
Linda, nice job. Look out DOMS, here you come :eek:

Why is today going by is sloooooooooooooow motion????

I can already feel the DOMS setting into my chest (Yippee!:D I'm twisted!:p).

I hate slow motion days, cause it never happens when you are doing some thing fun!:(:mad:
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What kind of nursing do you do? Do you work in a hospital or doctor's office? What branch of medicine?
Linda- If I did your workout I'd have DOMS for days:eek: Those are very impressive numbers!! WTG!

Catherine- Ahhh...the dreaded drop sets. They get ya good. How's your foot been feeling? When do you see the DR next?

Today was 4DS BC, bis & tris. I had a tougher time with this one but I was able to do 30# on that last set of overhead extensions! My biceps aren't as accomodating.....curls just don't seem to ever get easier. I was hoping to be up to 25# after STS but I'm not there yet:(

I'm heading up to the cabin tomorrow for memorial weekend so I'll catch up with you after. Have a great weekend:)
Judi, nice job with the 30# overhead extensions!! It gets scary with that big db over your head toward the end doesn't it? Have fun this weekend!!

The foot is doing ok. I think the weird stuff that I am feeling is normal. Have you ever cut a finger or a toe and it's just super sensative for a long time? That's what this feels like only a bit worse. I see the doc next Friday and will talk to him if it's still an issue

I did my first cardio in over a month :eek::eek::eek: I did CCV7 challenge 1. There was no way I was doing the second challenge sprints. I was plenty challenged. It felt good to do something. But let me say I still hate the bike :confused: I will be doing maybe part of PP tomorrow if my butt isn't too sore from the seat. I guess that gets better?
I will be doing maybe part of PP tomorrow if my butt isn't too sore from the seat. I guess that gets better?

Yes....I've got a girlfriend that teaches spin classes and said you have to build up callouses on your butt:confused: I know when I take out my road bike for those first few rides in the spring, my butt gets really sore.
Still disappointed in my upper body workout. I have DOMS in my Chest this time but not the "Ow, it hurts to move" kind. And minimal, if any in my tri's.:confused: Maybe I'll swap out that exercise, for lying extensions or something.

Now as far as today's workout goes, the only major soreness left in my legs is in my hamstring right above the back of my knees, so I decided to go for the leg workout. The only concession I made was on the deadlifts, as I did not go lower than my knees and really burned up my glutes on those, giving my lower hamstrings a break. Oh, and I upped all my sets by 5#.

4DS HIS through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise.

Squats - 35#
Jump Squats - BW
Sissy Squats - BW
Romanian Deadlift - 35#

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20.

Squats - 110,100,90,80,70,60 #
***Funny how the lower weights start out feeling light.:confused:
Jump Squats - 25,20,15,12,10,8 #
***HR through the roof, hit 179, had to take a couple of breathing breaks:p
Sissy Squats -25,20,15,12,10,8 #
***This woke up the quads
Romanian Deadlift - 120,110,100,90,80,70 #
***Like I said only went aslow as the knees and really torched my glutes

Squats - 50#
*** 1 grueling set of 30 reps on squats.

Walked on the TM on an incline at 3.8 for 10 minutes. Finished with stretch from GS Legs, that was a good one. Workout was 1:04 and burned 514 calories.
Linda, I am starting to think your body is just way too adapted to get DOMS!! Nice w/o. I love the term "sissy squats" LOL! Nothing sissy about them really :cool:

I have yet to do anything. Having sister issues this morning and dealing with those. I've been up since 5 am(early for me). Time for a nap and maybe later I'll do something. Or maybe I'll go shopping,...................
Linda, I am starting to think your body is just way too adapted to get DOMS!! Nice w/o. I love the term "sissy squats" LOL! Nothing sissy about them really :cool:

I have yet to do anything. Having sister issues this morning and dealing with those. I've been up since 5 am(early for me). Time for a nap and maybe later I'll do something. Or maybe I'll go shopping,...................

