Bouncing babies and their mommas 3/28-4/3

yes, been calling it....i didn't think i had ringer off. i remember being in laundry room & texting a friend....last i remember. folded laundry, not in there! Urgh!!!!
the past three days, john screams if not being held. i am frazzled. i cannot hold him all day, so i listen to a lot of shrieking. he is driving me insane.
My phone is fully charged. Urgh!! I might trade phones out to my older model just so I can function. It's amazing how much we get attatched to those darn things! LOL
aww...Jen, you poor thing! You're bound to be healthy soon, right?? .
of the bugs that Caden brings home

Melanie-glad you skipped your run. Even superwoman needs to rest sometimes! It sounds like your body needs it. You have a long commute, don't you? How far is it? I commuted when I lived in WI and worked in Mpls. It sucked! Yes, this is my last week of leave. I've really enjoyed it though. DH has pretty much taken the week off (he works from home...trying to do his own bus thing), so we've just tried to enjoy the kids!

Christine-we had the middle of the night cuddle issue with Caden. I'm so sorry you were up so much! I've been up a lot lately as well, but that's to be expected with the 2. The in-laws will be here Saturday-Tuesday. It's a long time, but I'll be working 2 of the days, so it won't be so bad. His 4 siblings arrive Sat and Sun. I think DH and I will get a date night on Saturday, so ya for that! How did it go running to swimming lessons?

Priscilla-GLad you survived Insanity! I think I'll tackle another one on Saturday. Good luck with the tummy time. We just do a little each day. I didn't have much of an issue with Caden, as he was so super high strung and always crying that he seemed to build up a strong body fast! Reese, on the other hand, is much more relaxed and wants nothing to do with it...usually lays her head down and rests (and then starts crying!) :)

Susan-hope your internet is up soon! Yes, typing from a phone is a hassle, but I've gotten used to it. It's really the only way I get internet time.

Allison-nothing wrong with a little Wii if that's how you get some sleep. I've used my fair share of TV to entertain Caden while I either rest or workout. You'll probably be more likely to get that Mommy of the Year award because you are taking care of yourself so that you can take better care of him!

I ran 4 mi (well, walked probably 1/2 mile total during the last 2 mi). My goal is to eventually get to where I am running most of 5 mi. DH and I are heading out with the kids (heaven help us) to look at a few minivans. I know, now I'll be in the cool club. IUD appt tomorrow. I think I've decided on Paraguard, a copper, non-hormonal IUD. The downside of that one is that periods really suck for awhile (heavy, crampy), but I'd like to avoid hormones, as I have plenty of those ;).

all for now!
Christine and Melaniem we must have been typing at the same time. Hope you find your phone, Melanie! I am absolutely lost without mine. Christine-my heart goes out to you as you deal with John's crying and awful nights. How old is heagain? Caden was that way until about 3mo old. Is he constipated? gassy? Teething? I'm sure you've probably already thought of every possible option. So sorry!!!
Christine, sorry it was such a rough night again. If only these little guys could talk to us, right? Who the hell knows why they do what they do -- but I'm sure exhausted from trying to figure it out. Hope you got a nap.

BBL -- as I started to type, Drew woke up and is now screaming. Sigh.

