Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2023


Lots of walking in the airport, but no delays which was great. It was a fun trip but now I am tired. A couple of nights we went to bed early and it is only an hour later time difference.

Belinda - Great job with Day 42 Bodyweight Hiit and abs. It must be cooler to walk at night. Safe travels home tomorrow.

Cookie - Nice getting your walk in on a beautiful day. It was nice to come home to cooler temperatures.

'Evening! Long walk this morning and sts2 back at lunch time.

Deb, glad you had no delays. Hope you're able to rest now that you're home. Was today another beautiful day for you? It was great here.

Belinda, walking in the evening when it is cooler is smart. Sometimes we go out then or first thing in the morning.

No workout today except a few walks to stretch my legs from driving. We just got home.

Debbie - I hope you get some rest that you are home. Glad you had fun with your family.

Cookie - it was way to hot in NC to walk in the mornings. It got hot very quickly. Great job on STS back.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It wasn't too bad but should have walked earlier, it warmed up quickly.

I can't believe it's July 4th tomorrow.

Belinda - I hope your travel home was good. There was so much local traffic in my area. I'm guessing businesses were let out early.

Cookie - Nice job with your walk & STS 2 back. Do they do fireworks on the lake?

Happy 4th of July!

We are home since late last night. It was too late to get a workout in, I was so tired. We did stopped a rest areas to walk around.

I did yesterdays workout. 45 Minute Butt & Shoulders Workout | STF - Day 43. very good workout. I also did a belly dance workout . Time to rest.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside and zoom yoga. I wanted to take Sadie for a walk, it warned up quickly. I do need to get up earlier to walk her.

Cookie - have fun today.

Stay safe! I will try to catch up later.

Happy 4th of July


Today I walked outside (too hot!), tomorrow will walk at the gym. I also did Ramped up upper body. It was a quiet 4th of July both boys were working.

Not too many fireworks around here this year. It did start to rain around 10pm so maybe that is why. I always feel bad for dogs. The kids said Penne gets very scared when she hears fireworks.

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you yesterday. Traveling makes me so tired too. It's nice that you can eat and have amenities in the RV when traveling.

Cookie - I hope you enjoyed the holiday.


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