
Holy Frijoles disc 25:eek::eek: I have to say I am wore out. BTW I did assisted chins and pulls for the DLs since I did DLs yesterday.

I am listing each exercise as a whole unit but these were alternating between chest and back.

Flat bench:
72# 8/8/8/8

BB Rows:
72# 8/8/8/8

Chest Flys Flat:
30# 8/8/8/8

1 Arm Rows:
42# 8/8/8/8

Inlcine Bench:
65# 8/8/6/6
(failied after the 6th rep on 3rd and 4rth set)

Pullups Assisted: 10
Chinups Assisted: 8
Wide Grip Pullups Assisted: 8/8

Incline Flys:
30# 8/8/7/7

1 Arm Horizontal Rows:
35# 8/8/8/8

Catherine- Welcome to Meso 3!!:D That is very impressive poundage you are lifting.

I decided to do CCPP today since it didn't work out yesterday. I hadn't been running in the last couple months but did it on my "dreadmill" anyway. I kept the pace a little slower but was still happy to come in just under 6 1/2 miles.

Linda- I thought of you when I stopped my HRM. It read 574 calories and I cursed myself for not walking around a little more so it would have read 575. That just seems like so much more;)
Judi, nice job on the run! You call that slow-ha!! You haven't seen me run :eek: You and Linda crack me up over your OCD with your HRM :p I am sure I'd be the same way though ;)

Thanks for the compliment. I was pretty proud of those flys. I have to admit my ROM wasn't the best for every rep, but still :cool:
Catherine - So how's the backside feeling? And the upper body for that matter? Nice workouts. Like Judi said, nice poundage!

Judi - Love the pool, looks great! I agree with Catherine, I don't see anything slow about your pace on CCPP. I am the turtle when I run!:p Glad I am not the only one with the HRM thing. Could have kicked myself for the 594 on Saturday!:mad:

Today was upper body and had a good workout. I For some reason I started my working sets on the left instead of the right, so that added a new twist on things. It just took me forever to get through for some reason. Which was tough because I had already gotten up late.:confused: My low back is really aching this morning, so I need to rethink tomorrow's leg workout, pretty sure I'll be changing out the Romanian Deadlifts. :(

4 DS HIS warmup only. (due to getting up late)

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise, doing one side at a time. (so everything on the right, then everything on the left, repeat)

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm Kickback - 8#
One Arm Row - 25#
One Arm Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm DB Curl - 12#
One Arm Overhead Press - 10#
One Arm Floor Chest Press - 20#

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, everything on one side.

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 20,15,12,10,8,5 #
***Upped the first set by 3#, and the rest by either 2# or 1#
One Arm OH Extensions - 22,17,14,12,10,7 #
***Upped all sets by 1#
One Arm Row - 54,47,42,37,32,27 #
***Upped all sets by 1#
One Arm Lat Raise - 20,15,12,10,8,6 #
***Again upped the first set by 3#, and rest by 2# or 1#
One Arm Concentration DB Curl - 31,26,21,16,11,9 #
***Upped all sets by 1#
One Arm Overhead Press - 28,22,17,14,12,10 #
***Upped all sets by 1#
One Arm Chest Press - 40,32,27,22,17,12 #
***Upped first set by 2# and the rest of the sets by 1#

Of course at this point I was out of time, so I just did a couple of stretches on my own. Workout was 1:15 and burned 425 calories.
Oh my gosh, my legs are still sore :eek: Every time I rolled over in bed last night I felt it. I think I'll do some abs and stretching tonight :D

Linda, it feels weird starting on the left doesn't it? :eek: on your 1 arm chest press weights!!
Catherine - That will teach you to slack off!:p;):p;)

Really, neither one of you have any opinions to offer me on P90X? Do you think I would like it?
Linda, I liked p90X. It's a solid program esp if you feel the need to "follow" something. The thing I would worry the most about with you is that you seem to do well doing your own thing. And it is 90 days. I actually think I like STS better though.
Linda, I liked p90X. It's a solid program esp if you feel the need to "follow" something. The thing I would worry the most about with you is that you seem to do well doing your own thing. And it is 90 days. I actually think I like STS better though.

