
Judi, I hope you took some Ibuprofen-6 hours of yard work :eek::eek: LOL at the tricep muscle bump!! What a nice compliment from your massage therapist :)
Wedding was great. DS & DD were so well behaved and did everything they were suppose to. :) Stupid me forgot to take my camera, so I don't have a picture of my kids yet. I am at the mercy of someone giving me one.:(:(:(

Judi - Congrats on the tricep muscle bump! Tris are one of my favorite things to work, expect Overhead Ext., I hate those!:p

- Could job doing the floor work, even though we know you hate it. That's dedication, to do something you hate, instead of doing nothing.;)

Had a happy day yesterday. A pair of pants that previously didn't fit are now getting loose.:D:D Also eating was off Fri. & Sat. due to Rehearsal Party & Wedding, but happy to say I didn't gain anything back.:D

Today started my new rotation. I choose a High Intensity Training (HIT) Rotation from the Sept/Oct 2008 M&F Hers magazine. It's split into upper and lower body so I will do each 2x a week. Basically you do two warm-up sets then one working set which consists of six drop sets. For upper body you only work one side of your body at a time, doing everything on one side before and repeating everything on the left. This morning went like this.

4DS HIS through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise, doing one side at a time. (so everything on the right, then everything on the left, repeat)

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm Kickback - 8#
One Arm Row - 25#
One Arm Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm DB Curl - 12#
One Arm Overhead Press - 10#
One Arm Floor Chest Press - 20#

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, everything on one side.

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 15,12,10,8,5,3 #
One Arm Kickback - 20,15,12,10,8,5 #
One Arm Row - 45,40,35,30,25,20 #
***Had planned to go heavy here, but wasn't happening
One Arm Lat Raise - 15,12,10,8,5,3 #
One Arm DB Curl - 25,20,15,12,10,8 #
***Wanted to start 30# here, but after the rows I just couldn't
One Arm Overhead Press - 25,20,15,12,10,5 #
***Was toast by the end, had to do last set w/ 5# instead of planned 8#
One Arm Floor Chest Press - 35,30,25,20,15,10 #
***Did a floor press to keep shoulder out of the exercise as much as possible, also fried by the end of this and had to finish w/ 10# instead of the planned 12#

Let me tell you, by the end of those chest presses there is nothing left of that side of your body. Lots of not so nice things were coming out of my mouth this morning.:p I think this workout is going to be great for balancing out my left & right sides. I sure did notice their strength differences this morning.

Finished the workout with some stretches on my own, because I was out of time. Workout was 1:07 and I burned 415 calories (surprised by this number, expected it to be much lower :eek:)
Linda, I hurt just reading that w/o ;) I was wondering what you were gonna start today. Do you ever take a week off??
Linda, I hurt just reading that w/o ;) I was wondering what you were gonna start today. Do you ever take a week off??

- LOL! Yes, I will take a week off when I hit 130# and not until! I did at least stay away from the weights since last Wednesday.:p
Linda- All I can say is WHOA!! That looks tough. Glad the kids did well in the wedding. I had my 3 yr old nephew as ring bearer in my wedding and he cried the whole way down the aisle with the pillow up to his face.

Catherine- Yeah...I *heart* my massage therapist for that comment. I'm wearing my STS t-shirt today! What do you have on the schedule?

I decided to do a round of the 4DS as produced so today was HIS plus chest/back. Phew...the push ups were tough after not doing any in the past 2 months:confused:
Linda- All I can say is WHOA!! That looks tough. Glad the kids did well in the wedding. I had my 3 yr old nephew as ring bearer in my wedding and he cried the whole way down the aisle with the pillow up to his face.

Catherine- Yeah...I *heart* my massage therapist for that comment. I'm wearing my STS t-shirt today! What do you have on the schedule?

I decided to do a round of the 4DS as produced so today was HIS plus chest/back. Phew...the push ups were tough after not doing any in the past 2 months:confused:

Judi, I love 4ds!! I've never done it as is, but have done all parts of it at different times.

I am not sure if I will do anything today. I might do some stretchy yoga this evening and I should do abs. It's just hard to get motivated for those things though :( Thursday I'm gonna try the stationary bike and as much as I hate it, I am thrilled :eek::p
A bit disappointed in yesterday's workout. I have good DOMS in my Back and Biceps (yipee!), I have nothing in my Chest & Triceps.:confused: I just don't get it. I worked hard on those, but nothing. Gonna really focus on those on Thursday w/o and see if I can figure out what I missed.

