Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Oh my, I have done a horrible job of checking in lately. :eek:

On Sunday, I did Slow and Heavy chest and back. Monday was STS Plyo Legs. Today I did Slow and Heavy shoulders followed by Xtrain heavy bag tabata. This rotation has been disappointing for me, because the cardio is lacking. Even though the Slow and Heavy weight lifting segments are challenging, they don't make me breathe heavily or drip with sweat like STS does. Ugh, one more week to go....

Deb - The weekend was exciting for me because DS came home from university for his Thanksgiving break!! :):)

Belinda - Silly me, I went to the grocery store for some chicken salad, then walked right back out when I saw all of the pre-Thanksgiving chaos. Chicken salad can wait for another day!

Kristin - Great job with your running! :)
Hey guys,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I did got all my workouts in. Today I did Total Body Cardio HIIT = 40 min. That was a tough one :) i also did JS D8 Cardio interval Sculpt.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I will be back tomorrow for personals.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I took a rest day today, so much to do for Thanksgiving. I also forgot my wallet at home when I went to work so it ended up taking me over an hour to go back home and get it, ugh. At least the rest of the day was better:)

Belinda - That is a tough workout but a good way to prepare for the holiday. I lucked out Costco wasn't too busy this afternoon:)

Kristin - You must be happy the long weekend is here.

Karategirl - Enjoy the time with your son:)

Just a quick check-in to say that I did Kelly Coffey Meyer's Kickboxing DVD today. I will do Slow and Heavy biceps and triceps tomorrow, then take off for the next couple of days.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Hey guys. I just finished my run for today, 6 miles in 57 minutes. Not shabby, lol.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I will bb tomorrow with personals.


I didn't get a workout in today but was on my feet most of the day. I'm looking forward to my workout tomorrow;)

Enjoy the rest of Thanksgiving!

BBT with personals.

Hi everyone,

Sorry for not posting my workouts for the last few day's, I did all my workouts :) Today I did SBF D12 Total Body Barre 2 = 45 min and JS D10 Upper Body.

Debbie - I did had an amazing TG :) TG prep is a lot for one person. This year, Alesia shopped for everything but she also cooked the entire TG :) I am so thankful for her doing it and it was amazing.

Kirstin - wow, on that run yesterday. Hope you had a great TG. The Turkey breast was amazing. We also had left overs today.

Karategirl - hope you had a great day yesterday too.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Good morning,

I'll better check in now before I forget later. JS Yoga/Pilates + 5 mile walk + SBF stretch 5 is done. I already had 10 K at 9 a.m :eek:

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. Today I did a 4 mile run. I used this Nike app and did a guided run with a marathoner. So you do a steady easy pace for five minutes that seven minutes at a 5K pace, she says about a 7-8 out of 10 speed. Then two minutes steady easy pace, and then repeat 7 minutes 5K speed. You do this three times. It was a good workout and I liked listening to the guided run as I was going.

Not much else to report. I have a boatload of work to do but I think I am going to relax a bit and maybe start later. I also raked all the leaves in the front of the house with my two boys while DH put up the Christmas lights.

Belinda- glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Great job on your workouts! 10K at 9 a.m., awesome!

Deb- Were you off yesterday? I hope so. Although, according to the news Black Friday is not as crazy as it used to be. I don't know. There was a lot of traffic on the roads yesterday around here.

Waving hello to Karategirl.


Hey, ladies, I think I am going to step away from doing check-ins again. I feel like I am back on track! Thank you so much for graciously allowing me to pop in and out of here at will. :)

My plan is to continue with an extended STS rotation, with a pyramid back down to 8 weeks of Meso 2 and 8 weeks of Meso 1.

Best wishes with your workouts and happy holidays!

Yesterday I did M1 D10 chest, shoulders & bi's & today was M1D11 back & tri's. My Thanksgiving went well it was a lot of work but thankful for the long weekend:) Our sink is leaking but didn't realize till this morning the water pipe decayed & split. TG we have a double sink so able to use one side. DS is going to attempt to fix it, he's been doing construction so is learning a lot.

Belinda - Wow, lots of steps so early too:)

Kristin - It's amazing how many apps are out there that are so helpful:) What did we do before them LOL! I didn't have to work Black Friday.

Karategirl - Stop by when you can & happy to hear you are on track!

Hey guys. Just got back from my run.I did 6 miles. I did a 1 easy/1 hard tempo. Io broke under 9 minutes in miles 2 and 4. Mile 2 I did in 8'29 and mile 4 I did in 8'59. Mile 6 I missed by 15 seconds, lol, 9'14.

Feeling good. I have to lock myself in the office and finish all the planning and grading I need to catch up on. Hopefully I can crank it all out today and then I won't have to feel like I am drowning in it for the week.

Deb- Hopefully DS can fix the pipe for you. I always wanted a double sink in the kitchen. It is funny, I am not much of an app person, but I have downloaded three different apps for running in the last 3 days, lol.

Belinda- hope you are enjoying the weekend! Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? I have to wait until my next paycheck, lol.

Karategirl- stop by when you can. Happy holidays!


Hi everyone,

I did another SBF Stretch today, that's it.

Debbie - nice job on D10. Sorry to hear about the sink. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Kirstin - WOW, on that run. You sure enjoy running. Good for you. This year we decided to draw a name and only buy gifts for that family member. I have my son and my husband has his wife, lol. We decided instead of giving them material things/or stuff they really don't need, DH and I will pay for a weekend gateway/bed & breakfast...everything included. I still gonna get a gift for Aleisa.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.

Today I did M1 D12 Legs. This week I will do the Gym Style workouts continuing with a modified version of the bodybuilding rotation.

My son fixed the pipe which is nice I'm sure it would have cost me so much to call someone in.

Belinda - I love the gift you are giving your son & his wife:) I am liking the Bodybuilding rotation you told me about.

Kristin - Do you run with music too? I think this week I will go to the gym and run on the treadmill a couple of days, you are motivating me:)

Good morning,

Today I did a 3 mile walk, STS D13.

Debbie - glad you enjoy the rotation. I also like it a lot plus I am getting good use of my dvd's.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today I took a rest day a lot of DOMS in my legs. I did do some stretches so hopefully that will help.

Belinda - Great job with your workout! I like that the rotation uses a bunch of series.

Waves hi to Kristin

i everyone,

I did JS D13 Step Cardio Jam + SBF Fit for Fall Challenge D2 UB Circuit + Caribbean workouts: BC #1.

Debbie - great job with your workout as well. I really like the rotation uses a bunch of different series. At least they all getting some use.

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. I made yesterday my rest day. I barely slept Sunday night and I was too exhausted to do anything when I got home. I slept much better last night. Today I ran after school and clocked in 6 miles again. I am going to try for 8 this weekend. We shall see how that goes.

I feel as though this week is dragging, lol.

Belinda- I also love the gift idea for your son and DIL. Great idea! Can you be my mother-in-law? LOL.

Deb- I do run with music. I was reading an article online that says when training for a marathon you should not run with music to get used to it on race day in case they do not allow headphones. I don't know about that. Music inspires me and pushes me to keep going. Right now my playlist consists of Lady Gaga and Pink, lol.


Kirstin - high fives on your 6 miler today! I would love to have you as my daughter-in-law ! I always ran with music too. Not LG or Pink, lol.
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