I agree with Catherine. I also liked P90X but I'm the kind of person who prefers to follow something rather than work on my own. I can't think of anything new lifting-wise that you would get from P90X but if you are interested, I could make photocopies of the strength workouts from the workbook and send them to you. Just PM your address to me and I'll send them out.
I did B&Gs stability ball abs and the no equipment segment of stretch max. How's that for doing something :rolleyes: Tomorrow is disc 27- I'd better eat my wheaties :eek:
Judi - I Pm'd you! Thanks!

- So how was Disc 27?

Today was legs and I think I will be changing this rotation up a bit. I think I am only going to do legs once a week not twice. Because while I don't have DOMS I could feel the soreness in my quads the second I started this morning. So I think they are overworked at this point. Will still do upper body again, but not sure I will do the same workout the second time, might switch it out for some other upper body the article has.

This morning I woke up at 3 am sick to my stomach and was feeling lousy for the two hours or so. So when the alarm went off at 5:30 the last thing I wanted to do was get up, so I didn't, not right away anyway.:p But finally managed to get up and get it done.:D

Today was legs. And when I first arrived in my workout room I planned on keeping all the weights the same, because I didn't feel like working out let alone pushing harder. But once I started setting up the competitor in me took over saying "you can do more." So I upped the weights a little

4DS through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise.

Squats - 35#
Jump Squats - 8#
Sissy Squats - 8#
Romanian Deadlift - 35#

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20.

Squats - 115,105,95,85,75,65 #
***Added 1# to all sets
Jump Squats - 32,27,22,17,14,12, #
***Added 1# to all sets
Sissy Squats -32,27,22,17,14,12 #
***Same increase here as the jump squats
Romanian Deadlift - 120,110,105,95,85,75 #
***Did true Romanians today, was doing Still-legged DL, who knew they were different:confused: The Romanians didn't bother my back at all.:D

Squats - 55#
*** Up 3# here.

Was looking for a substitute for the Deadlifts yesterday, when I discover that I was actually doing SLDL and not Romanain. :p
By this point I was tired and out of time so I did not add any cardio. (but did take an hour walk with my client later) Workout was 55 minutes and burned 408 calories.
No workout for me today I have a headache :( I plan to get back on track tomorrow :cool:

Linda, you are the queen of pushing your self through those tough times!! So is the difference between SLDL and RDL the slight bend in the knee or is there something else? The difference seems really subtle when I've watched it on videos and sometimes I see no difference at all???

Judi, are ya still KBing???


Linda, you are the queen of pushing your self through those tough times!! So is the difference between SLDL and RDL the slight bend in the knee or is there something else? The difference seems really subtle when I've watched it on videos and sometimes I see no difference at all???

- Ouch on the headache!:( See I agree with you, when I've viewed videos of both exercises I have usually not seen any difference, which is why I thought it was the same exercise. But yesterday I found a great article that compared traditional, stiff-leg, and Romanians and I finally understood the difference. On stiff-legged dead lifts the weight is held away from the body which calls the low back into part of the exercise to upright you again. On RDL the barbell remains in contact with your legs at all times, and because of that you can't go much lower than your knees because it causes your back to round. Anyway, keeping the barbell in contact with your legs forces your hips to go back and knees to bend, so then it is only the hamstrings and glutes that are called on to get you upright again.
I decided to do PUB today while I'm still trying to figure out what rotation I want to do next. I lifted heavier on every exercise and it went pretty well until the biceps. I got to the 20's and did all the hammer curls but could only do 4.5 of the regular curls. WTH! It really pissed me off so at the end of the pyramid, I grabbed the 20's again and forced myself to get in 4 more reps:rolleyes:

Linda- Got your PM. I'll drop it in the mail tomorrow.

Catherine- Sorry about your headache:( I will be doing a KB workout later this week. Let me know disc 27 goes.
Judi - Nice job on PUB! Especially getting those last reps!:p

Today was cardio and abs, I did 4 DS HIS/LIS cardio and had a less than stellar workout. First I bought new Nikes and those things are slippery as all get out. My foot almost went sliding off the step more than once.:confused: Then during the workout expereinced some pain in my right groin area like something had been pulled, but don't remember doing anything. So those two things just slowed me downed. Now my right hip flexor just aches.:(

For abs I did 2 sets of ten of the following:

Standing Relay
***This was actually 20- 10 to each side, not sure what Amy calls these
Bench Toes to Ceiling
Bench Reverse Crunch
Bench Knees In

Workout was 1:03 and I burned 489 calories. ( I really need to start checking my HRM before I take it off :p)

P.S. Anyone got any thoughts on what I can do to fix teh slippery shoes? Thought maybe I'd go walk on the road with them and try to rough them up a bit.
Linda, could you use sandpaper on the bottom to rough them up?? I would make sure you want to keep them before you do that.

