Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

This morning was STS #37 Squat Rack Legs + 4x12 heavy barbell hip thrusts. Nathalie--I actually used the hip thrusts from the link you posted a while back (that I saved) Jessie Hilgenberg's 7 move leg workout. I even had it queued up on my iphone so as soon as I finished Squat Rack Legs I could set up quickly and get started.

Svetlana--that's pretty impressive you have it down to percentages! You are definitely mixing things up!

Serious stuff here Jen --- Wow 4 set of hip thrusts you will feel DOMS tomorrow for sure:)
I know it could. She has already been to France twice. We took her a few years ago and she then she went on a fellowship her last year of high school. She is a linguistics major in college so I do know it is important for her to do these study abroads. She speaks French fluently and she also speaks Russian and Mandarin (but not fluidly). I just worry about her. She is planning to go directly to post-graduate school once she graduates, and she has been talking about getting her graduate degree in France. But we'll see! That was her plan but now her boyfriend is talking about moving to Washington and she is looking at Universities there now for graduate school. :rolleyes: Her plans have changed multiple times since she started college.
Greetings all,

Here is my past week's rotation:

Day 1 RWH UB Circuit premix 4
Day 2 X10 fat burning circuit
Day 3 Piyo Sweat
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 Piyo Sculpt
Day 6 Xtrain super cuts

Good workout week. I'm always surprised at how much I sweat doing a Piyo workout. I really enjoyed Cathe's Super Cuts. Not sure why I don't use it more often. Love RWH upper body circuit- one of my favorites.

I downloaded the guide for Xtrain, only $8. I don't know why I never purchased it before. Very helpful and motivating. I think I will do a 30 day rotation with Xtrain. I will just take it week to week.

I'm also considering purchasing the ICE series. I don't need another video and certainly don't want to tell my husband. Not that he really cares. I was thinking of purchasing just metabolic conditioning, boot camp and to the mat. I'm concerned that the dvd's will be similar to what I already have, but I'm drawn to the fact that they are intermediate and have a modifier. I'm still undecided.

Hope everyone is well.
Not that he really cares. I was thinking of purchasing just metabolic conditioning, boot camp and to the mat. I'm concerned that the dvd's will be similar to what I already have, but I'm drawn to the fact that they are intermediate and have a modifier. I'm still undecided.

I think many have purchased the series having the purpose of cycling intensity in mind. At the same time, I personally am intrigued as to
how this will meet everyone demand in terms of intensity. Well I shall wait and see:):)
It is not easy to meet everyone demand. On one hand there are exercisers who do want easy option and on the other they are others who
need modifications for various reasons.

@healing11 How is your motivation these days?
I think many have purchased the series having the purpose of cycling intensity in mind. At the same time, I personally am intrigued as to
how this will meet everyone demand in terms of intensity. Well I shall wait and see:):)
It is not easy to meet everyone demand. On one hand there are exercisers who do want easy option and on the other they are others who
need modifications for various reasons.

@healing11 How is your motivation these days?
My motivation is much better. That was just a week I was in a slump. I think it was a stress. Normally my workouts help me alleviate stress
but that week it didn't help. Nonetheless that week has passed and I'm doing great. The new series has me intrigued. I want to take advantage of the discount and I also want a sneak peak. Can't have it all. :))
Hi everyone! I'm back! Just catching up on what everyone has been doing...very motivating. We have such a great group here. Vacation was wonderful and peaceful, and more importantly, hubby really enjoyed the down time. In fact, he even left work early today, but we'll see how long that lasts. :rolleyes:

To jump back into it today I did High Step Challenge. I wanted to do a little bit of everything to kind of get back in the groove and HSC fit the bill perfectly. Not sure what the rest of the week will bring. I'm really just waiting for ICE to get here now so I'll figure out a way to fill these next few weeks productively while trying to wait patiently.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Today was back day, I did 10 sets of chin-ups adding 12.5# x8 x5 x4 x4 x4 x4 x3 x3 x3 x2 followed by 2 sets without weight x5 x5. Next was 3 sets of lat pulldowns x 10 followed by 3 sets of heavy dumbbell rows x8 x8 dropped 10# x 10, 2 sets of deadlifts x 10 (one set conventional one set sumo) and finishing with 3 sets of seated knee to chest x 35 x25 x20. Had a great weekend with grandkids and will take them back to the airport this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great day!!
We have such a great group here.

Could not agree more Jodi, we do have a great group here. Glad to see you all working so hard.

Tom: Congratulations again for gaining weight --- Glad to know you had great time with grandkids.

Jen: I will be doing the similar rep range of Hip thrust when I get to meso 2. I need to save Jessie clip in my mobile phone.
I am doing light hip thurst at the moment from time to time.

Healing11: Glad you got your motivation back. we all have one of those days!

Jodi: High step challenge stands by it's name Lol--- I love the song played during crazy 8 Lol. Cathe literally needed to stop talking
while lifting that 35-40 pound barbell with great form with no bouncing around. HSC is one of my favourite. There are so
many these favourite..

