Building a Cathe DVD library


So, how long did it take all of you to build enough of a Cathe DVD library to be able to do a complete monthly rotation and have everything on the list (or is this just wishful thinking)? How many do you all have?

I am an instant gratification girl so even the week wait for the DVD's I have coming is hard enough... I am fairly new to Cathe and LOVE everything so far and am expecting another 4 DVD's to arrive Monday, however, with the cost being a little on the high side for some of the series... how do you all afford them??? I'm not complaining about the price because they are definately worth every dime due to the high quality and excellent routines (although can't Step with her to save my life!) but even buying a few at a time it must take YEARS!!! but you gotta start somewhere I guess! :D

I have a few "starter sets" from The Firm and Billy Blanks "TaeBo" series but routinely loose interest doing them over and over... This is the main reasons I am SO excited about and have pre-ordered the STS series, because you have everything right there all at the same time. Like the rest of you, I have worn out the refresh button on the STS update blog!!!

any advise on which DVD's would be the most beneficial to loose fat, and tone in the mean time? I have coming: Butts & Gutts, Hardcore: Gym/legs & Hardcore: Gym/Back, and High Step Circuit.

thanks all!

I just started with Cathe in April, and I'm taking my time in terms of building up the library. I started out with a bang and spent some serious cash, but once I got a good mix of weights and cardio, I slowed down. I figure I'll stretch any other DVDs I want out over birthdays and Christmas. (I also use my Discover cash back money for DVDs. If you get creative ~ like skipping pizza/movies one weekend, or holding out on spending money on little stuff like coffee ~ you can accumulate enough to offset Cathe purchases. :) )

I think weight training is key to burning fat. It seems to speed up the process when combined with cardio.
I don't have the complete set of Cathe workouts and I just found rotations last year.

My Cathe collection is a mix of DVDs I bought new, DVDs I bought used (off eBay from carefully screened auctions), and FitTV versions (Tivo is GREAT!!). I'm waiting for the Workout Blender to expand my collection some more.

When I want to do a rotation, I look at the ones I don't have and categorize them as Cardio or Weights. Then I further break Cardio down into Steady State or Interval. Weights get broken down into Endurance or Heavy and then by body part (1 body part, upper body, lower body). After I have the basic category I think Cathe was after, I'll look at what I have and substitute.

Don't forget the premixes! You can use the premixes of some workouts to substitute for others.

So if you're looking for new workouts, look for ones that fit into categories you don't have and with premixes that fit into categories you don't have.

Of course, you'll have them all eventually....<wicked laugh here>

what are premixes?

I don't mean to be dense, and I have seen that word a lot on the different forums, but not sure what it is - as I'm looking at Cathes' DVD list, and don't see premixes... are they separate DVD's or just taking parts and pieces from existing workouts and DVD's and putting them together...

sorry if this has been asked before...

thanks for your suggestions Laughingwater & cheval :)
Premixes are the best!! Cathe's team takes chapters of the original workout and mixes them up in fun (and/or tortuous) new ways. A Full body weight workout can turn into a 3 day split. Or a 4 day split can turn into a 2 day split. Circuit workouts can turn into just weights or just cardio or something to fry your legs. I just love premixes and they're one reason I like Cathe's DVDs so much.

Here's an example of the 4DS series and the premixes for that:

4DS consists of 4 workouts:
Higher Intensity Step Aerobics & Chest/Back Weights
Lower Intensity Step Aerobics & Shoulders/Core

Cardio Kickbox & Legs/Core
Boot Camp Cardio & Biceps/Triceps

And here are all the premixes for those workouts:

Kickbox + Boot Camp DVD Premixes:

1. Boot Camp Cardio Only
2. Kickbox Cardio Only
3. Lower Body Weights
4. Total Body Weights
5. Boot Camp Weights First
6. Kickbox Weights First
7. Boot camp and Upper Body
8. Kickbox and Upper Body
9. Cardio Power
10. Boot Camp Circuit Upper Body
11. Boot Camp Circuit Lower Body

Lower Intensity Step + Higher Intensity Step DVD Premixes:

1. Lower Intensity Step Cardio Only
2. Higher Intensity Step Cardio Only
3. All Upper Body weights
4. Lower Intensity Step and All Upper Body
5. Higher Intensity Step and All Upper Body
6. Lower Intensity Step Weights First
7. Higher Intensity Step Weights First
8. Double Cardio
9. Back & Biceps
10. Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
11. Low Impact Circuit
12. Higher Intensity Circuit

Cool! :cool:

I've been doing Cathe for probably 4 yrs. I started out taping them from Fittv. About 2 years ago I started buying them with the BM2, DM, B&G, and the other one that goes with that (can't think of it). I added here & there getting 4DS on pre-order. When I signed up for the RT I went nuts & ordered a bunch & then bought more there & a few more when I got home. In Aug I started following her rotations for the first time & at first felt like I had to buy every one to stay on track. It's mainly her old ones I don't have. I figured out to slow down & subbed in when I could with cardio & for strength I printed out all of the workout sheets & would work off of those.
Eventually I'll get all them w/o breaking the bank at once. Plus there's her new equipment I wanted so I had to choose. Be patient, it will come.
I think I pretty much broke the bank all at one time. I had no step, no weights, no barbell and no Cathe workouts. My first was Power Hour. I then went with the Intensity Series. I have no idea how quickly I spent the money but I do remember that my husband never complained unlike when i was buying scrapbook supplies....he was all for me working out! Over the past 5 years I've acquired the rest here and there. I don't have them all on dvd though...I have many on vhs and I'm not using my vhs anymore in my workout room. I think the vhs ones I have are Power Hour, Push Pull, PowerMax and Slow and Heavy. I regret I never spent more time on S&H...I think that would be a good effective workout but I do have the Gym Styles on dvd.

Nowadays I only get dvds for my birthday or Christmas. My STS was to be a birthday present in May but it now looks like it will be a Christmas present, lol.
It didn't take me that long because I bought a lot of them at one time! ha!

Ok, I think you'll want GS Chest, Bis and Tris to complete the series - so you have a full 3 day split.

I'd get a total body - I would recommend Muscle Endurance. Another option is Muscle Max.

and for cardio, you'll need some interval training - like one of the "Imaxes" - I'd go with Imax 2.

and pick something for a steady state - like kickboxing or step

you have a circuit workout so you're good there. you'll also have bootcamp if you by Muscle Endurance. ( think this is a must own DVD.)

oh yeah, and a 2 day split - (upper/lower) like the pyramids (one of my favs).

Usually you'd do a total body, 2 day split or 3 day split rotation - so you don't need all this strength work right away. - but in building your collection i'd want at least on DVD for each type of training you'll be doing.

Since your focus if fat loss - your DVD priority should be total body, circuit training, and cardio both high intensity and steady. I'd worry about the splits later.
thank you all!

this has all been very helpful and I look forward to incorporating your suggestions into my daily work outs!

I, too, have taped some of the Pyramid workouts from FitTV (and have set reminders for future programming) thanks to my DVR and trusty DVD recorder and those are what got me hooked on Cathe! I am considering purchasing the real deal (Pyramid workouts) at some point, as I think you loose some of the benefit from not getting the entire 60 +/- workout from Cathe because they have to cram in all the commercials, but they are still great!

and I'm with you mklap1 in that my DH is all for me investing in my health as I am a knitting and stamping freak... at least I like buying all the stuff for it! :eek:

thanks again!

Building a Cathe Library

I have 17 DVDs and have been a Cathe fan for two years with a growing wish list! Last I year I saved $10 a month until I got to the $100 mark so I could order without paying the shipping. It also gave me time to preview the DVDs I was thinking about and watch the boards for reviews.

I started with Cathe back in 1999 when she didn't have dvd's yet. I chose to replace all my VHS videos with DVD's as well as purchase eveything else (except for the beginner/intermediate w/o's) as they were produced. ;)


Number of Cathe DVD's: 7 plus STS preorder
empty water bottles: 12
Damage to pocketbook: $500

the mini-library has begun! I have gathered some great tips here on what everyone likes and have some good ideas of future purchases. I even found a thread the other day for another poster of some special personalized Cathe rotations that I modified. Will see if it works and what workout holes I may have to plug before STS arrives. DH says "better workout gear than shoes!":eek: does that include workout shoes? HA!

Thanks all for your comments and suggestions! they have been invaluable! :D
Well, so what did you get, o' clever one??! (Loved the priceless thing!) :D

yesterday's (almost too late) UPS delivery:

High Step Circuit (major cause of DOMS today!)
Hardcore: legs
Hardcore: back, shoulders, bi (scheduled for tonites round of torture)
Butts & Guts

by Friday (I hope as I will be out of New Material!)
Intensity: Bootcamp + Muscle Endurance
Body Blast: Kick, punch, crunch

I also have 2 workouts from FitTV - Pyramids Upper and Lower body that I love, but feel like they may be less effective than the real deal due to the limited time format and all the commercials I had to cut out when I recorded to DVD... better than nothing and it was FREE! :D

will see what STS has to offer and go from there... although the wait is killing me and it's only been a month on the pre-order list for me! I'm all about instant gratification!


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