Judi, are you missing STS yet?

I did disc 27 today. I loved it!!!!

I'm gonna list these in muscle groupings, but it was alternating between shoulders, bicpes and triceps and repeat,...

Standing BB Front Press
Warmup 25#: 15 reps
Warmup 30#: 12
40#: 8/8/8/8

BB Curl
50#: 8/8/8/8

Lying Tricep Extensions
22.5#: 8/4-dropped to 20# and did 3 reps
20#: 8/7

Seated Lateral Raise
11#: 8/8/8/8

Incline Curls on SB
20# 8/8/7/8

Seated 1 Arm OH Extension
16#: 8/8/8 (just too heavy had to help on the left so dropped for last set)
15#: 8

Seated Rear Delts
15#: 8 (form was a bit off, so dropped)
14.25#: 8/8/8

Seated Concentration Curls
22.5#: 8/8/8/8 (had to spot the last rep on the last set L arm)

Cross Body Kickbacks
14.25# 8/8/8/8 (spotted up the last rep on the last set L arm)

My arms are fried:eek::eek:

Linda- I was going to mention sandpaper too otherwise if your road had rough pavement, you could scrape the bottoms on that. I'm hoping you didn't pull anything with that slip today.

Catherine- Glad you had a good workout. How are you liking Meso 3?

I had cardio on tap for today so I decided to do Bosu Blast. My balance sucked but I aced the core work which left me happy:D Nothing like endless planks on an upside down bosu to hit the core deep.

Today was the last day of school for DD (my youngest) and I'm having mixed emotions. On one hand, I will never have to go to another school conference ;) but it feels like the end of a huge chapter in her life. Tomorrow night is the ceremony and all night party of which I got sucked into working. I'm doing security from 9:30-2:00....good thing I can flex some muscle:rolleyes:
Judi, nice job with the bosu w/o. ((HUGS)) on your DD finsihing school. What does she have planned next?

As far as feelings about Meso 3, I really liked todays w/o. Chest and back not so much-it just seemed to go on and on and,....

I really should be asleep :confused::confused:
Judi - I have Bosu envy!:p Better show them those guns at tonights party!

- How the arms feeling?

Okay I changed up the workout this week. I did one day of right/left upper body, one day of legs and now I am going to hit my upper body again over two days.

So today was Chest & Back, and still following the one working set, this was a Superset Pyramid kind of thing.

IMAX2 through first blast as warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for each exercise, superset style.

***Note that I did pullups & inverted rows because I knew I would not be able to complete as many pullups as was required.

Inverted Rows - BW
Incline Barbell Press - 35#

1 Pyramid Set, Rep Pattern 6, 10, 15, 6 to failure(at this point you return to the original weight you started with)

Pullups/Inverted Rows
***Black number unassisted, Purple assisted, and orange switched to inverted rows. :p
superset w/
Incline Barbell Press
80# - 6
70# - 10
60# - 15
80# - 8 to failure
***Think I need to up this a bit next time so I fail sooner on the last set.

Then I did Combos & Intervals 2 thru 7 of IMAX2 and the stretch. Workout was 56 and burned 419 calories.
I have to get to bed sooner, got up late again then had set-up problems so got started really late and once again ran out of time.:confused:

Thought I had better do some pullups or chins soon or you guys were gonna boot me outta here. Sure gonna feel those tomorrow!:confused::p
I decided to do Amy Bento's In the Ring to beef up on my self defense skills for my security detail tonight;) I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to stay up until 2:00 AM.

Catherine- I agree that the chest/back workouts are somewhat monotonous but the shoulders/tris/bis feel less so. DD plans to go into nursing but is starting out at community college to get some generals out of the way.

Linda- WTG on the pullups!! Wow...I can only do a couple before I need the band assist. Oh well, there is always something to work on:rolleyes: How is your groin and hip flexor today?

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