colon cleanse?


Hello ssounds gross but this is about healthy living, so I have to ask are collon cleansing good? Do they really work? Should there be a liver cleanse to or is there really such a thing? I'm not sure u can ACTUALLY clean ur liver. So also if j tried it what was The results. I have to explain ...this is embarrassing but I do have lots of gas... NO matter what I eat. I do eeat healthy llots of fruits vegetables. Before eating this way I still had gas and can't go to the bathroom everyday. I maybe can go every other day if I'm lucky. Sometimes itt can be three days. I've been to doc before they say eat rufage but u will get more gas... well I do have gas but before even rufage. I mean it doesn't matter what I eat it is gas and constipation. So please just tell me if colon cleanse works for u and if there any merit to them. Oh and yes I tried beano and things like that .. I just makes the gas come out faster it doesn't stop it.
Hope this thread isn't to offensive. Or TMI! Lol
Do you drink enough water?

Not taking in enough fluids is a major cause of constipation and gas. Different products can give you gas. If I eat sunsweet clementines I get gas, if I stick to regular mandarins I am fine.

The experts are split about colon cleaning products as these products disrupt the normal colon bacteria and can interfere with the proper digestion of food.

I would increase the water intake for a week and see if that helps any before considering medications.

Next time you go to the doctor you might want to mention your symptoms to rule out any serious health problems.
Thanks.. as I posted I have been to the doctor..and I drink lots of water. I was juat wondering what was anyone results on it. Or whaat they thoght about colon cleansing.thanks for the article ill read it right away.
Hi Renee,

I am sorry - your post made me laugh. I guess for me, the topic of gas always gives me a giggle.

These are my suggestions to eliminate the intestinal trumpets - skip the cleanse. It sounds to me like some foods bother you. I would suggest you experiment by eliminating wheat all together. You can easily replace wheat with sprouted wheat bread (ezekiel bread in freezer at grocery or whole foods is a great replacement and shouldn't bother your stomach. it looks and tastes like regular whole grain bread but is expensive). This means no morning cereal with wheat at all!!!!! switch to oats, rice, millet etc.

Next, consider switching to rice crackers, rice pasta etc.

Also, get rid of cow milk products (if you use) all together too e.g. milk, cream, cheese, yogurt and switch to goat cheese (they have great replacements now) or whatever you fancy. Cow's milk is a real binder and create issues with constipation - among other things.

And, try eating fruit on an empty stomach (not bananas) first thing in the morning to help with your own "cleanse".

Or, juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or try a green smoothie at some point in the day (first thing is great for your system).

Also, if you are taking a calcium supplement make sure you are also taking magnesium. And - see if any other supplements are causing this trouble too e.g. for some vitamin c can serve as a binder

just some thoughts. i hope you figure this out. but yeah - i am not for cleanses either.
Don't be embarrassed: everybody poops

I agree with the other posters: skip the cleanse. Those can cause terrible problems with bloating and could clean out your good gut flora/fauna (aka probiotics).

Have you tried an elimination diet to find out what bothers you? I don't eat rice or cheese because it makes me constipated. I also have trouble with lentils (maybe its the protein content.)

For me it turned out to be molds and foods that grow mold like peanuts, wheat (I can do ok with home cooked, but commercial products are often stale and mold spores can be very tiny.) I don't do well with too much cruciferous (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.) I don't do well with flax, ginger, or hot peppers because they irritate the lining of my GI tract. It really just depends on what irritates your body.

Have you tried a good probiotic? I did much better after I started taking them. I have also had a lot of success with adding yoga to my routine. I also take fish oil which helps with GI motility (in other words it helps you poop.) Do you get enough magnesium? I just take the Twinlabs brand magnesium to help if I'm constipated. It helps you absorb calcium and it helps you poop by adding water to the bowel.