Now as far as today's workout goes, I will be lucky if I can walk tomorrow!:eek:

4DS HIS through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise.

Squats - 35#
Jump Squats - BW
Sissy Squats - BW
Romanian Deadlift - 35#

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20.

Squats - 105,95,85,75,65,55 #
***This was a burner
Jump Squats - 20,15,12,10,8,5 #
***HR through the roof
Sissy Squats -20,15,12,10,8,5
***First time I did these, was a fun exercise (kinda:p)
Romanian Deadlift - 125,115,105,95,85,75,65***The 125# was only two reps, had to lower the weight so had an extra set here.
Squats - 45#
***They finish you off with 1 grueling set of 30 reps on squats.

Then had some time left , so walked on the TM on an incline at 3.7 for 10 minutes. (was all I could do by that point) Finished with stretch from B & G. Workout was 1:07 and burned 516 calories.

Afterward, I thought climbing the stairs from the basement and then upstairs to wake the kids was brutal, but let me tell you it was nothing compare to trying to carry DD DOWN the stairs!:eek: And she only weighs 29#.:p
Linda, nice w/o. LOL about the stairs. About the DOMS, I do that too. Certain body parts just seem hard to get that going on at times. Go figure.

I am planning to do some leg stuff this evening-bowflex extensions and curls and some floor work. Right now though, I am soooooooooo tired. I hope that changes:confused:
Linda, nice w/o. LOL about the stairs. About the DOMS, I do that too. Certain body parts just seem hard to get that going on at times. Go figure.

I am planning to do some leg stuff this evening-bowflex extensions and curls and some floor work. Right now though, I am soooooooooo tired. I hope that changes:confused:

- Hope you find your energy. Funny thing about the DOMS is I almost never get it in my Biceps, but have it there and not my Triceps. Weird!
Well, I was partially successful. I know that sounds funny. As soon as I got home from work the phone rang. It was my sis-in-law inviting me over for home made lasagna. Couldn't turn that down. So I did a quick warm up and did some leg extensions and leg curls on the bowflex On extensions I did 100# 12/12/12/12. Leg curls were 60# 10/10/8. Then a quick stretch and off to feed my face :eek: Hey at least I did something :p
Catherine- High fives to you! I would have bagged my workout the minute I heard homemade lasagna:eek: Are you trying the bike tomorrow? I think I read an earlier post that you bought CCPP? If so, give that a whirl on the bike. It really helps with the boredom factor.

Linda- I want to lift like you when I grow up!!;) You never cease to amaze me.

Today was 4DS kickbox, legs and abs. Then 5 hours with the leaf blower around the pool. I'm so sick of yard work I could puke!:confused: I had to end the day with a Tanqueray gin and diet tonic just to ease my aching body:rolleyes:
Judi, please pass the gin and tonic ;) You sure aren't getting much of a break after STS LOL!! I love 4ds, but I hate yard work :D I will be doing STS disc 22 tomorrow and then the bike on Thurs or Friday. I bought CC just for that :cool:

Linda, those are not my favs either, but better than endless pizza presses and outer thigh raises :rolleyes:

I'm a bit worried about my foot. I am having some issues that I'm not sure about. If I touch a certain spot it shoots pain into my third and fourth toes. Those are the ones supplied by the nerve that was cut out. Well, if the nerve was cut then why do I feel this shock like pain (kinda like you've hit your funny bone) :( And the toes are really super sensitive. I will discuss it with my podiatrist next week when I see him.
I'm a bit worried about my foot. I am having some issues that I'm not sure about. If I touch a certain spot it shoots pain into my third and fourth toes. Those are the ones supplied by the nerve that was cut out. Well, if the nerve was cut then why do I feel this shock like pain (kinda like you've hit your funny bone) :( And the toes are really super sensitive. I will discuss it with my podiatrist next week when I see him.

OUCH! I hope everything is OK. Keep us posted on what your doctor says when you see him.
Linda- I want to lift like you when I grow up!!;) You never cease to amaze me.