- If only that were true. I have noticed though that my obliques are sore from trying to balance those One Arm Presses on the Bench. At least that is something.:p Apparently, Sissy Squats are named after the Greek God Sisyphus. He had really huge quads from being made to push a boulder up a hill every day.
I have had a doozy of a day. First issues with my sister that I won't go into here. Let's just say she needs to get over her ex that divorced her 5 years ago :(

Second my foot has been hurting all day. I am not sure that I did anything and can only assume it was the stationary bike :confused: So no more of that for a while. Another thought is maybe it was the shoes I was wearing. I don't know.

Third and really the most important is that my brother finally got his diagnosis after months of testing and waiting. He has multiple sclerosis. He has supsected that from the beginning. Right now his sypmtoms are much better and he hasn't had any treatment. That is a good sign, I think. He seems mentally ok. I guess he's had a fair bit of time to resolve himself to it while he was waiting.

I so wish I could do IMAX 2 to work out some aggression right now :eek: Cardio truly is a stress reliever.

Thanks for listening.

Second my foot has been hurting all day. I am not sure that I did anything and can only assume it was the stationary bike :confused: So no more of that for a while. Another thought is maybe it was the shoes I was wearing. I don't know.

I so wish I could do IMAX 2 to work out some aggression right now :eek: Cardio truly is a stress reliever.

Thanks for listening.

Boy, some people will do anything not to have to ride the bike.:p

Sorry about the sister issues, sound like a tough situation. Sorry about your brother, but I guess it's nice to finally have an answer. My prayers are with you and family.

Yep, not like a good sweat session to work off aggression. Although a really tough weight session can be just as good.;)
Boy, some people will do anything not to have to ride the bike.:p

You are so right :eek: I actually took a pain pill and it helped. It's sore this morning, but not as bad.

Sorry about the sister issues, sound like a tough situation. Sorry about your brother, but I guess it's nice to finally have an answer. My prayers are with you and family.

Yep, not like a good sweat session to work off aggression. Although a really tough weight session can be just as good.;)

Thanks for your prayers!! I agree it's nice to have an anwer.

I will be doing a good wt w/o today disc 24 back and biceps. This is the end of Meso 2 for me :eek:

I will be doing a good wt w/o today disc 24 back and biceps. This is the end of Meso 2 for me :eek:

Wow! You are flying through STS! Where does the time go?

Okay, been bull headed like I am, and being mad about the no DOMS in my Tris, I did this Fire Arms Superset that is part of the same HIT Rotation. I also did Amy's Kickbox Surge, stopping after the warmup to do the superset then doing the five combo/surges. Did not do the abs.

2 warmup supersets

DB Curl - 12's
-superset with-
OVH Extensions - 15

1 working drop set with 1 final set to failure
, re pattern 6,10,15,6

DB Curl - 27's, 20's, 15's, 27's ***Only made 5 reps on last set***
-superset with-
OVH Extensions - 35, 30, 25, 35 # ***Again only made 5 reps on last set***

Workout was 1:15 and burned 595 calories. Obviously I forgot to check the HRM or I would have ran around for the last 5 calories.:p
Linda, you really are a hardcore maniac :p Hope you get your DOMS!!

Well, I am done with Meso 2 for the upper body. I can not wait to do the full STS with the lower body. I was really seeing good results for the lower body with Meso 1.