Today workout was crossfire, main program without abs. Then I did my DIY glute segment which consisted of:

  • Goblet squat with 10kg 4x10
  • Seated outer high step out with Band 4x16
  • Reverse hyperextension on weight bench 4x16
  • Lateral lunge on disc with 4kg dumbbell 4x12
  • One leg glute bridge on 3 risers high step 5kg
I then finished off the segment with 100 plie squat on high step 3 risers for greater range of motion.
It is the variation I posted few weeks ago. I did stretch and will add another stretch segment before going to bed.:):)
So to sum up today was cardio and Glute day;);)

Hope you are all having a good day:)
Ouch..leg day!! I started with goblet squats 50# kb 8x8 next was 4 sets of barbell reverse lunges 4x6 barbell squats (light) 2x8, Romanian deadlifts 4x8 and standing barbell calf raises x30 x25 x20, finishing with 100 ab wheel roll outs x30 x25 x20 x15 x10. Getting out of a chair may be painful tomorrow!! Have fun today everyone!!
Today was shoulder demolition day!! I did a 24 set w/o ,shoulders only, 12 sets if military press, 4 sets of side laterals, 3 sets of barbell front raise,1 set dumbbell press, 3 sets of rear delt flys, and finished with a 30 rep set of heavy barbell shrugs. My prediction for me is PAIN!!, but looking forward to it!!! Hope everyone has a great w/o and even better day!
Good morning. It's been a while since I've checked in--since last Saturday. Here is what I've done since:

Sunday: Element Yoga: Strength & Flexibility
Monday: STS #28 Chest & Back; Doubles: X10 Cardio Blast
Tuesday: STS #29 Plyo Legs; Doubles: Core Fusion Barre: 2 segments (one for thighs and one for glutes)
Wednesday: STS #30 Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps; Doubles: X10 Fat Burning Circuit + a bike ride
This morning: Great Glutes Extreme; planned doubles: Element 5 Day Yoga: Strength & Stamina

Though I love 4DS Kickbox/Lower Body/Core workout, my glutes are stinging after Great Glutes Extreme this morning. I was planning on alternating 4DS and GG during Meso 3 but now, since this is my STS "Rock Bottom" rotation, I am considering doing GG every Thursday in Meso 3 so I am hitting the glutes harder. 4DS just didn't hit them like GG did.

Healing11--RwH Upper Body Circuit is one of my favorite workouts too. I especially love the premix that adds the core work to every circuit. Glad you are feeling better.

Jodi--glad to hear you had a relaxing vacation! I will be on a bit of a vacation next week. I'm not going anywhere but my daughter will be in town for Thanksgiving so I will be off work most of next week. I plan to get in long workouts every morning--I'll just follow my usual morning workout with whatever I had planned to do for a doubles workout. HSC is the perfect workout to do after a vacation IMHO! It is still my #1 favorite workout. It has it all--excellent total body workout, cardio & core plus it is fun! Cathe's most fun workout of all, I think.

As for ICE--I just want it. In the beginning I was discouraged that it wasn't going to be as advanced as Cathe's other offerings, but I don't feel that way any longer. I want to incorporate more intermediate workouts instead of beating myself up all the time. This rotation is teaching me that better than anything! The first two months were brutal. I am enjoying Meso 3 so much more. Oddly because so far, it just isn't as brutal. I am also enjoying the additional yoga and barre.

Nathalie--that's basically what I did with Hip Thrusts--built up to it. In Meso 1 & 2 I did the 100 rep hip thrusts every week and in Meso 2 I increased the weight I was using (plus Butt Bible and EBE2 both include weighted and unweighted hip thrusts as well). All of this got me prepared for the heavy weighted hip thrusts I'm doing in Meso 3. So far, the plan is to add 10 pounds to the barbell every week so that the final week of Meso 3 I am thrusting 90 pounds. I do not know if that will be possible but we'll see. 60 pounds was doable this past weekend tho it did fatigue me by the final set (as it should have!). We'll see how 70# is this weekend.
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Hello everyone! Hope all is well.

Wednesday I did the 40/20 workout from the HiiT DVD and workout 2 from PB's 30 Minute Burn. That 40/20 I think that's only the second time I've done that one (I love Double Wave so that's usually the one I go to on that DVD). Step work on 4 risers?? Insane! I'll admit, for a couple of the intervals with the 4 risers, I petered out before the 40 seconds was up. That was tough! Which of course makes me want to try again. :D

Yesterday was High Step Training. Leg Press! My butt and hamstrings are feeling it. I do love this workout, but I'd say I enjoy HSC more. Love the band work in HSC.