Tell us about your diet, maybe we can help.
Like lately I have been trying to eat good before this it was reg food. So I figured I needed to eat healthy so for over a yr now I've been increasingly eating more healthy but I still poot every where I go. Bloaty pooty.
So I decided to stick with basics for over a month I've been eating salad... cucumbers. Tomato carrots greens spinach of all kinds I eat litn fit greek yogurt everyday.. I also if I eat bread I will eat the whole wheat thins that are 100 calories ...I do eat natural peanut butter (need to give that up keeping me frrom losing weight to) so if I eat meat iit is grilled chicken and rarely salmon cause I hate fish. But to no avail I still have gas. Like crazy. One night I counted just to see... this was a really bad night in hour I past wind everry five minutes no exaggerating! And the last 10 minutes of that hour was like three in five minutes! Even my hubby says in the morning he brings me coffee and peu! He can't stand it.... its bad. I went to gastrointestinaologist he didn't act concerned. It really hurts at times ..
But yeah I laugh to cause nothing else uu can do but laugh. It is commical! Lol. But everyone in my family will not smell if I say " hey yall smell this" lol cause they think I past wind lol. I'm talking about an air freshner lol. Sorry hope I'm not grossing u out. Plus I hope to make you smile some.
I take this probiotic - Probiotic Advantage Extra Strength (30-day supply) in Shop Vitamins & Supplements Shop Vitamins & Supplements at

I eat very little bread, pasta, rice, etc. What also might help are colonics. I suffered for years with my stomach hurting after eating, bloating, gas, etc. After a few colonics, my problems went way plus taking the probiotic I mentioned about. This is the only one that helped me.

I get colonics now about once or twice a year.

Good luck!! I hope you find something that works.
Oh! THAT colon cleanse....

:eek: I had a colonoscopy this summer and thought your post was about something else completely. :eek:
weener said:
I take this probiotic - Probiotic Advantage Extra Strength (30-day supply) in Shop Vitamins & Supplements Shop Vitamins & Supplements at

I eat very little bread, pasta, rice, etc. What also might help are colonics. I suffered for years with my stomach hurting after eating, bloating, gas, etc. After a few colonics, my problems went way plus taking the probiotic I mentioned about. This is the only one that helped me.

I get colonics now about once or twice a year.

Good luck!! I hope you find something that works.

Where would u go to get colonics and what is that really?

I love your posts. They always make me :).

Ok, so I'm not a nutritionist, doctor, or expert in the field of Gastrointestinal issues, but I can try to help (I stress try just to perhaps give you some helpful tips on why you have trumpet trousers :D).

1. A drastic increase in fiber all at once can give you massive toots. Yes, spinach can be a culprit too if eaten in large amounts. I know from experience :eek:.

2. You mentioned Greek Yogurt. My aunt gets super farty if she eats any type of yogurt. Especially if it has Splenda or any type of sweetener. How are you after you ingest dairy?

3. Do you eat too quickly? This will cause a lot of air to be ingested, causing gas issues.

I would start a journal, taking note of everything you consume (food & beverages), starting from the morning meal. So let's say you had toast, PB & coffee in the AM, and you start to get bloated and gassy after that particular meal, that could be a helpful hint that something you ate during that meal just does not agree with you. Or perhaps, if you are like me, inhaled your food in a rush :eek:.

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find the "culprit" and be trumpet-free in no time ;).

Take care,

I still am laughing! Dh ask what I was laughing for.. I don't want to tell him I posted on internet I have trumpet trousers lo he always says he is afraid I may put tmi anyway! Oh gawd if he only knew.
I've heard / read you should poop after every meal. I've read other articles once a day is good enough and I agree with this - LOL!!!
Renee - was in same boat as you - think we has a discussion in another post. :) I had horrible problems - it didnt matter what I ate - healthy or junk! Healthy foods worse tho. Started taking probiotic Florastor and my gas was all but gone overnight. Its expensive but if it continues to work for me it's worth every penny. (I have been taking it about 3 weeks). Like I said tho it was instant relief. I was literally depressed over this issue!
This thread is well ... um...something I don't generally talk about being a lady and all....:D

All I can say is that I went running last night...I ran 5 miles. And if you do that regularly you will be... ahem..... clean as a whistle...nothing else needed.:eek:

Ummmm yes I jogged 3 miles three times a week and. Still had the problem.. I run only once a week now due to platar facsitis.
With that being said its about health... and I am a lady as well .. I'm not afraid to admit I have a problem but that makes me no less a lady. Thanks
miller2917 said:
Renee - was in same boat as you - think we has a discussion in another post. :) I had horrible problems - it didnt matter what I ate - healthy or junk! Healthy foods worse tho. Started taking probiotic Florastor and my gas was all but gone overnight. Its expensive but if it continues to work for me it's worth every penny. (I have been taking it about 3 weeks). Like I said tho it was instant relief. I was literally depressed over this issue!

Thanks I appreciate it. I may try it first before trying a colonic or a cleanse with pills. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who has had problems it really is serious.

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