Commit to get FIT & Lean for April 2014!

Good evening,

Went for an hour long walk with the dogs and I also did P90X3 Agility before lunch. So what do you think about Cathe's new streaming:eek: Who is signing up? I am tempted for her live classes. But I am still doing her rotation which will end in August:eek: The price is really good! Now I wished I wouldn't own all her dvd's, although I like having my dvd's:confused:

Kirstin - laser tag sounds like a lot of fun. Glad you and your kids had fun. I have 2 sets of XTrain, bought one for Aleisa…she never uses them. They just collection dust:confused:

Good night, ladies.

Hi Everyone,

I did speed cleaning today and wish my house would stay this way for a day:) We had a nice day but a few stressful moments but I made it through it. Work tomorrow:( need to get ready for Mother's Day, can't believe it's around the corner.

The bridal shower was really fun.

Belinda - It nice to hear you are planting a good sign that this winter is behind us;) I briefly saw the thread on streaming need to check it out. I don't really know much about Amazon but since everything is new that is a good thing.

Kristin - So did you have any hard hiding spots for the kids? DH loved thinking of really hard spots to hide the eggs. The bridal shower was in New Hyde Park so closer to Queens.

Amelia - I was so surprised our food store was open today, but I guess people always need last minute things. I hope you were able to get out early.

Cookie - I hope you had a good time with your Mom & dd, italian food sounds good;) So what dish did you have? Will you walk when you are away?

Lori - A fitness competition sounds perfect for you & I am sure you will ace it. It will be motivating to see how it goes for you. Happy to hear you and your family are doing well.

Vickie - Enjoy your vacation!! Your workouts will be there when you get back.

Waves hi to Melissa & Kelly

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.
Quick check in on way out the door. Did lots of 100s this morning and already feeling it!
Good morning,

Today am starting week 4 with the Gym Style rotation and week 3 with P90X3.
I will do GS CT and P90X3 Accelerator.

Cookie - good for you getting your workout in early. Have fun at work.

Debbie - I hear you on the cleaning. You spent so much time doing, before you know it…you will do the same thing over again:confused: Let's see if anything grows in my garden:p Fingers crossed. It was beautiful outside yesterday, sat on my deck for the first time.

Hallo to everyone that checks in after me. I will be back after my workouts.
Getting ready to leave to go home and am sooo tired!
Belinda, not sure about the streaming since I own all of hers. I do like the idea of it tho b/c I wouldn't have to actually have the dvds. It would be great if it was on a system that once you purchased it, you access it thru a platform. Then there is no monthly cost either. Seems the way everything is going, but it could end up being a lot more expensive for us home exercisers.
Amelia, how was your day yesterday? The burgers on the grill sounded like such a great, relaxing idea.
Vicky, did you leave on your vacation? Hope you have a great time.
Kristen, sat thru a training on scoring the math assessments. Boy was there a lot of "discussion" over how some things were done. A lot of retirees were there, and they were very thankful to be retired.
Kelly, how are you doing?
Deb, I had chicken picatta - yummy. My mom had eggplant parm, dh veal parm, and I can't remember what the others had. Who was the shower for? You are so good - I don't care to go to them.
I'm yawning like crazy. Can't wait to get home.
Good evening,

P90X3 Accelerator is done. I also walked my dogs.

Cookie - I think, it's a great idea for someone new to Cathe's workout and want to try before they buy. Let's be real, if you subscribe for a year you pay $240:roll eyes: That's a lot of money for some people. Plus, you don't own any of the workouts. It's a monthly gym membership. Like you, I own all of Cathe's workouts plus I have the downloads, paying $20 a month isn't worth it to me. I don't like the purple player either, I have 2 free workouts on there…I always forget I have it:eek: I will hang on as long as I can with my dvd's:p Who knows, what and where I will be in 10 years:eek: I do want to live near a military base, they got nice gyms and I don't have to pay to use it. I think, I try Cathe's live tv in a few month? Right now, I am busy with my rotation until August…I think:eek:

Good night, ladies. BB in the morning.