Today was 4DS kickbox, legs and abs. Then 5 hours with the leaf blower around the pool. I'm so sick of yard work I could puke!:confused: I had to end the day with a Tanqueray gin and diet tonic just to ease my aching body:rolleyes:

Judi - Thanks! I have yet to do the weight work from 4 DS.:p Nice job on the yard work. I haven't even started mine yet.

I'm a bit worried about my foot. I am having some issues that I'm not sure about. If I touch a certain spot it shoots pain into my third and fourth toes. Those are the ones supplied by the nerve that was cut out. Well, if the nerve was cut then why do I feel this shock like pain (kinda like you've hit your funny bone) :( And the toes are really super sensitive. I will discuss it with my podiatrist next week when I see him.

- Weird! Hope it's just part of the healing process.

As expected, I can barely walk today. And this morning I was so tired and my bed so comfortable, I almost did not get up. Then on very sore legs I thought the most I could handle was LIC cardio premix, so I did that on two risers adding impact :p then added combo/blast one from 4 DS LIS and stretch from HIS. Also did abs, doing one set of 20 reps for each exercise.

Twisting Bench Crunch
Toes to Ceiling
Reverse Bench Crunch
Knee Tuck

Workout was 1:04 and I burned 520 calories.

Oh, and I lost another pound. :D Only 4 more to go :D then I will re-evalute from there. My current goal is a pair of shorts, I can get them on, but not too happy with the fit, they need to be a bit looser.

Can you beleive it... only 4# stands between me and a rest week!:p
Linda- Woo Hoo! Only 4 pounds to go:D

Catherine- Are ya biking today?

I did 4DS LIS, shoulders & calves. For the first time, I was able to bang out all the reps of the OV Press pyramid up without needing a longer rest. Thank you STS! I'm also finding that the weight loads feel easier.:)
I had a post with my disc 22 stats all typed up and the internet went down :confused: Not gonna retype that all. I am the proudest of the double arm kickback drop set. I did 20# for the first set :eek: I couldn't get full extension, but it was close. The hardest part was stablizing the core.

Linda, I just love good leg DOMS!!! Good job ;)

Judi, it really sounds like your STS results are continuing to come forth. I love hearing about it. Oh and tomorrow will be the bike.
Catherine - Nice job on the Kickbacks!

Judi - WTG on the OV Presses!

Okay, I made sure to leave no doubt that my upper body had been worked today. We shall see what tomorrow brings. Walking is still very difficult, so unless there is some major improvement, my leg workout will have to be delayed until Saturday.

4DS HIS through first blast as body warmup.

2 warm-up sets of 10 reps for every exercise, doing one side at a time. (so everything on the right, then everything on the left, repeat)

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm Kickback - 8#
One Arm Row - 25#
One Arm Lat Raise - 5#
One Arm DB Curl - 12#
One Arm Overhead Press - 10#
One Arm Floor Chest Press - 20#

1 Working Drop Set, Rep Pattern 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, everything on one side.

One Arm Bent-Over Lat Raise - 16,12,10,8,5,3 #
***Upped the first set by 1#
One Arm Kickback - 22,16,12,10,8,5 #
***Upped the first set by 2# and second set by 1#, also made sure to hold contraction at the top.
One Arm Row - 52,45,40,35,30,25,#
***Realized today that I forgot to use my versagripps here that's why I had so much trouble, used them today and started at 52# versus 45# and dropped from there
One Arm Lat Raise - 16,12,10,8,5,3 #
***Again upped the first set by 1#
One Arm DB Curl - 30,25,20,15,10,8 #
***Started with 30# today instead of 25#, was some two finger assists going on with the first couple sets, by the end had to skip 12# & drop to 10# & 8 to finish
One Arm Overhead Press - 25,20,15,12,10,8 #
***Weight pretty much the same except finished with 8# instead of 5# so up 3# on last set.
One Arm Chest Press - 35,30,25,20,15,10 #
***Switched this to a bench chest press versus the floor and upped last set 2# from 10# to 12#

Now if I don't have DOMS in my upper body tomorrow, I will be completely flabergasted. I was complete toast by the end. When you finish the right and realize you have to do it all agian on the left your like "Oh, No!"

Finished the workout with some stretches on my own, because I was out of time. Workout was 1:04 and I burned 456 calories. Up about 40 calories and workout was 4 minutes shorter than the other day.

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