
I decided to do Amy Bento's In the Ring to beef up on my self defense skills for my security detail tonight;) I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to stay up until 2:00 AM.

Catherine- I agree that the chest/back workouts are somewhat monotonous but the shoulders/tris/bis feel less so. DD plans to go into nursing but is starting out at community college to get some generals out of the way.

Linda- WTG on the pullups!! Wow...I can only do a couple before I need the band assist. Oh well, there is always something to work on:rolleyes: How is your groin and hip flexor today?

Judi - Like the ITR idea. But I must say you really need KB Surge.:p And I hear ya about staying up late. Whenever I end up staying up, I feel like I have a hangover the next morning even though I didn't drink anything:confused:. I wish your daughter luck on the nursing, takes a special person to do that.
Oh and on the pullups, I must say that I surprised myself this morning. Especially considering how long it's been since I did them.:D
Judi, how nice that your DD wants to go into nursing. I started at community college myself. Have fun trying to stay up tonight!!

Linda, we won't boot you out now LOL!! Nice w/o. My triceps are a bit sore today but the rest -meh not so much. How does one do 50# BB curls, 22.5 # concentration curls and 20# incline curls and not get bicep doms?

I did about 30 mins of CCPP on the bike. I hate the bike. Did I tell you all that already?? I like PP, just hate the bike. I hope the foot doesn't act up :confused:

My triceps are a bit sore today but the rest -meh not so much. How does one do 50# BB curls, 22.5 # concentration curls and 20# incline curls and not get bicep doms?

- It's amazing how hard it is to get Bicep DOMS:confused: How's the foot doing after the biking?

I just got back from being trapped on a school bus then locked in a museum with a bunch of noisy 7 & 8 year olds on a very rainy & dreary day.:confused: It was DS 1st Grade school trip to the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia.

Today was cardio and I was looking for some thing different as well. So I put in a DVD I hadn't done before, heck I hadn't even previewed it.:p I did the cardio only from Amy's Hi/Lo Dome Challange. No dome work because, well, I don't own a Bosu. :( Funny how a different form of cardio can really kick your butt! Hi/lo is not my strong suit. Anyway workout was 1:06 including stretch and I burned 518 calories.

BTW, I've got some great DOMS in my Chest & Back from yesterday.:D:D:D
Linda, yay for your DOMS!! I don't do so well with hi-lo. I look like a fish flopping around out of water :eek:

Judi, did ya survive last night?

The foot is a bit sore today. More just like an ache. No pain like it was after the last time I biked. Now the butt is a different story :confused: Today was a leisurely walk with the doggies. Tomorrow I will do legs. Probably will do what I did last week. Pop in Meso 1 and modify, use little to no wt and see how it goes.
Hey Ladies- I'm running on about 3 hours sleep so no workout for me today. I got home at 3:00AM, fell asleep at 4 and was up at 7:30:confused: The commencement went great and the all night party was a lot of fun. I just can't believe my "baby" is all grown up! Here's a pic of DD & me before the ceremony:


Catherine- Glad to hear you started out at community college. I did too but it is funny how kids today look down on those who don't go to a "big" university:rolleyes:

Linda- I may have to look into getting KB Surge. I didn't think I needed another KB workout especially since I pre-ordered Shock Cardio but the good reviews have me intrigued.
Judi - Your "baby" is beautiful and you look great. Nice to have a face to go with the name. Funny though I pictured you as a brunette!:p
Judi - Your "baby" is beautiful and you look great. Nice to have a face to go with the name. Funny though I pictured you as a brunette!:p

Thanks Linda- Don't look to closely at the pic or you'll see my dark roots peeking through:confused: I'm actually a mousy brown:eek:....thank goodness for hair coloring!

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