I took a yoga class today and it was hard getting back into it. It was such a beautiful day today:) It's so quiet here today. We are watching my in-laws dog and 1st morning already threw up:rolleyes: all their dogs have stomach issues.

Belinda - I would be interested in the live classes because I too own all of the dvds. I'm sure your flowers will be beautiful.

Cookie - My DH loves veal parm or chicken parm, I don't like veal but eggplant & chicken dishes sound good:) The shower was for DH's cousins daughter. The good thing was how quick she opened the gifts. I said Christmas at their house must be over in 5 minutes:)

Waves hi to everyone


Today is work then I plan on getting in some weight work and a cardio. I didn't eat very well the last two days so I need to do some damage control and get back on track.

Yesterday I did get in a 40 minute hike, it was so pretty outside. Perfect temp for hiking.

Even though I think the streaming video page is a great idea, im gonna pass. It would be cool to see Cathe's live classes though.

Debbie-Great job with your yoga class, glad the bridal shower was fun. We're going to a wedding in June, I love weddings:) Its my husbands niece.

Belinda- Awesome job on your workouts. I agree with you on the streaming videos.

Cookie-Hope you got a good nights rest. LOL at reading the paper just for the comics.Great job on the 100s yesterday!

Kristin-^5's on beating some of the men in laser tag, and great job on your workouts and walk/runs with baxter. And I hear ya on the old values the south used to have on closing on Sundays ( or part of the day). My grocery store used to pay its employee more on Sunday's but they quit that about two years ago. I think there is only one grocery store that is closed on Sunday...Publix.

Hello to everybody I missed. :)
Good morning ladies,

Today I will do B&G premix: "Leg Blast" plus P90X3 The Warrior.

Debbie - oh no….on the dogs! Hope the dogs feel better soon. I probably ate something wrong? I give mine a little yogurt if their stomach is upset. Good job on the yoga yesterday. I agree, on the streaming. I also think it's gonna be very expensive in the long run:roll eyes: Now it's $20….but the price will go up soon ? confused: I ask SNM how many live classes they will air in a week, the answer was one. I will wait a view month/year before I check it out. Maybe more people have some reviews on everything:D Plus, I have to go through my dvd's first:p

Amelia - have fun with your workout this morning. I just placed another order with Mary (she has her Easter sale). I got 10 dvd's for only $20:p I will not pay for streaming, way to expensive. IMO! I like to own my workout DVD's:D

Off to get some stuff done around there. BBL!
Hi girls,

B & G premix " Leg Blast" is done. Forgot all those leg presses:confused: I hate leg presses. I just don't know what to do instead? I have a leg curl/extension, maybe I will do that instead?

I will be back tonight. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Belinda, I'm with you and will wait re the streaming. The live classes do interest me tho, but the $$ concern me. You crack me up w/your dvds! You must have some collection.
Amelia, congrats on the hike. Glad you are having such lovely weather. A wedding will be fun to go to. Now, we're at the stage of life that our friends' kids are getting married. Sometimes you have to just enjoy the Easter candy!
Kristen, hope you're doing well. How's the pd coming along?
Deb, lol at your comment re Christmas at her house! Yuck on the dog. Wonder why they have stomach issues.
Didn't sleep well yesterday and then had a 6:45 dr's appt. Got antibiotic for sinus infection. I've been trying to fight it but am not winning the battle, so went for some ammo. Did squeeze in 2 ctx wt only workouts. Haven't done them in a while.
Hi everyone! I cannot believe it is April 22 already! I had to take a rest day yesterday. Between the PD I did, and then I had to rush to DS's baseball game, and then he was catcher and got hit with a bat on his arm, had to go to the hospital for an x-ray (luckily it is just a bad bruise, no broken bones), the workout was not in the cards. Worse yet. . . we had to get fast food for dinner and I just felt gross.

The PD went really well. One of the teachers sent me an email and CC'd my principal and assistant principal telling me how wonderful it was and how my enthusiasm is "infectious." So my principal was praising me up and down today, lol. Tomorrow I have my longer teacher class, the PLC, so I won't be working out tomorrow. If I get up early enough, I might take Baxter for a walk in the early morning.

