume shopping with my younger DS. I was too tired to do anything else. Today I got in a 6-mile run. Now I am heading out to DS's baseball tournament.

Wednesday's CF workout was tough. We had 15# plate, which was light, but the workout was hard. We had to do 25 calories on machine, the 100 ground to overheads. You start with the plate touching the floor in a squat position, then lift overhead. It kills your shoulders.

From there you do 21-15-9

21 box jumps, 21 burpees, 21 toe to ring (gymnast rings, I modified and held on to the ring and did knee ups)
then 15 each then 9 each. I thought I was going to die, lol.

Then you do 100 ground to overheads again. . . my shoulders were crying.
Then 25 calories to exit the workout.

I went back for more punishment Thursday, lol. Thursday's was tougher than Wednesday's workout, lol.

100 overhead squats with 35# BB. When I got too weak to hold the BB overhead, I did front squats. I could only do 6 overhead :oops:. Then 80 turkish sit ups with a 25# plate. You do a sit up but when you come up you hold the plate overhead. . . my shoulders were saying, "ARe you freakin' kidding me, girl?" Then 60 Russian twists, 40 burpees, 20 ring pulls. OMG. Every muscle in my body was sore on Friday. I am still a bit sore today.

You can understand how I was too tired to really check in, right. I am already starting to see a difference in my body. . . at least I think I am. It might just be in my mind because everything is so sore.

Belinda- I prefer plyo 2 with the step over plyo 1 in RWH. I really liked the music in RWH too. The choices for SandS not so much. I remember getting good results with RWH. It got cold up here too. I refuse to turn the heat on just yet.

Deb- when you get back up here you won't be hot anymore, I can assure you. It got cold! It went from summer to winter it feels like, lol.



We are back it felt like I cleaned all day, 1st the condo and home. It actually felt good to come off of the plane and feel cool air:) I'm sure I'll be complaining by tomorrow;) Heat on already.

Belinda - It's funny I've been seeing so many commercials for braces like Invisalign it must be a big thing. Good job with your workout!

Kristin - I'm sure you are starting to feel results, it is completely different than what your body is used to. Does you ds go with you each time?

Good morning,

I will do a stretch after I have my coffee.

Debbie - glad you home. I always hated cleaning our RV than our house. Is the condo yours? If you like me you scrubbed everything down, lol.

Kirstin - your workouts sound brutal. I would be tired too. Fantastic job. How long did you sign up for CF? How is your son doing with CF? I am not a fan of Plyo, my knees can't handle all that jumping anymore.


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