Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk on the street too cold on the beach. I wore my wool hat and quilted jacket it’s been 20 degrees cooler than normal. We went shopping for some pictures for the condo. We found 2 at Homegoods. Will slowly replace existing ones they have faded.

Belinda - Nice Fit Split LIC/Metabolic Conditioning! Great idea to make list of 5 things you would want. I stress to much with gift giving, just don’t want to buy things which people wouldn’t enjoy. It must be so much fun shopping for things for the RV:). I feel the same way don’t like lugging things around when traveling.

Waves hi to Cookie

Evening, I did Mobility 2 today. I couldn’t sleep last night. I am dragging all day today.

Debbie- that is cold. Glad you found some pictures. I need to look for some too.

I have a bone density test appointment tomorrow. I will check in later.

Good night
Yesterday got in a walk but today had an unplanned rest day. Took a drive w/dh during my usual workout time.

Deb, 20 degrees colder? That's not pleasant. Are you going for a coastal theme? I was supposed to have the medicare initial exam last year but kept putting it off. It's not bad at all, and I knew what to expect from taking my mother and Tio to theirs numerous times.

Belinda, your 5 things is a great idea. MY dd and her fiance do an Amazon wish list that they share. It does make it easier to konw what to get them. Nice job on the workout!

I had a bone density test today. I got up early and did Fit Split Shred Cardio | Push Day. I wanted to make sure it will get done. Glad I did. We didn’t get home until now.

Debbie - are you feeling any better? How is your son doing?

Cookie - we like the 5 things gift idea. At least we know what everyone really wants and actually will use. We did a lot of Amazon shopping too. You took a walk in this weather? Great job!

Tomorrow I have another Pap smear.

Good night.
"Evening! Did a JS total body wo and a lot of small walks w/our new little guy.

Deb, hope the weather is warmer today.

Belinda, my sister who bought the big rv had to buy a larger truck just to tow it!

Today was a walk on the beach. We spent an hour on the beach in the afternoon when it warmed up. The bad thing about the weather being cooler, we find ourselves eating more.

Belinda - I need to schedule my bone density test too, Nice work with Fit Split Cardio/Push day. It was a long day for you. My son is doing better.

Cookie - Nice JS total body workout & walk. Does the new guy get along with the other dogs? We are doing a coastal theme.

'Evening! Walk on this damp day. It's amazing to notice my hair before I go out and then when I get back . It's like it inflates! Busy weekend - hockey tonight, dh and her fiance are coming in. then tomorrow ds, dil and many others for their baby shower. Sunday is his 35th birthday. Lots of people and food!

Deb, a coastal theme sure will fit. I love how calming that theme is. Yes, thankfully, the dogs do get along. He came from a house with two other dogs, so I thought he might be okay. He's the only male but the other going to be bossed around by him. They're all pretty low key, which is awesome. Tomorrow will be a test with so many people here.

Belinda, hope the bone density test goes well. Also hope you're sleeping better.

Today was a walk and day on the beach. It was a nice day.

Belinda - Hope all is well. Do you get updates if the RV is coming along?

Cookie - I know what you mean about your hair. Funny story there is an older man we talk to at the condo. Almost every time we visit he remarks how much he loves my hair. The funny thing is it grows here because of the humidity. So DH and I laugh because we think it looks like crazy hair:). Is this your 1st grandchild?

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. it was my 40th Anniversary.

Yesterday I did Fit Split Mixed Impact Cardio | Pull Day. Today is a rest day. I probably will do a barre workout.

Debbie - I wished I would take a walk on the beach. It’s so cold, rainy here. Yes, they keep us updated on the RV almost daily. The RV is suppose to be ready for us to pick up on middle of Jan.

Cookie - my hair gets like that too. Enjoy all your parties this weekend. Happy birthday to your DS.

Off to get some coffee.

Today was a walk on the beach. The restaurants and area isn’t crowded. I’m sure this isn’t a big vacation time with the holidays coming up.

