Boot Camp kicked my a**

I really enjoy this workout, even though I don't leap as high as Cathe, and about half-way through the "terminator climbers", I do the move more like an old coot climbing up a steep hill. My progression is kind of like the riddle of the sphynx: I start at a crawl, like a baby on all fours (when I first did them), then I walk like an adult on two feet (the first half of them, the second time around), then I slow down and wobble like an old man using a cane.
i LOVE THE intensity of this tape, but I sure hate the breaks in between the cardio and the weights. That sudden stop just kills me. I also find it annoying that your muscles never really warm up or maybe that the endorphins never kick in. I have only done BC once, but I felt pretty crappy doing it. I liked the Gauntlet much better...the BC segments are mixed in with cardio and that helped warm up the ol' bod. Anyone else hate the stop/start aspect of BC??

Hi Janice,

I have to agree with you about that aspect of "Boot Camp" -- I don't like the start/sudden stop. It's as if I am all psyched from doing the cardio and then all of a sudden - it's over.

I love the workout -- it is great -- but I think I would like breaks more like those in "Circuit Max" instead of the sudden "STOP" right when I am feeling psyched cardio-wise. I don't like the walking around either.....I just want to go on to weights. I feel that it is time wasted...

I think I know exactly what you are talking about....

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