
WHEW!! Disc 19 is done :cool: It started out really good and I felt strong,.... then well, you know, fatigue sets in :confused: I hit failure well before I should have on several exercises. I am still happy with the workout.

Flat Bench:
(double wave load)
65#-12 / 68.5-10/ 71#-8 65#-12/ 68.5-10/ 71#-8

Chest Flys:
27.5#- 12/10/8

Incline Bench:
60# 9/7/7
(these were tough and I should have lowered the wt :eek:)

Incline Flys:
26.75# 12/10/8

Seated Front Press:
double wave load
15#-12/ 15.5#-9/ 16.25#-7 15#-8/ 15.5-7/ 16.25#-7

Standing Lateral Raise:
10.5# 12/10/8

Prone Incline Rear Flys:
12# 12/10/8

Flat Bench Tricep Extention
double wave load
(was waaaay ambitious with the wt here)
37#-12/ 40#-9/ 41#- 5/ 36#-10 37#-10/ 38#-6

Cross Body Kickbacks:
12.5# 12/10/8 (spotted on the last rep)

Kickbacks Dbl Arm:
18#- 12/10/8

Catherine- Nice job on disc 19!! I looked back at my workout card and found I hit failure on a number of exercises too.....especially the tricep ones. We must be twins since our weight loads are almost identical:).

Linda- Knees are a tricky thing and pain can be caused by a number of different issues. Although I've had bursitis in the past, I think most of my knee pain results from overly tight muscles (esp. the IT band) pulling on the knee joint. Sure puts a damper on the workout:(

Yesterday I had intended to do a CC on the elliptical but realized I forgot to charge my iPod so ended up doing Rhythmic Step. I was doing good until Cathe put all three sections together. I kept forgetting what was coming next and ended up flailing around a few steps behind Cathe:eek: Hoping to get in the CC W/O today.
Judi, that's too funny about us being twins. WTG on RS! There are some tricky moves in that one, but I love it!!!!
This morning I did 4DS BC and 4DS KB cardio skipping the warmup. Did the 1 set of 20 on each of the ab exercises that Shana set out, and finished with the stretch from 4DS KB. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 445 calories. Back has DOMS from yesterday's kettlebells.
Catherine - Couple of small twinges, but not the pain of the past two days. Also to my chagrin there was a lot of Jacks in the 4DS KB (only did that once once before) I just made sure not to jack too wide. Thanks for asking. How's the foot?
Linda, glad to hear the knee did ok today.

My foot is gradually improving. I am still walking with a limp, but it's better. I was planning to do some floor work this evening, but I haven't made it yet :( Honestly I am exhausted. Must have been disc 19 that did it :eek: I will for sure do it tomorrow.
Finally got around to doing some floor work for the legs this morning. I did a 40 min mish-mosh of STS week 3&4 and B&Gs floor work. Did I ever tell you all that I loathe floor work :confused:
<=== comes
bouncing into thread.

I lost another 1 1/2#. WooHoo! Actaully starting to feel like myself again! Got another five to go, then I will see how I look and decide if I need to go any further.

Did Low Max Intensified this morning. Workout was 1:10 and burned 543 calories. Through the first two blast my HR would not get very high, then all of a sudden woke up for the rest of the workout and was through the roof.:p

Did I ever tell you all that I loathe floor work :confused:

- I am right there with you on that one! :p Do you have any idea at point if the surgery was a success in eliminating the original problem?
Linda- Woo Hoo!! Congrats and only 5 pounds to go!

Catherine- Add me to the list of floor work loathers. Actually, legs are my least favorite part to work, standing or not.

No workout for me today. I was on the elliptical yesterday when at the 40 minute mark I got such intense pain in my abdomen that I had to get off the machine and just lay on the floor. It was as bad a labor contractions and lasted about an hour. It is TTOM right now so maybe that had something to do with it. Very weird. Between that and my vertigo symptoms last week, I feel like I'm falling apart!:confused:
No workout for me today. I was on the elliptical yesterday when at the 40 minute mark I got such intense pain in my abdomen that I had to get off the machine and just lay on the floor. It was as bad a labor contractions and lasted about an hour. It is TTOM right now so maybe that had something to do with it. Very weird. Between that and my vertigo symptoms last week, I feel like I'm falling apart!:confused:

Judi- Judi, Judi, Judi ..How completely scary! Hope you are doing better now. Had something like that happen to me once, but mine was in the late evening. Woke my husband up and had him call my doctor it was so bad. Would have went to the ER but I suffer from IBS and was afraid they say it was that and send me home anyway.

Talking about stomach problems...guess what I have found out from all this clean eating........To my dismay I have discovered that I can not eat chocolate.:(:(:(:( It sets my IBS off. I originally thought it was just chocolate candy with all it's fat & sugar, but nope it's all chocolate, like protein powders. :(:(:(:( I will truly miss chocolate.
Linda, what did you do to intensify LM?? Inquiring minds want to know. Oh and very:cool: on your wt loss!