Hey, anyone planning to do the Road Trip at Cathe's gym in July/August? I saw the announcement today -- registration next week! It would be awesome if some of you came -- we could share a hotel room :) Her gym is only about 35 minutes from my house, but it's my weekend away LOL
I wish I could do the road trip. My husband would have a coronary. He does not do children solo well.
Okay, ladies. Let's turn our frowns upside down!
I am going to try it this weekend, and see if I can figure out how to use Mels secret op system. If I can , I will do it, because mel needs a breather! I might have to get some tutorials from the master!
John just pooped and is actually smiling! Woo hoo!
Abs and poop! Yes!
OK, materials needed have been purchased and will now check out the software. If interested, send me a FB message. I never check on here.
Allison- I sleep on the couch whenever john naps and I park jimmy in front of a movie. I am with you girl.
John is smiling now that he pooped. Let's pray that is what it was. I need rest. I am supposed to do a 15 miler on saturday and cannot do it with four hours rest. I am taking tomorrow off, nothing, nada. Today I did 7.5 miles (the run to swimming was awesome, adn the weatehr cooperated), a 3 mile walk while jimmy biked and chubby in the bjorn, and intensity circuit from hardcore extreme. when i am tired sometimes i get ridiculous in working out, and end up catatonic by evening. off to make us dinner and hope that DH is coming from bowling sooner than later.
FOUND THE PHONE. I now remember WHY I exercise EVERYDAY. OMG did I have a rough day with the kiddos without my release. Whew. I made it, but my goodness...I really think I'm a better mommy when I get my hour of sweat!!

My mojo is 1/2 I'm best off to tomorrow.

Chat with ya'll on Saturday. I'm going to be ready for my 9.5 mile run on Saturday (instead of Sunday).

P.S. Christine....I AM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know if I can do anything, k?
Yay, Melanie -- Glad you found your phone!! I would be at a loss without mine. I only know people's numbers as speed dials anymore. Hope your mojo recharges with a good night's sleep.

Christine, I think you should ask MIL to come stay with DH for the weekend so you can come to the Road Trip :D I will send you a message on Facebook tomorrow (I hope I remember); DH has FB blocked after 11PM Thurs thru Sun since my stepdaughters would be on it until the wee hours if allowed. LOL

We got Drew to bed tonight, and then DH noticed blood all over his shoulder. We went in to check on him -- blood on the sheet around his head. He's not coughing or spitting or choking, so we are assuming he just cut or bit his tongue or lip. We woke him up, but couldn't find the source. Scared the heck out of me. My mind went immediately to you, Christine, and how different such a thing would/will be in your world. You are an amazing mom; John and Jimmy are lucky to have you.

Jen, hope you're feeling better today! Did you do STS tonight?

Susan, miss you, girl :(

Priscilla, I hope your work week improved. You sounded so stressed on Monday.

Lisa, are you starting to feel anxious about the return to work next week?

We've had weird temps here in Philly -- June weather. Tomorrow I have to bake Ella's cake and make the "fairy wands" (pretzel rods drizzled with melted candy discs, with either star shaped Rice Krispy Treats or 2 candy disc-dipped pretzels for the tops).

What's everyone doing for Easter?
Christine-so glad John pooped! It's crazy how that plays such a huge role in the happiness of babies (mine anyway!) There are many times I cheer for Reese when she does it :)
Melanie-woo hoo--you found your phone! Hope the mo jo fully returns. I know it will!
Allison-If I lived that close to Cathe's gym, I'd probably go. I've always thought that would be fun. I have thein-lws at my house for Easter. I will get through by lots of deep breathing :) (his fam is vry different than mine).

I really hope my scale wasn't broken today. It didn't say 134 ot was 132! 7lbs away. Not sure what caused it. I did start back on prednisone for my RA a couple days ago, so maybe part was a reduction in joint swelling??

