You can't go wrong with this web site!
Has helped me so much. I'm not done yet. But, the progress in just a few months has giving me confidence that I will look the way I want - soon!
It is not only inexpensive ($8 a month), but there is a fantastic support group at
If you have a question about the process (or related topics) you will often get help within minutes. You will certainly get help within hours.
The basic idea is clean eating: LOW Sugar, Low Fat & Low Salt.
If you want to see your abs, you can use the weight loss mode which will first analyze how you currently eat. Then it will tell you (based on age gender, current weight, desired weight, activity level, height) specific protein, carb & fat ratios and numbers of calories you need each day for a 4 month (or more) program of fat loss. At first it will guide you through a process of eating more. This is conditioning to get your metabolism running at high speed. Then you will drop out some calories a few days of the week for 12 weeks. That's is when you will lose a lot of weight. During this process you learn how to select foods that will let you see the beautiful abs that Cathe help you to create. There is a bit of a learning curve: but you are taught to control your fat - not be controlled by your fat.
I've lost about a pound a week for the last 3 months! I was NEVER EVER going to lose weight doing more exercises and eating less. I tried that for 3 and a half years and I only got bigger - even with the high quality workouts that Cathe delivers. Some of the men or women with more to lose than I had actually lose 2 or more pounds a week.
BTW, I'm not getting anything at all for this endorsement other than hoping that I can help else be happier with their body.