Michele's Cardio Coach Mish-Mosh Circuit Workout
I'm bumping this up again because I have a CC playlist to share

. It alternates between cardio challenges and PUMP circuits. It's approximately 70 minutes long from the warm-up through the stretch, and all of the cardio challenges are at level 3 intensity.
What you need:
- Cardio Coach Volumes 1 through 4
- Cardio Coach PUMP
- Your favorite stationary exercise equipment
- Hand weights ranging from 3 lbs to 20 lbs and/or resistance bands or tubing
Michele's Cardio Coach Mish-Mosh Circuit Workout
Track 1 - Volume 4 - Warm-up
Track 2 - PUMP - Stretch
Track 3 - Volume 1, Challenge 1 - Hills
Track 4 - PUMP Circuit 1 - Squats & Side Lunges
Track 5 - Volume 1, Challenge 2 - Sprints
Track 6 - PUMP Circuit 2 - Crunches
Track 7 - Volume 2, Challenge 1 - Hills
Track 8 - PUMP Circuit 3 - Push ups & Bicep Curls
Track 9 - Volume 4, Challenge 1 - Hills & Sprints
Track 10 - PUMP Circuit 4 - Bent Rows & Overhead Triceps Extensions
Track 11 - Volume 3, Challenge 1 - Sprints
Track 12 - PUMP Circuit 5 - Shoulder Press & Side Raises
Track 13 - Volume 4 - Stretch
Please feel free to make this workout your own by swapping my favorite challenges for yours, or by raising or lowering the intensity.