Boot Camp kicked my a**


Well I attempted Boot Camp this morning and all I can say is WOW. By the sixth cycle my legs and arms were like jelly. And that plank work - just colour me a weakling. I know I will have made it when I can complete all eight cycles and still be able to walk to the bathroom and get in the shower instead of collapsing on the floor and crying for my momma! Way to go Cathe, just when I thought it couldn't get any more intense, you go and raise the bar!
Okay, now I am scared..I was toying with the idea of getting this one next....maybe it is time to rethink??
I was just getting over being sick when I did this one for the first time. (My first IS workout to try) I had to stop for a minute because I felt like I was going to faint and throw up!!!

I'm hoping it was because I was getting over being sick and not that I was a weakling! I'm scheduled to try it again on Monday, but hopefully I'll make it through without wanting to pass out this time.

Danielle :7
>Well I attempted Boot Camp this morning and all I can say is
>WOW. By the sixth cycle my legs and arms were like jelly.
>And that plank work - just colour me a weakling. I know I
>will have made it when I can complete all eight cycles and
>still be able to walk to the bathroom and get in the shower
>instead of collapsing on the floor and crying for my momma!
>Way to go Cathe, just when I thought it couldn't get any more
>intense, you go and raise the bar!

hahaha - that was great - what a perfect description!

I gave that workout to my hubby to do, and laughed when he asked what Terminators were! Muuhaha!
I will say for the upteenth time I Love This Routine!! I look forward to doing it everytime! Those terminators are my enemy and every week I am determined to concur them but don't! Maybe this week!! ;-) It is amazing what Cathe can pack in to one minute! Susan
Boot Camp is money well spent. I LOVE it. It is the best of both worlds -- cardio and weights -- I really love those Sumo Squats!

Actually, there is not one of the new Intensity Series videos I can say anything about except -- THE BEST EVER!

All the mix possibilities, the intensity, the fun music, everything is there -- except where are Lisa and Hope?
ALL of these new workouts are kicking my a**! Did Muscle Endurance for the first time last night. Yikes! The biceps and abs were particularly hard for me. Cathe's given us plenty to work toward.

if you're thinking of buying this one - definitely go for it! It is a fun and challenging work out - if you don't like the part you're doing, it's okay cuz the sections are so short! Before you know it, you're doing something else! :)
I just did Boot Camp this morning for my second time...this is absolutely my favorite workout now. I have done all the Intensity workouts except for the Terminator workouts (going to do the Gauntlet tomorrow :) and I think they are all spectacular but Boot Camp is definately top on my list. Now I'm ready to create my rotation!:)
Boy!!! Do I know what you mean I could only get through 16 min. of the w/o It really kicked me !!!! I was wondering If I was the only one....

Cybersis - At least you did it! I agree with you that it is challenging. I don't know what it is but something about this video scares me mentally! I love but for some reason have to mentally prepare myself. It is both a great mental and physical challenge. I have been doing it 1 day a week for the past 3 weeks!

You are definitely not alone! It woops my butt too!
It kicked my behind too. If anyone can get through this workout without modifications, speak up, I'd like to know what you have done to get to that level. :)
When even Cathe looks tired, that's when you know the workout is truly very tough!
I did Boot Camp for the first time today and LOVED it!!! It's AWESOME!!! I got through it with no modifications (and LOTS of sweat!!), but I did find myself getting slightly dizzy going from the floor up to those standing cardios and back down again. . .anyone else or is it just me and my normally low blood pressure??

I got through it with no modifications, but it sure isn't easy!

I think the music helped me through the toughest parts!
I also felt dizzy in this workout, but I think it may have had a little to do with me just getting over being really sick!! I'm going to try it again tonight and see what happens.

Danielle :p
Would you believe that I felt that IMax2 was a walk in the park compared to Boot Camp?

Does anyone else feel this way?

I feel sick like that in any workout if I do it too early in the morning or if I haven't eaten well.

Could it be you just didn't have enough fuel?

I think IMAX 2 is harder than Boot Camp. I use heavier weights than Cathe in "Boot Camp" with no problem.

But IMAX2 kicks my butt -- BIG TIME! Some of those routines are just about too much -- especially Intervals 6 and 9!
I totally agree with you and I only watched Boot camp!!!!! Now I'm reeeally scared to do it!

I just did this one for the second time, and I did much better than the first. Made it through the whole thing without modifying anything, (but those tricep dips---OUCH)!! It really helps when you know what to expect.

Danielle :+
Chiming in here to say I LOVE BOOT CAMP TOO! :)
Everything about it is just fun (as much as it kicks my butt)
But I just can't seem to lift my legs for the plyojumps after all those thrust terminators. It's like my legs are lead pipes, just can't get em in the air!

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