cathe- premixes

RE: I vote

Keep the pre-mixes please! I often like to choose a strength only option, or a parts option, a straight cardio option, or a shorter workout.

I have never done the Workout Blender.

One thing I'll miss though, are having pre-mixes on a 2-workout DVD. :-( I really enjoy combining workouts to make brand new ones. I've programmed fun workouts combining IMAX2 and C&W. I also choose to do already set premixes combing workouts. The Bootcamp/ME Bonus Combo is great, I like the SB circuit - it's like a whole new workout!) and I often do a KPC and Legs & Glutes Combo.

I would like to see all 3 Gym Style Training workouts on one DVD. I won't want to train the same bodyparts together all the time; On days that a certain body part needs rest, it's convenient to know I can choose different body parts to do on a given day, as I can on the PS Series and S&H., without disc changing.

The pre-mix options keep me coming back for more. I workout to Cathe 4-5 days a week, and it's due to all the wonderful options I have to do different workouts with the pre-mixes. SNM is a notch above the rest in fitness videos because you listen to your customers and provide the workouts that keep us fit and MOTIVATED! Keep it up! :7
Hi Cathe and Chris!
I love the premixes and use them all the time when I'm short on time. I will say however that it would not be the end of the world if they were not included. Why? Because one of the things that sets your workouts apart from the rest is the fact that Cathe is such a wonderful, friendly, super-fit, amazingly talented, FUN, SWEET, easygoing, down to earth, totally awesome instructor and I look forward to working out with her every day, even when I'm so tired I would rather sit on the couch and watch tv! Even without those premixes you are still head and shoulders above the rest. I have read in recent posts, some people comparing this series to P90X. Someone said that Cathe's workouts without premix's would be a "P90X by Cathe." I have never viewed nor done any P90X workouts but I can tell you for certain that it would never even compare to Cathe for exactly the reasons I just listed - and more.

Thanks for all your hard work, it really is appreciated!

Another very satisfied customer who relies soley on Cathe's dvd's for my home workouts. ;-)

One more thing, I know this was brought up before but if you had two workouts on one DVD AND premixes for the Intensity Series with minimal complaints why can't you make these new ones the same way? Body Blast may have been too overloaded (and it seems most people don't even use the workout blender). So why not just make these like the Intensities? (Can you tell I really want the premixes?!)
Your pre-mixes are priceless! I personally feel supplying this option along with Cathe's high-energy, always challenging routines is what keeps us all coming back. It was stated that you never hear in other forums about clients who are pleased with their DVDs and the pre-mixes, and I'm hear to tell you we are out there! It's true that a bad/negative experience may receive more attention, but I'm one to make my own decisions based on what I know, not what someone else tells me. I know SNM/Cathe puts out an excellent, unmatched product that I love and will always buy.

Please don't scrap what makes SNM/Cathe so special because of a small percentage of problems. If just taking out the Workout Blender is an option, please consider it. You have always put out a superior product and we appreciate it.

RE: I vote

I have to chime in with everyone else that I just LOVE :) all of the premixes and use them often. In addition, I love the combo premixes on the BB series between the 2 workouts- it adds so much variety to my workout and always keeps my body chanllenged ( which I know is the goal). My first workout I bought from Cathe was IMAX2/C&W, and I think I may have given up on Cathe if it wasn't for the 1-5 and 6-10 premixes. NowI use the blast only premix often- the DVD grew with me. Again so much versaility.
I am in the minority who uses the workout blender and I love it-I am able to program the workout that I want. I do understand though, if something has to go due all previously mentioned reasons, it should be the blender and I will be sad about this, but not as disappointed as if the premixes had to go.
I want you to know that since I discovered Cathe, I have not bought any other workouts because I am always so disappointed with them either due to the workout or the lack of chaptering on the DVD or the lack of meaningful premixes! Your premixes are well thought out and add so much to all of the workouts- there are premixes that I would never have thought of that I now love.
I am definitely preordering, and Hope you know how much your fans appreciate your hard work that you put into all of your workouts!
I love the premixes! I don't care about the "blender" option, but I do love when each workout has 4 or 5 well-thought out premixes.