Today is a wonderful rest day. Have a great weekend!!
Hi friends,

Nathalie, Jodi and all - I fully agree , we have a great group here. The support - fitness-related and otherwise is priceless ! (Hugs)
Nathalie - Instructor personality I meant - professionalism (good instructions & motivation & fun) and non-condescending attitude towards the home exerciser. Some instructors behave like all exercisers are unfit an lazy. Some yell at the screen to "motivate" Others say how great you are even though they can't see you. These types don't work for me :)
Jen - I'm so happy you will be subscribing to Cathe Live. Finally detailed , useful reviews will be available on the world wide web :)
Hope everyone has a great w/o and even better day!
Tom - thank you, that's a wonderful wish. Usually my workout time is the best time of the day ;)
Healing11 - I'm also excited that ICE workouts have a modifier (even if I may choose not to follow her). Modifier is Amanda - a super-fit modifier! I pre ordered Rock'm Sock' Kickbox and the Mat Leg workout. I sure can't wait and check for updates everyday, here & on VF. How quickly I will get the rest DVDs depends on the music. The premixes look great!
I never tell my husband when I purchase workout DVDs. Assume he figures it out though - the space they take up expands! I buy downloads too lol.
Let me share my joy: I got new black-white-and-pink workout leggings. Cathe inspired me to try the colorful, youthful style. A girl loves new clothes!

My workouts:
Last Saturday - short on time so throughout the day I fit in 5-6 min shoulders, chest & back segments from Muscle Max, High Reps, STS Total Body, Muscle Endurance, KCM Muscle Definition. Working the muscles helps to rest and re-focus the mind.
Sunday - Cardio Leg Blast Doubles - KCM Body Training ( w/o #1 - lower body)
Monday - Michelle Dozois Cardio Interval Burn PM- Super Cuts and STS Ab (No Eqpt segment).
I always skip the sit up / push up combo at the end of Super Cuts & Hard Strikes . Too fast for my weak lower back. Here I could use a modifier.
Tuesday - Cathe's Athletic Step, CLX ab segment. Doubles - warm up , combos & stretch from Kick Punch & Crunch. (love the "Aurora" song!)
Wednesday - X10 (step segment), KCM Weights (Back, Shoulders, Chest) PM - KCM Body Shop and Split Sessions (lower body)
Yesterday - Turbo Fire 45 Doubles - Afterburn (1 x each exercise. Thanks Jodi for giving me the 1x idea! This premix is handy ;) ), Ab Hits - segment #10
Today - Total Body & Circuit segments from 10 Minute Solutions: Hot Body Bootcamp, Blast Away Body Fat, Ultimate Bootcamp, 5 Day Mix. Great "recovery day"

Have a great weekend friends!
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Hi Everyone,

Here is my check in:

Tues: STS Disc9Legs + RwH Plyo Hiit#2+ Glutes
Wed: STS Disc8 B&T+ ABS
Thurs: Rest day.
Frid: RwH Lower body circuit + Abs

Getting out of a chair may be painful tomorrow!! Have fun today everyone!!

Hello Tom...if you can't get off the the chair, just add some wheel to it and hopefully you will be able to drive it!:D:D
Do you enjoy working Lower body?

Nathalie - Instructor personality I meant - professionalism (good instructions & motivation & fun) and non-condescending attitude towards the home exerciser. Some instructors behave like all exercisers are unfit an lazy. Some yell at the screen to "motivate" Others say how great you are even though they can't see you. These types don't work for me :)

:):) Svetlana , I hear you about instructor personality. You have not mentioned the instructor look, figure type, which by the way
is irrelevant for me. I totally agree with what you mentioned above. professionalism, cueing and the ability to perform the moves safely with food form. That is what is important to me.

Jen: Adding emphasis on Glutes has brought another challenging demanding further adaptation from my body. I can feel it.
It is helping me to gain more strength. I just need to add more stretch to be able to comfortably perform greater range of motion
for moves such as Goblet. I am loving Goblet and now I think I am about to get a bit crazy with the load. I think I will have to hold
and wait when I get to meso 2. Working Glutes is reminding to work more my lower back . I did Disc 8 and It does finish with a variation of superman lift.--- Somehow the move felt like working out on a Romanian chair LOL:rolleyes::p:p
60 pounds Hip thrust is really good, it a challenging load--- I love when It fatigues muscle at last set. It is an indicator you have selected
the accurate load.

Yesterday was High Step Training. Leg Press! My butt and hamstrings are feeling it. I do love this workout, but I'd say I enjoy HSC more. Love the band work in HSC.

Yes, there are many leg press on that one, I can recall. I think next time I will add some variation on leg presses.
No complain there are so many of them. No wonder your butt is feeling it with all those high steps:eek::p:cool::cool:
As Jen posted, HSC is a great workout--- Another favourite for me. I have so many. Happy I have choice.
Today I did Lower body Hiit circuit RwH, I did Jefferson squat instead of traditional lined up in the beginning of the program.

This all I have to share for today.

Warm regards:)
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Today I decided to do a " core day". Starting with crunches,50 with feet down, 2x25 with feet up. Knees to chest,3x25, hanging knee raises 3x8, and a 6 min plank. I've decided I do a lot of anterior core stuff, but much less erector ( posterior) type work, so I included 6 sets of deadlifts, 4 sets conventional, 2 sets Romanian. I wanted to try hip thrusts, but my bench slides on my floor so I didn't get that done. I like the idea of a core day and will revisit, makes a great off day w/o. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!

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