Brit's Bod


Have you seen all the "news" articles today plasted all over MSN and Yahoo about how Britney showed her "awesome" new bod on Letterman last night, blah, blah, blah... Am I the ONLY one who doesn't think she looks that much different than when they were criticizing her??? Yeah, she's dropped a few pounds, but there wasn't anything "wrong" with her before aside from some FREAKY (and it still is) hair and some tacky fashion choices. Yet, they went on and on about how fat she was and heck, I'd like to look that good after having two kids. Anyways, I'm not saying she doesn't look fine now either, I just don't think she looks all that much more toned for them to be ooing and aweing over her. If any other actress had the midsection she showed off on Letterman, they would call her fat (which just proves how messed up everyone's body perception is). The media is so fical... Not that we didn't all know that. I'd like to send them a picture of what a really fit bod really looks like - like any of the Cathe group from the RT.
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I just Googled it.

I agree ~ she doesn't look any different. I think she has a nice figure, but I wouldn't call her "fit," and there hasn't been a huge transformation or anything.

I started to watch the Top 10 clip but turned it off. She still seems so sad. It must suck to have the media watch every single move, every single pound.
yeah the poor girl is eating 1,100-1,200 calories a day with a nutri system type service. working out like crazy in addition to her rehearsals.

its nice to know when had she a little belly like i do that she was "fat". i would love to pop these ppl in the face. srsly criticize her and others similar to her body type take a bit of offense to the fat and weight gain comments.

i notice she lost her little belly which isn't uncommon to have in the first place. my sister has had two c-sections and surgery all within 3 years and the dr. doesn't expect her belly to bounce back anytime soon. the same with britney you can't diet away stretched skin just except it or go under the knife.

Yep, that's what I think Lori. I really don't see much of a difference from what she looked like in her much panned MTV performance. Midsection still looks pretty untoned, not that there is ANYTHING wrong with it. It just doesn't warrant all the "Britney's new bod" announcements since it barely looks any different and there was nothing wrong with the old bod. Give them a few more months and they'll be talking about how she's porked out again and then it'll be about her "new bod" again. Just leave it alone all ready! Sheesh... I also agree that she still looks lost.
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I guarantee you the people who were criticizing her in the media would have killed to look like she did!

oh yeah even at her VMA performance after her meltdown(in the little black thing LOL) i would have killed for those abs. i see similar to her when i see me. can gain weight a little quickly and even at our smallest we are still thick esp. legs and hips. just how we are built and its not a bad thing, workouts done right can make for alluring curves.

just upsetting b/c where is my crown for loosing weight. i have to do it with a REAL job, family life,no nannies, no personal chefs,no trainers and not even a good support system(sorry dh you are not damn help to me in this department). but my goodness if she is bloated that day then she is a cow and so i take offense LOL.


ETA:yeah its one of those issues with me, i try to say i don't care but i really do care how i look sometimes ;-)
She's always had a killer bod, and she's only 28 years old, so she'll have a killer bod for many years to come. This may come as a shock, but since seeing her on Will & Grace and Saturday Night Live, I think she has a talent for comedic acting. No, really. I happen to enjoy her dancing too. The thing she sucks at is singing. She really needs to give that up or get some voice lessons!
She's always had a killer bod, and she's only 28 years old, so she'll have a killer bod for many years to come. This may come as a shock, but since seeing her on Will & Grace and Saturday Night Live, I think she has a talent for comedic acting. No, really. I happen to enjoy her dancing too. The thing she sucks at is singing. She really needs to give that up or get some voice lessons!

The sad things is, I don't think that was actually "acting" on "How I Met Your Mother", I think that's just her! ;) I agree it suits her though. Also equally sad is the fact that she can actually "sing" (albeit, she shouldn't win any awards for it), she just doesn't. She warbles and moans and makes baby noises, but doesn't actually SING. She's come a long way from Star Search and Mickey Mouse club...
I agree! She does do well at comedic acting! I remember when she was on SNL with Justin Timberlake, who is great! And they were awesome together.

ETA: I'll always have a place in my heart for her, lol.
I agree - I saw no hot new bod there. She looked the same to me too. Does anyone else find her incredibly trashy?? She looks and acts as if she has not one ounce of class.
She looks totally the same as the VMA's! And it's not BAD (would love to look like that!), it's just not NEW HOT BODY.

When I think of "trailor trash" , she comes to mind. I don't know, she just hit's me as that type. Maybe I'm wrong.
She looks totally the same as the VMA's! And it's not BAD (would love to look like that!), it's just not NEW HOT BODY.

When I think of "trailor trash" , she comes to mind. I don't know, she just hit's me as that type. Maybe I'm wrong.

I get the "trailer trash" vibe also. But maybe it's all an act for the media. I haven't seen her acting ability. I do like some of her songs though.

I'm sorry but I cracked up at how she kept trying to hold that funky angle. I guess it was supposed to be her most flattering angle?
I actually sent her an email back when things first started unraveling for her.

I'm not a fan and have never tried to look her up on the net before, but after seeing her crying in a shop, baby in her lap, while photographers pushed and shoved to get photos, I was moved to make some kind of contact.

I'm sure she never saw it, but I had to try. I felt like I was watching someone drown, and even though there was a huge crowd around her, no one was throwing her a life preserver.
I'm not a huge Brit fan, but I'm a Brit sympathizer. Not only that but she keeps making hits - you can't disagree. I think it's great people are talking about her hot bod. When I heard about it I was expecting to see ribs and hip bones and was pleased to see some womanly flesh. I think she has a good sense of humor but wouldn't want her to be my mother.
I actually sent her an email back when things first started unraveling for her.

I'm not a fan and have never tried to look her up on the net before, but after seeing her crying in a shop, baby in her lap, while photographers pushed and shoved to get photos, I was moved to make some kind of contact.

I'm sure she never saw it, but I had to try. I felt like I was watching someone drown, and even though there was a huge crowd around her, no one was throwing her a life preserver.

Lori, you're such a sweet person!:)

I also feel sorry for Britney. If I was under as much scrutiny as her I'd probably shave my head too. For having 2 babies back to back in a year like she did, I think her body is amazing. Even without having 2 babies, her body is amazing! But IMO she has a sad, lonely life. I wish she wouldn't have to go on talkshows in a bikini to get good publicity. What a weird life.

I love Brit's music, but she is a lost soul. And I agree with what Chris said, when I think of her I think of trailer trash.

I'll have to check out these pics you are talking about. She looks good on her new CD cover but we all know that photoshop does wonders. :p

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