I also LOVE the "music louder" option.

My fingers are crossed that SNM will find a way to keep offering the premixes. Maybe if there are fewer options and no "blender," there won't be as many customers reporting problems? (Said hopefully.)

Another vote for pre-mixes! They keep me motivated and I love the variety. I can push myself harder when I don't have the order of the workout memorized. I especially love the longer pre-mixes that remind me of Terminator (my favorite workouts from the intensity series).
I've had no problem with any of the advanced features on the Bodyblast series. I only buy Cathe videos now due to the excellent instruction, challenging workout and superb DVD features (pre-mixes, workout blender, etc.).
I too would love to see pre-mixes combining two workouts or more.
I'm really looking forward to the Hardcore series! (understatement of the century)
My vote is for individual DVDs with the Hardcore Extreme (and maybe a 2nd HE2) comprised of all premixes. One DVD for cardio, the other for weights. That way, anyone who wants the premix can purchase it on a separate DVD. I think that would please everyone. Silly me! Alexis
That is a good idea, but for the price of the DVD, the premixes should be included - I don't know if I'd want to dish out even more money just for premixes. (JMO)
I vote for premixes too! I liked the Workout Blender better in theory than in actuality. It would have been much better if we could mix sections from various workouts rather than just the one workout. Nonetheless, I have still used it a few times to change the order of the workout. If it has to go, I can handle it, but I use the premixes constantly! This is one of the reasons, IMO, why Cathe's DVDs are a cut above the rest. I love Cathe's workouts and would probably buy them either way, but I'm definitely willing to pay more and wait longer in order to have such high quality DVDs. I actually replaced my Intensity series VHS on DVD when I got a player in order to have the premixes! If you look online, there are multiple rotations, etc. circulating that utilize Cathe's Intensity and Body Blast premixes in a fun and challenging way.
Another vote for the premixes! I love to use them as well. I do also use the blender and mix & match features. Your dvd's are just so much better than everyone elses and that is what keeps us all coming back for more! Don't change too much or you could lose your position of being leaps and bounds above all others!

Thanks for your interest in our opinions too!

Have a great day,
Going from dvds with premixes to dvds with no premixes would be like going from using DVD to VHS again. I can't live without the premixes!!! :)
I use the premixes all the time. I love them, love them, love them and would pay more to have them. They are definately on the cutting edge and that is what Cathe is all about!

Please keep them.

Add my vote for the premixes, please! (I've never used the workout blender but use the premixes all the time!) I feel bad that we're not better about letting you know when we're happy with the videos you produce, only when we have a problem! I, too, consider the pre-mixes an invaluable addition to the superior videos that you consistently produce, and I hope you continue to offer them.

You guys, and the workout videos you produce, are the BEST!!! We will try to remember to tell you that more often!:D

Thank you again for all you do!

I have the Intensity series but not the BB series, so I don't KNOW whether my player would have trouble with really complex programming as is on the BB series. It seems to me, though, that the type of premixes that are on the Intensity series would be a good compromise for the new ten pack series. The Intensity DVDs didn't create all the controversy that the BB ones did, because they weren't so complex from what I understand. Yet, they offer some variety and a more valuable product.

I know that I do use them regularly, and would really miss that type of premix on the new series. Considering that there will only be one workout per DVD, wouldn't this be a viable option for SNM? Surely, the chaptering can't get THAT complex if there's only one workout per DVD? I would think you could get all the workout in one one side of the DVD, and the switch between layers wouldn't be a problem...

Thanks for eliciting customer opinion on this issue!
I love the pre-mixes also. But if you decide not to have the workout blender, could you please insert a card with all of the chapters and titles. It would make it easier for those not using the premix but want to have the workout blender subsitute. I often make-up my own routine using just the title/chapter, it would be so much easier if a card inserted in the DVD with all of the chapter/title, therefore allowing me or anyone else to program their workouts. Thanks Chap

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