I drink a cup a day (2 on some days/weekends). At one point, I was experiencing a lot of health issues, & at the same time I realized that I was truly addicted to coffee (I was counting one day & lost track after the 7th cup
). So I decided then and there to quit. I quit for 2 reasons 1) because I don't like being addicted to ANYTHING, & wanted to prove to myself that I could go without it & 2) to see if it would help with the health problems.
I quit cold turkey, & after two years realized 2 things 1) I could stop if wanted to, & 2) it didnt help solve any health issues, lol. As a matter of fact, the doctor that I was seeing for those issues " the time recommended that I start drinking a cup or two a day.
lol. It was actually kinda funny, because when i told her I didn't drink it, she started giving me tips on how to slowly adapt my taste buds to it, lol ( she thought I didnt drink it because I didn't like it
So, after going without it for years, & no longer feeling addicted to it (I.e. Coffee mug attached to my hand at all times
) I am actually quite content and guiltless having my cup of coffee in the morning ( & the occasional nightcap w/DH
That being said...once in a while I will take a week or so to "detox" (go coffee-less) & prove to myself/ make sure that I am no longer addicted