
Catherine, that's okay, I am still impressed with those numbers! My highest ext. is like 55# or something pathetic like that.:p

Doing cleanmax right now. Have friends coming over around 4. Will have to start cookmax soon!:confused:
I truly don't think that bowflex poundage translates exactly over to real weights. I think it's a bit easier to do the bowflex.

Linda, have fun with the friends!!!
Today was legs.

4DS HIS through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise.

Squats - 35#
Jump Squats - 5#
Sissy Squats - 5#
Romanian Deadlift - 35#
***added weight to the jump & sissy squat warm-up sets

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20.

Squats - 112,102,92,82,72,62 #
***Added 2# to all sets
Jump Squats - 30,25,20,15,12,10, #
***Started sets 5# higher, went 30-10# instead of 25-8#
Sissy Squats -30,25,20,15,12,10 #
***Same increase here as the jump squats
Romanian Deadlift - 122,112,102,92,82,72 #
***Added 2# to all the sets

Squats - 57#
*** Up 7# here.

Walked on the TM on an incline at 3.8 for 10 minutes. Finished with stretch from PLB. Workout was 1:03 and burned 488 calories. Calorie burn was down today, I wonder why?
Linda, impressive numbers! I can not imagine doing weighted jump squats :eek:

I was gonna do some yoga this evening, but I am just not in the mood :confused:
I am never in the mood to do yoga. I can't even stand it when Cathe does downward dog as part of her stretches at the end of a workout! :p

LOL!! I am never in the mood for it either. But I wanted to do something :(

Judi, are ya back yet??
Hey Ladies!!

I got back late last night and had bunch of things to get done today. First I needed to kick myself in the @ss for not working out since last Friday. Plus a whole weekend of eating and drinking on top of that! So I did Body Max 2 (90 minute) workout and burned 613 calories:) My butt was dragging but as Linda mentioned earlier, I had a "take no prisoners" attitude going.

Catherine- I can't believe you are finished with Meso 2! I'll be curious to hear what you think of Meso 3. I actually liked it better...less of a fatigue factor which was really affecting me in Meso 2. Sorry to hear about your brother but thankful that at least he has an answer now.

Linda- ITA with Catherine...there is no way I could do jump squats with that much weight. You are amazing! In plyo legs, Cathe does a jump turn from front to back with an 8# weight and my legs were screaming at the end:confused: Are ya hoping for some doms?
Judi, BM2 is a toughie!! Nice way to get back to it. I too can not believe I am done with Meso2. I will start Meso 3 this weekend. I found that I was more tired with Meso 1. But I really think that was because I was able to do the leg work and it wore me out. I wasn't able to do any of the leg work in Meso2. I can not wait to get back to some more intense lower body stuff and some cardio!
Judi - Nice comeback with BM2! No DOMS for me, but my leg sure were tired doing cardio this morning.

Okay, I woke up this morning with absolutely no interest in working out and a great desire to just stay in bed. But I got up and did it anyway and gave it my all. Did Step Blast and abs, workout was 1:04 and burned 489 calories.

Here are the ab exercise. Did two sets of 10 for each

Bench Twisting Crunch
Bench Toes to Ceiling
Bench Reverse Crunch
Bench Knees Out
Today was CCV8 on the elliptical, burned 475 calories and got in 9.2 miles. My darn right knee was giving me a little trouble so I made sure to stretch out really well afterward.

I need some direction on where to take my strength training now that STS is over. Should I spend a few weeks doing more endurance based lifting to switch things up? I don't want to lose any strength and I prefer heavy lifting so I don't know how long I would stick with it. I want to get back to my kettlebell workouts and I better start doing chins again....don't want you to think I'm a poser:confused:. So, what do you think?
Linda, would you send me some of that motivation that you are finding. Or just come and kick my but in gear??

Judy, what about doing a Gym Styles rotation and do some light KBs once a week more as a cardio based w/o? There seem to be several that are doing 4ds after STS. You could do that for a couple of weeks and then go back to STS **shrug**

I feel like a lazy fat slob! I am just so not motivated :( The good news is that the foot seems to be ever so slowly improving. With emphasis on slowly. I will emerge from this victorious- I just don't know when LOL!!
I need some direction on where to take my strength training now that STS is over. Should I spend a few weeks doing more endurance based lifting to switch things up? I don't want to lose any strength and I prefer heavy lifting so I don't know how long I would stick with it. I want to get back to my kettlebell workouts and I better start doing chins again....don't want you to think I'm a poser:confused:. So, what do you think?

Judi - It really depends on what you want to accomplish. Any change to a routine switches it up, you don't have to go from heavy to endurance or vice versa. I have to say I pick my rotation based on what I am in the mood for or what I think I need at the time or what I think is interesting. So whatcha in the mood for?

Linda, would you send me some of that motivation that you are finding. Or just come and kick my but in gear??

I feel like a lazy fat slob! I am just so not motivated :( The good news is that the foot seems to be ever so slowly improving. With emphasis on slowly. I will emerge from this victorious- I just don't know when LOL!!

Catherine - I will gladly give you some of my motivation and come give you a kick in the butt!:p Happy to hear the foot is feeling a bit better, you'll be fully back in the game in no time!;)

Today was upper body for me.