bbl...I smell a poopy diaper. Ya!
Allison-that blood would have scared the heck out of me, too. So glad it sounds like everything is ok. Yes, I'm a bit anxious about returning to work, as my job has changed a bit since I left. I may keep an eye out for another job, but I don't think I can find a better, more undertanding and flexible boss, and that's just so huge with kids in the picture.
Kendra-hope you still decide to join us!
Happy Friday waves to Priscilla and Susan.
Allison- Yes, you have a a good idea of what i got through! I have heard horror stories from other hemophilia moms, that when teeth come in and fall out, the sheets are COVERED in blood at night. Great. I think we will get dark sheets so that I never freak about the stains! I am so sorry that you had to have that scare and I cannot imagine how upsetting it must have been for you. Did you ever find it? Did he scratch inside his ear? John did that once, and there was so much blood, he had a sharp fingernail that scraped in his ear. II tlaked to DH, and he kindly reminded me I could go to the roadtrip any otehr time, we have the marathon!!! Would anyone be interested meeting in the middle for a litle girl's get away later in the summer? MIL LOVES being the babysitter! She is coming out in May so that DH and I can do a trail half marathon in the mountains.
Mel- I think you work today. If I hit glitches, I will pm you on FB for help. Hope you are rested!
Jen- You must feel like you got hit by a truck. I really hope you are on the mend!
Susan- Get the internet! We miss yoU! I hear you on the phone typing, that is usually the only way i get on here, while I rock john.
Lisa- In laws are much better with wine!
Priscilla- Hope that you have a great weekend and can relax after what sounded like a really stressful week.
Kendra- Hi and hope you are hangign in there. We all know how tiring those first few weeks were. Let us know if you need anything!
No run or workouts todya. Total rest. We are makign New Orleans Red Beans and rice today, if you want me to post the recipe, let me know. I use lean turkey sausage so it is really healthy. We are also going out to breakfast today, and going to get some new Legos, and to the running store. I am so exccited DH is into running, it gives me a green light on gadgets! John only woek up once last ngiht. I woke up this mornign so rested, but with a massive headache and not knowing what year it was. What a relief to be on the mend. DH told me that he is putting me down for a nap later! Hmm, what are the chances it is a quiet nap, if you know what I mean?:p
LISA- HIGH FIVE on the scale! Whew hooo!!!!! I am so happy for you. Isn't it funny how exciting it is? I am transfixed with the number sometimes!
Hey ladies! I have missed you all so much! I do feel like I got hit by a truck and I don't know what day it is! Was dressed and ready for work and just couldn't do it. Dropped J off at the sitter and slept for three more hours! I still haven't eaten anything other than toast. No workout.

Lisa- Woohoo for the scale going down! Hope you have a good weekend with the in laws. Mine are also VERY different from my own parents.

Melanie- Glad you found your phone. It was like reading a mystery novel on here wondering where the darn thing was. :p

Christine- I will try to remember to send you a message on FB too. So happy to hear you got rest and you get so spend time with your family rested. Makes it so much better.

Hi Priscila! Don't work too hard!

Allison- Did you find out whhat caused Drew to bleed? That is scary.

Ok off to try to eat something....I need energy.
jen- you might want to try electrolyte strips, they sell them in the baby section of the drugstore, it will help you get your electrolytes up. I use them for the kids when they are sick and not eating drinking, or are barfing and pooping. Get better.
Girls, project underway, although I am much slower than super mel.
ok TOO many reason to be happy today. TGIF first off and I have a 4 day weekend YEAHHH
I also woke up and for the very first time after having Daniel my weight was in the 130's, well only 139.8 but hey that's awesome. So exciting!!!

Lisa, I'm happy for you too. Isn't it great to see those #s in the scale?? Good job

Jen, you poor thing, get all the rest your body needs. Make sure you get some protein in too. I hope this coming week is way much better for you

Christine, sign me in big time!! I'll send you a FB message later on. Have you previewed some of them?

Susan, miss you!

Melanie, I am impressed with your runs. How many miles you log a week?

Allison, I'd love to go to the Road trip. I have a sister that lives in Trenton, not sure how far from you though. Have you been on a
Road trip before??

Priscilla! I am so happy for you! You may have had a tough week aat work, but a four day weekend in teh 130s is the best!
I am a wahle today! I am FINALLY getting aunt flo in the next day or two, I have had PMS for a while. My body is not on a normal cycle yet. ANyhow, need her to hurry up so that she does not surprise me 10 miles from home! back to project!
That's great Priscila about the 130's! Hope you enjoy your weekend!

Christine, we must be on the same cycle cause AF is due for me in the next few days too.

I finally ate some rice and didn't feel like puking. Also I have been drinking gatorade. I feel like I am on the mend. I really want to clean my floors while J is still at daycare but know that I am not 100% so I better just rest.

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