Cathe.... What can I do about my abs????

Another great thing to do for abs are sprints! I know, I know, they are tough to do and not the most fun things in the world, but they really help. Also, different types of punches work well, too!
Hope that helps...

I am going to try to see if I could do some power moves in my weekly workouts. I guess a tape like Boot Camp would be good. I like to do a kickboxing type of workout so that is how I can get those punches in there.

Thanks Jenni.


PS I am almost ready to write up a rotation for me based on everyone's great advice.
RE: Here is some opinions and/or facts about abs

>It is also worth considering the principle of priority
>training when working the abs. This suggests that the stomach
>muscles be trained first in the workout so that you approach
>them fresh and motivated. This technique will help the abs
>develop faster as it ensures that the mid-section is given
>sufficient attention, whereas if they are left to the back of
>the workout they are inevitably trained badly or neglected

I think the above paragraph is a key when it comes to abs! I shamefully neglect my abs... because I have in my head that they must be done last. Lately, though, I've been doing my weights, followed by ab/core, followed by cardio. It hasn't hurt my cardio at all to be last, plus I don't have the dreaded ab/core work ahead of me after a 45 minute run. I'm too tired to do weights after my run... why would I think abs should be different?

Oooo! I will will be looking forward to your rotation! About the abs, anything that causes your arms/shoulders to go in a cross-rotation over your torso sill help the abs. (ie) punching across your body. (that is why sprinting works so well because it is like you are doing tons of quick punches)

Anyway, I will keep on the lookout for your workout!

This has been a great thread to read. I'm 35 with a 3 yr old son and had an emergency c-sect. I had a rough time with pre-term and pih, etc.. So I was way overstretched in my skin/ab area. I'm dieting now and working out and really trying to get some fat off and build my upper body to look really good. I still may have a mini tummy-tuck for myself. I can't fit in pants I know I can because of the "pouch". Or I may not. But I'm glad for the different points of view and that I should just accept what I am at this point in my life.
Hi Alicia,

I've had four children (none by C-Section) but a hysterectomy over ten years ago caused my tummy area to literally "change" (no pun intended) overnight. After this horrific operation my body went topsy turvy in all directions, not to mention a major weight gain. Overtime my tummy area grew and grew and there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. Like you and many others that I have spoken to I was seriously considering a tummy tuck. I still have about 15-20 pounds to lose and my tummy area is getting smaller and smaller. Fast forward to today - although I am not totally flat I have managed to reduce the look of my tummy. I do admit that this area is hard to work and you know you can not "spot reduce". Look at this way... once all the fat has gone you will have strong, healthy abs and a six-pack to boot.

Keep at it - it will happen. Repeat when necessary.

Take care Alicia,

1500 Calories is almost certainly too little!

I'm about to turn 42 had two kids (no sections) - but too much weight in the middle that was never going to come off eating too little and exercising too much.

Cathe videos are GREAT for the strenght you need! Hands down the best you can get on video.

BUT, you must remove the fat to see the great muscles underneath. I am having fantastic progress using for fat removal.


You really hit the nail on the head for me with your comment about how you feel about your abs, not your husband. You are the one who lives in that body and we all have hang ups about our bodies. We are our worst critics. I never look at other women and scrutinize them at all like I do myself. Why , we, as women are like this I do not know but I don't like it.

I have learned to be comfortable in my body finally after 47 years. I feel I look great for having 10 children. As for the ab thing, I totally agree with you - for me personally I cannot stand to have a stomach (why?) - for me I feel like I look sloppy if I do. That is something I have thought for so many years I cannot shake that. I do not feel that way about anyone else, just me.

I do have a flat abdomen and it definitely has definition - I would say I can see a six-pack. Since doing Cathe's intensity series has helped that lots - but I have recently been doing most of my abs on the BOSU and WOWEE what a big difference.

I am 5' 5 1/2" tall and weigh 115, I do have a 24" waist and I can wear a two piece with confidence. I have posted on the pregnancy site before and someone thought that meant I did not have some loose skin - well, I do but it is not much. But I do not have much body fat either.

What can I do about the skin? Nothing in my opinion - just like the few laugh lines I am getting - short of surery, which at this point in my life I do not ever anticipate doing.

I totally understand where you are coming from - it is a body issue that we as women have to deal with. You just keep plugging away at your workouts and your abs and you will definitely see a difference.

You have given me alot to think about - thank you for posting.