Judi, I am sorry to hear about your pain :( Yikes. I hope you are better!!

As far as the foot goes, I can only assume the original problem is fixed. But really it's impossible to tell yet. There's still a fair bit of pain/discomfort(mostly discomfort) with just walking. It feels like pain from the surgery and not from the neuroma, but I can not be sure. Probably won't know till I really start doing more stuff. I am finally wearing tennis shoes-woooo hooo!! It's the little things that make me happy!
Catherine- Glad to hear you are able to wear shoes now! I sure hope the pain/discomfort you feel is post-op and not the neuroma.

Linda- NO MORE CHOCOLATE??? You have my sympathies;)

No workout yesterday unless you count a billion errands and washing all my windows & screens. I did lug around an 8' ladder and buckets etc..:rolleyes: Of course, after all that work, it rained on my clean windows last night!

No more pain except that one episode. Must have been some kind of spasm or possibly a ruptured cyst. I bled really heavy after which is unusual for me during TTOM.

Tonight is DD's senior prom so we have to do hair, nails, make-up etc... Unfortunately, the weather sucks, highs only in the 50's and winds up to 25 mph but at least it isn't raining:confused: I'll try to post a pic before the wind blows her updo away!
Well I had one of those mornings where not matter what I did my HR just would not go up. I did 4DS HIS & LIS cardio. And from trying to get my HR up I feel like I worked my butt off, but my HRM says otherwise. Workout was 1 hour and I only burned 423 calories. WTH? Why does this happen?

Have a wedding this afternoon and DS is ring bearer and DD the flower girl, so lots to do....

Have a great weekend!

- LM Intensified you do the blasts(except 7) while holding a med ball or 8# DB, lifting it over your head lots or the time. It was posted on the forums years ago.
Well I had one of those mornings where not matter what I did my HR just would not go up. I did 4DS HIS & LIS cardio. And from trying to get my HR up I feel like I worked my butt off, but my HRM says otherwise. Workout was 1 hour and I only burned 423 calories. WTH? Why does this happen?

Linda, is it possible that you need a recovery week?? Just a thought. You'll have to post pics of your kiddos int he wedding.

Today was Disc 19 Back And Biceps. I felt strong at the beginning and then it caught up with me :confused: By the end I was fried!! I know that's a good thing :eek: I did better on chins and pulls,but not where I want to be:(

Pullups: 4/6 (1st # unassisted/2nd assisted with light band)
Chinups: 4/4
Chinups: 2/3 (form was getting bad at the end so stopped)

Barbell Rows:
(first time doing these since surgery, should have went lighter)
65# 8/8/8
(was supposed to be 12/10/8)

One Armed Rows:
double wave load
37# 12
38.75# 10
41# 8
37# 12
38.75# 10
41# 8

65# 9/4 :(
(should have went much lighter*haven't done these since surgery either)

BB Curls:
double wave load
42# 12
45# 8 (should have been 10)
45# 8 (left the wt the same because of above)
40# 10
42# 10
45# 4 (just couldn't do more, put the wt down and tried again in about 20 secs and NOTHING)

Incline Curls on SB:
16#/13# 10/2, 6/4, 5/3 (started at 16# dropped to 13 to complete sets)

Reverse DB Curls:
11# 12/10/8
(these feel weird to me)

Judi, are you feeling better? I've been meaning to ask since you finished STS what kind of results you got. Which was your favorite Meso? Inquiring minds want to know ;)
Well, my w/o calander is looking better all of the time :p I did legs today. Just floor work again and decided to try some leg curls and extensions on the bowflex. Wasn't sure if these would stress the foot or not and they didn't-at all. I did 80# extensions 16/16/12 and 60#curls 8/8/8. My quads were cramping by the end of those extensions :confused: I almost grabbed a KB to try doing a squat. But I told myself NO really loud LOL!!

I have some serious DOMS in my back today. Upper and lower. I guess those DLs got me. Even though I didn't do that many and was much lighter than I use to do. Biceps are only a little sore :(
Today was YardMax which means 6+ hours of holding onto the damn leaf blower to clean out all the leaves and junk in the bushes and rock. I seriously hate this spring job:mad: I can hardly feel my arms! Then I got all anal and started puling weeds and grass that was growing up in the rock. UGH! I've got more to do tomorrow as I'm trying to get the yard in top shape for DD's grad party in a couple weeks.

Catherine- My results with STS were mainly increases in strength and some tightening of my arms and legs. I didn't take measurements or weigh in for "before and after" stats. My main goal was to lift heavier which I achieved.

I did enjoy the comment from my massage therapist that she was impressed with my triceps which are firmer and have that "muscle bump";)

BTW, nice workout and good job on the pulls/chins. I've never been able to do more than a 2-3 unassisted so WTG!

Linda- How did the wedding go? Did the kids enjoy being in it? I would love to see a pic!

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