Belinda - Congratulations to you & DH, 40 years is an accomplishment!!! Nice work withFit Split Mixed Impact Cardio. It’s going to be cool in FL and NJ when we go home on Tuesday. It’s great they keep you updated on the RV.

Cookie - Enjoy your parties this weekend!


Today I did my last workout in the November rotation. I did To The Max. I did the high impact (modified on the rebounder). I will start Cathe’s December rotation. Having lots of fun with her workouts.

Debbie - thank you for your kind words! Great job with your walk on the beach.

Cookie - hope you have lots of fun this weekend.

Have a great Sunday.
'Evening! The shower and birthday celebrations went well, and I'm relieved they are over. Yes, this will be my first grandchild, and I'm getting more and more excited. Got in a walk and a total body wo.

Deb, lol at that guy. No one ever compliments my hair except when I have it done!!! Are you enjoying the less crowded places or does it seem strange?

Belinda, congratulations!!! That's quite an accomplishment! You are always good with following the rotations.
Good morning,

I started Cathie’s December 2023 rotations. I did Afterburn this morning.

Debbie - safe travels.

Cookie - glad the shower and birthday went well. Having the first grandchild is special. How exciting. Great job on the walk and TB workout.

Have a great day and workout. BBl
'Evening! Essentrics today! Not sure why, guess it was probably this weekend, but I'm exhausted! Going to relax a bit but then I'm hoping for an excellent night's sleep.

Deb, safe travels tomorrow! Hope you were able to enjoy the last few days there.

Belinda, I remember loving that workout, but haven't done it in quite a while. Yes, dh and I are getting quite excited. My daughter cannot wait to be an aunt.

Today was a walk & day at the beach, The last 2 days were nice weather. Laundry & cleaning up tonight & tomorrow before our flight.

Belinda - Nice work finishing Cathe’s November & starting December’s rotation. The mix of workouts sounds fun. Looking forward to getting weight workouts in.

Cookie - I’m sure you are exhausted. I’m happy everything went well & you had a good time. It’s been nice being quiet. Enjoyed seeing the Christmas decorations going up.


I did ICE To The Mat Legs & Glutes today. I forgot how good this one was. It’s a burner. I am thinking changing weeks around in the Dec rotations? I don’t want to bring a dvd player with me when visiting my son on the 18th.

Debbie - safe travels today. I enjoy Cathy’s rotations lately, plus I don’t have to decide with workout I want to do each day.

Cookie - I would be excused too with all that entertainments, lol. I hope you got a good night sleep. I am having fun going through some of Cathie’s workouts I haven’t done in awhile. I forgot how much I love the ICE workouts. When is the baby gonna come? I am excited for you guys.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! This new dog is really great. He's a great walker! Took him on a 3 mile walk today, and he was really good. Also got in a JS workout, dinner with one of my sisters and Tio, and work.

Deb, hope your travel was smooth. How lovely that your last few days had great weather.

Belinda, it is fun to go back and do workouts that I haven't done in a while. The structure of a rotation helps me to be consistent. The baby is due mid January.

Today was a walk & cleanmax before we left FL. I watched ELF on the plane. I saw it one other time and forgot how much it made me laugh.

Belinda - ICE is a great series. Whenever I pick up an older Cathe, I always think why don't I do this one more often;) How long will you go to TX for Christmas?

Cookie - It's great to have a dog that works out & is fun! How exciting the baby will be here soon. Is it the DS & DIL that is moving near me?


I had a lot of errands to run today. I only did a quick barre workout with SBF.

Debbie - glad you enjoy Elf. We also enjoy it each year around Xmas.

Cookie - how exciting the baby will be here soon. What kinda dog did you get? That is fantastic he walked for 3 miles.

Good night.
'Evening! Got in a JS wo and a 3 mile dog walk! Snow all day today here, but now it is all sleet.

Deb, I really like the joy that character has in Elf. My fav Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation and then Home Alone.Yes, it is DH and DIL who are building near you.

Belinda, one of my cousins needed to rehome a little terrier. He's a great walker and dog! We're crazy about him. How long are you in TX?

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