4/7 (did 2 more with the band)
4/3 & 2/3 (same I think)

DB Pullovers:
40 # 10
32# 10
25# 10

Horizontal 1 Arm Row:
(drop sets)
30# 10
25# 10
20# 10
(maybe could have gone a smidgen heavier)

BB Deadlifts:
(really lightened these up b/c of foot and loss of flexibility with no leg work)
55# 12/10/8

BB Curls:
(drop sets)
40# 10
32# 10
27# 15
(could have gone a few pounds heavier)

Incline Curls on SB:
(drop sets)
16# 10
13# 10
10# 12

Conc Curls
(drop sets)
20 # 10
15# 10
12# 14
(this wt felt perfect, no cheat reps0
I just did 2 segments from Stretch Max (stability ball and band segments) I needed that. My lower body is getting all out of wack :confused: I really would like to try the bike again but I think I'll wait. I've got some back and bicep DOMs from yesterday's w/o. Nothing extreme, but a nice gentle reminder that I did workout :)

Linda, GOT DOMS???
Yeah, Baby, the tris are hurtin' today! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Stretch Max sounds nice, I wish I found more time to stretch. Rest day for me today.
Well, I'll admit my eating was off this weekend, kinda lost track of writing it all down. And I didn't sleep well because of the lousy eating. So wasn't feeling so hot this morning, but worked my butt off this morning with a "take no prisoners" attitude.:D

IMAX2 through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise, doing one side at a time. (so everything on the right, then everything on the left, repeat)

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm Kickback - 8#
One Arm Row - 25#
One Arm Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm DB Curl - 12#
One Arm Overhead Press - 10#
One Arm Floor Chest Press - 20#

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, everything on one side.

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 16.5,12,10,8,5,3 #
***Upped the first set by .5#, I know not much but I like to go careful with my shoulders
One Arm OH Extensions - 20,15,12,10,8,5 #
***All I can say here is "Ouch". My tris hurt already!
One Arm Row - 52,45,40,35,30,25,#
***This one sends my HR soaring. I dread this one!
One Arm Lat Raise - 16.5,12,10,8,5,3 #
***Again upped the first set by .5#
One Arm DB Curl - 30,25,20,15,10,8 #
***Happy to say I used less of the two finger assists this time, and when I did I just got myself over the stickin' point
One Arm Overhead Press - 27,20,15,12,10,8 #
***Upped the first set by 2#. Toast by the end
One Arm Chest Press - 37,30,25,20,15,10 #
***Upped the first set 2#

I was complete toast by the end. After finishing the right side I couldn't even hold teh pencil steady to write anything down. Weird sensation after you finish the right and it's quiving but yet the left side feels great.

Finished the workout with Stretch from PUB. Workout was 1:23 (had some interuptions, i.e. the phone) and I burned 499 calories. (Once again I forgot to look at the HRM):p
Linda, I love the take no prisoners attitude :p Nice w/o. Glad that you mentioned 1 arm rows getting your HR up. I noticed this the other day with STS and was like WTH :confused:

I did about an hour workout this morning. Started with leg curls 110# 3 sets of 15, extensions 70# 3 sets of 12. Then I did some firewalkers followed by some STS floor work. I finished up with B&Gs stability ball abs and stretch. My foot is still bothersome and I have to be careful with certain moves. I am becoming increasingly impatient :(
Linda, I love the take no prisoners attitude :p Nice w/o. Glad that you mentioned 1 arm rows getting your HR up. I noticed this the other day with STS and was like WTH :confused:

I did about an hour workout this morning. Started with leg curls 110# 3 sets of 15, extensions 70# 3 sets of 12. Then I did some firewalkers followed by some STS floor work. I finished up with B&Gs stability ball abs and stretch. My foot is still bothersome and I have to be careful with certain moves. I am becoming increasingly impatient :(

Catherine, I am definitely sucking air trying to get through those 1 arm rows.:p

Wow! I sit here in awe of your 110# curls and 70# extensions.:eek::eek: I wonder why I am such a wimp on these exercises? Anyway, I am so sorry that your foot is taking so long to heal. Hey, for your cardio maybe you should get some of those Ropes Gone Wild from AOS?:p They look pretty tough and no impact!:p
I just realized that I posted my numbers backwards LOL!! That was 110# on leg extensions and 70# for curls :eek: I guess my brain was still recovering.

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