Thanks for posting. That is great. You continue to work out and have not given up. That is probably one of the reasons you do have flat abs with definition. Some women just listen to others, like when other people say you can never have the same body. And I guess they accept that and some stop taking care of themselves.

Well after reading your post, I will definitley continue to work out and TRY to eat right. Who knows what my body may look like when I do lose the weight and start to see more definition. I am starting to be very happy with some of my body parts right know.

Yes, I think what you said about feeling like you look sloppy is almost how I feel. I do not critize the bodies of other women. I am just like this about my body. I was even looking at the extra skin on my abs the other day in the mirror so that I can be a little more accepting. I noticed that one side has a bit more loose skin than the other or at least it looks that way to me. One side hangs more than the other. Oh well. There is nothing I can do about that unless I think about surgery, which I am not considering as an option at this time. I am just going to do the best that I can on my own.

Thanks for posting. I am having great workouts this week. I am definitely on my way. I have even tried the Zumba advanced DVD and what fun I had. I am sure I worked my abs with those latin dance moves.


Thanks for the website address. I will look at that site when I have more time. I just took a peek right know. I will let you know what I think.


I will defintely keep at it. I must think it will happen. What do I have to lose (except inches and fat!!).

You can't go wrong with this web site!
Has helped me so much. I'm not done yet. But, the progress in just a few months has giving me confidence that I will look the way I want - soon!

It is not only inexpensive ($8 a month), but there is a fantastic support group at
If you have a question about the process (or related topics) you will often get help within minutes. You will certainly get help within hours.

The basic idea is clean eating: LOW Sugar, Low Fat & Low Salt.
If you want to see your abs, you can use the weight loss mode which will first analyze how you currently eat. Then it will tell you (based on age gender, current weight, desired weight, activity level, height) specific protein, carb & fat ratios and numbers of calories you need each day for a 4 month (or more) program of fat loss. At first it will guide you through a process of eating more. This is conditioning to get your metabolism running at high speed. Then you will drop out some calories a few days of the week for 12 weeks. That's is when you will lose a lot of weight. During this process you learn how to select foods that will let you see the beautiful abs that Cathe help you to create. There is a bit of a learning curve: but you are taught to control your fat - not be controlled by your fat.

I've lost about a pound a week for the last 3 months! I was NEVER EVER going to lose weight doing more exercises and eating less. I tried that for 3 and a half years and I only got bigger - even with the high quality workouts that Cathe delivers. Some of the men or women with more to lose than I had actually lose 2 or more pounds a week.

BTW, I'm not getting anything at all for this endorsement other than hoping that I can help else be happier with their body.


Sounds good. I agree that eating very little is not what gives us results. We need the right foods to give us energy for the workouts and to help our muscles grow and recover.

Wow ! I just want to say this thread has been very inspiring ! It has been great to read everyone's replies ! Thankyou !

Anna :D

Your advice to Alicia made me decide to give Physique Transformation a try..I'm starting with the Diet Analysis phase tomorrow. :)


Alicia, man are we in the same boat! After three kids, with the youngest not even 16 months, I wonder if my lower abs will ever flatten out. I can tell you that I added pilates to my workout schedule about two months ago and man can I see and feel a difference! Now, I still have baby fat, but many mornings when I wake up I look relatively flat up and down from the side, even though I'm still too thick through the middle. Point is, add the pilates, and anything else you can do on a stability ball that requires extra core work. Every Pilates move requires stability of your core and gives you an added ab workout. I've seen excellent results with roll ups.

p.s. I think you're right about the weight. I want to lose another 20 and think that's what it will take to lose the fat that is covering my six pack x(
Hi Alicia! I had only 1 c-section but can certainly relate. Even though now after 13 years since the c-section I still feel my abs will never be the same. Yes I'm only 5'2" & wear a size 0 but the abs have never gone back to the way they used to look. The skin on the lower abs is still flabby (no longer tight) but I'm definitely smaller so there's hope Alicia. You'll have to do more cardio & you already know to eat clean every single day (absolutely no junk). Every month you will see progress & the tummy will get smaller. I too have considered a mini tummy tuck but I've just recently in January had a hernia repaired so don't exactly relish the thought of going under the knife again. Still recovering & abs are flabbier now than before my surgery. Keep doing core exercises you will get there. Good luck! Kathy:D

I just realized this post was from 2003!!!! Why does SNM do this???

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