IMAX2 through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise, doing one side at a time. (so everything on the right, then everything on the left, repeat)

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm Kickback - 8#
One Arm Row - 25#
One Arm Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm DB Curl - 12#
One Arm Overhead Press - 10#
One Arm Floor Chest Press - 20#

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, everything on one side.

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 17,13,11,9,6,4 #
***Upped the first set by .5#, and the rest by 1#
One Arm OH Extensions - 21,16,13,11,9,6 #
***Upped all sets by 1#
One Arm Row - 53,46,41,36,31,26,#
***Upped all sets by 1#
One Arm Lat Raise - 17,13,11,9,6,4 #
***Again upped the first set by .5#, and rest by 1#
One Arm Concentration DB Curl - 30,25,20,15,10,8 #
***Changed this to a concentration curl and happy to say I did not need the two finger assist today!
One Arm Overhead Press - 27,21,16,13,11,9 #
***Upped all sets by 1#
One Arm Chest Press - 38,31,26,21,16,11 #
***Upped all sets by 1#

Then ran out of time, so I just did a couple of stretches on my own. Workout was 1:13 and burned 429 calories.
I tried 4DS last week but am not really motivated and kinda burnt out so I did Providence this morning and really enjoyed it. I'm thinking a couple weeks of kettlebells, cardio and yoga then get back to heavier lifting. Thanks for listening to me and your suggestions!
Judi - Sounds like a good plan since you are enjoying it!

What do you guys think of P90X? I see on the internet where you can get the dvd's pretty cheap without all the quides, are the guides really important?

Today was legs. And when I first arrived in my workout room I planned on keeping all the weights the same, because I didn't feel like working out let alone pushing harder. But once I started setting up the competitor in me took over saying "you can do more." So I upped the weights a little

IMAX2 through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise.

Squats - 35#
Jump Squats - 8#
Sissy Squats - 8#
Romanian Deadlift - 35#
***upped weight 3# on the jump & sissy squat warm-up sets

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20.

Squats - 114,104,94,84,74,64 #
***Added 2# to all sets
Jump Squats - 31,26,21,16,13,11, #
***Added 1# to all sets, because DB were set up that way from yesterday!
Sissy Squats -31,26,21,16,13,11 #
***Same increase here as the jump squats
Romanian Deadlift - 124,114,104,94,84,74 #
***Added 2# to all the sets

Squats - 52#
*** Up 5# here.

Didn't feel like walking on the TM, so I did 1-3 of IMAX3. Workout was 1:03 and I burned 452 calories.
Hey ladies!! I saw the podiatrist yesterday and he has released me. I only need to follow up if I am not continuing to improve. All of the weird sensations and color changing in my foot are "normal" It seems better most of the time. But if my foot gets cold it "aches" I am almost walking like a normal person, just a bit slower than usual. He told me I could do squats, dls and other lower body stuff. No calf raises, lunges or anything involving being up on the toes. So this morning I popped in Meso 1 week 1 of legs and followed along. I did something for everything. In other words I subbed the lunge moves and calf raises for something else. I did somethings with no wts and some with light stuff. Although I admit I used (2)25 pounders for DLs and it felt good!! I was careful to keep my wt in the heels. I was also happy that I could do those stabiltiy ball squats where you go down and pick up the wts. I modified though. I had the wts down there and went down that low but didn't pick them up. Foot seemed to do ok. I know it's gonna throb a bit and be a bit sore. So I took some aleve.

Tomorrow I enbark on Meso 3 for upper body!!

Judi, I think doing KBs for a few weeks sounds like a good idea!
Linda, how are the legs doing today:eek:
WooHoo, Catherine! WTG! Great way to jump right back into the game! Betcha felt good! BTW, my legs feel good, but that's probably because I saw my massage therapist last night!:p He kneaded out some really sore quads!:D

Judi - Whatca up to?

Today was cardio and I had a great workout considering I did not want to get out of bed let alone do a workout. I choose Amy's Kickbox Surge doing all 5 combos and surges but no core. At one point my HR hit 182! :eek: Workout was 1:11 and I burned 594 calories!
Catherine- That is great news! So glad the sensations in your foot are normal and part of the healing process. I bet it felt great to do some leg work. Good luck with Meso 3 tomorrow. It was my favorite of all the cycles.

Linda- Ahhhhh..me loves a good massage! Sounds like you had a fun workout and burned a lot of calories! Way to go:)

The tops of my wrists are sore and bruised:confused: You can tell I hadn't done kettlebells in awhile. My glutes and hammies have a nice soreness. I was supposed to do CCPP today but I started a "home project from HELL" yesterday and I just had to finish. It involved putting an adhesive border around our pool to cover up the old faded ugly border on the liner.

Here is some before and after pics.



I did the whole thing by myself!! It isn't perfect and the adhesive border is slightly smaller but when the water is added back in, you won't even notice it. It definitely looks a lot better than it did. BTW, owning a pool is a major PITA:rolleyes:
Linda, as usual your workouts are inspiring!!

Judi, I think you did a great job with the border. And that looks like a w/o in and of itself. Oh and nothing like a little DOMS from kettlebelling gets the glutes good ;) )

Speaking of glutes, mine are already sore. Wonder what that means for tomorrow :confused:
Just wanted to say that I am having a hard time getting up and down this morning :confused: Hurray for hammie and butt doms:eek:

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