Cookie- I am loving all the positive feedback I am getting for the class I am teaching, and now the PD I am doing. I always have this voice in my head saying "Who are you to be doing this?" So getting all the great feedback makes me feel as if I am doing a good job and that I should keep pushing to be more of a leader. A lot of teachers who have one or two years to go are constantly saying how happy they are to be getting out with all this APPR nonsense and test scores. I don't mind the APPR part. I just don't think it is fair to have test scores be part of my eval. I have no control over whether or not a student takes the test seriously, or takes the test at all for that matter. It is not a reflection of my teaching. Anyway. . .

Belinda- I had to laugh at you doing B & G and hating leg presses. I don't like them much either. The last time I did ME, I forgot that there were 3 rounds lof the leg press, lol. I was pissed because I wasn't expecting them to be in there 3 times, haha.

Amelia- you want to talk about not eating "well" the last two days. I think I ate ALL the jelly beans, and the Cadbury vanilla candy coated white chocolate eggs, all me as well. I bought way too much candy!

Deb- hope the dog is doing better today. So gross.

Okay, I probably won't be able to check in tomorrow. BB Thursday!


I did 10 min. butt lift solution (2 sessions) for a DVD I paid $3.99 from CV it is really good. The dog is much better DH has been practically hand feeding her so she doesn't eat her food in 2 seconds LOL. My in-laws also feed her lots of fatty table food so maybe now her stomach will get better.

Belinda - The yogurt idea sounds great too! You were right about the 10 min. dvd:)

Kristin - TG your ds is ok, you always worry about sport injuries. Kudos on the great response to your teaching:)

Amelia - This is the perfect time of year to take a hike, great job.

Cookie - I'm sure the pollen doesn't help your sinuses this time of year either. I haven't been sleeping great mostly because of weird/bad dreams:confused:

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

Today I will do Gym Style Back, Bic & Shoulder and P90X3 Yoga.

Cookie - I don't think a lot of people do the math on the streaming:eek: In the long run, they paying 3 times at much as they would with DVD's:eek: Yes, my dvd collection is large:p Yesterday I had to calculate how much I already spend on workout dvd's this year :eek: I bought a few dvd's I been eying from Mary's Easter sale, found a few good deals. I thought her prices were a little higher than last year's?

Debbie - anytime my dogs get an upset stomach I give them a little yogurt, seem to help. I am glad you like 10 Min Butt workout. They are great! Need to pull mine out soon.

Kirstin - I am glad your son is ok! Congrats on the response of your teaching.That premix must had like 6 sets of leg presses:roll eyes: I was like, really?:roll eyes: Never liked them! Glad I am not the only one that doesn't like leg presses:p

Happy Hump Day, everyone. BBL!
hey girls,

just finished 30min TG and we are about to go on another hike. Its really pretty out :)

But before I do, just wanted to share that the Store Manager at my job asked if I was willing to work in the bakery a couple of days a week ( they seem to be falling apart over there :eek:) Then he asked if I wanted to be the Bakery Manager after the current one leaves in June. :confused::eek: he said that he doesn't have much faith in the one that is training right now and he knows I could do it. He's going to give the trainee a fair shot though so its not definite.
I told him money talks ;) he laughed then said he was talk to me about it when the time comes.

Im really not sure how to feel about this? Do I even want all of that responsibility? IDK - but then again, I would have a set schedule and be making almost twice as much as I make now. mmmm:confused::eek:

Tonight I did shoulders, bi's & tri's with free weights. Not much going on just can't wait until Friday;)

Belinda - I've also been eating greek yogurt lately and it is so good mixed with fruit & nuts.

Amelia - The good thing is you have time to think about the bakery manager position. I forget did the manager you didn't like leave?

It's so quiet tonight, everyone must be enjoying the beautiful weather!!


Today will be a rest day since I'm working a double shift at work. At least im off tomorrow.

Debbie-Great job with your weight workout. The bakery manager that I don't like is leaving in June so there training someone for her position but the store manager doesn't have much faith in this person.:)

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