Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Today was arm day for me and I usually do super sets, alternating tri and bi sets,but today I thought I would work bicep till finished then tri's. I feel by doing this I am better able to increase my max weights. I started with an 8 set pyramid series of barbell curls, doing shorter, heavy sets but finishing with a burnout set at a lighter weight of 13 reps. Next I did 2 sets of concentration curls and finished with 2 sets of 21's for a total of 12 sets. I was fried and by the time I did the 21's I was down to 25's! Next I did the same approach with tri's doing an 8 set pyramid of tri extensions and again finishing with a longer burnout set at a lighter weight to finish,( I did longer sets of 8 on these because no one wants to drop dumbbells on their face when they hit failure) Next I did 2 sets of tri pushdowns followed by 2 sets of kick backs. I finished with 3 sets of seated leg raises (I was too fried to do hanging knee raises ... couldn't hold myself up I ended up doing 24 sets on arms, and wow can I tell...wont be able to brush my teeth tomorrow!!! I am stuffing myself food wise and going heavy in an attempt to grow and put on some size. Not many people on these forums are trying to put on weight, but my weight is down about 30+ pounds from 2 years ago and I really need to put at least 20 or so back on if I can. Hope everyone is well and have a great rest of the weekend!!
Hi all!

Yesterday was treadmill.

Since I've decided not to bring any DVDs with me on vacation, I decide to try Travel Fit today. What a great workout! I can see doing this from time to time when I don't feel like dragging out a lot of equipment. I also tried the other three segments from Pure Barre's Tone in 10, Warm Up & Full Body, Arms & Abs, and Seat & Abs. All great, quick workouts, but none of them were as tough as the Thighs & Abs segment.

I'm hoping to get a very quick workout in tomorrow morning (20-30 minutes) since we'll be driving for awhile, but we're leaving really early so it might not happen.
Glad to see you posting again Nathalie! Enjoy kicking your own butt--that is what I have been doing this rotation. Even my recovery week is kicking my own butt! Also--tho each Leg workout in Meso 1 does have a bonus, they are not all barre bonuses. They are different in each workout--sometimes it's barre, sometimes it's matt, sometimes it's stability ball. I really like the little bonuses.

I did Burn @ the Barre on Saturday + a long bike ride and this morning was P90X X Stretch. Tomorrow Meso 3 starts back up. My doubles workout on Friday was a third Tracy Anderson workout and OMG it was so hard--very advanced. I liked the lower body portion of it--it kicked my butt, but the rest of the workout was horrible. HORRIBLE. The lower body portion is the only thing salvageable from that entire workout. Even the warm up was useless.

Jodi--thanks for the recommendations. I read the reviews for Xtend Barre on Amazon and people there were comparing it Booty Barre and someone also said that P57 is even more fast paced! They are both on my wish list now. Unfortunately the library doesn't carry either so I will have to purchase them to try them out. What P57 do you recommend? I was going to start with the two 57 minute total body workouts.

Healing11--it does look like a fun workout week! Nice variety. And I always enjoy Athletic Training.

Tslop--looks like you had a super tough arm day. I am looking forward to getting back to STS. Tho I enjoyed the barre for my lower body I feel like my upper body has really been neglected this past week. Looking forward to lifting some iron again!
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Jen, I bought the 3 DVD pack from P57 which included the advanced 57 minute, the advanced 30 minute total body, and the 30 minute thigh & seat booster DVDs. The two shorter ones are pretty brutal, but I thought the longer one was not as hard. Maybe because they're not trying to jam everything into a shorter time? You might want to watch some clips of the longer workouts to get a taste of the instructor, Tanya Becker. Some say she is so over the top, but I can tolerate her. Even though the longer one I got says advanced, some reviews I've read said it's not much more difficult than the first one so I'd say try either one. By the way, P57 sent me an email a couple of days ago saying all their DVDs are on sale right now. Happy shopping!
Today was chest day for me. I did a 10 set pyramid on bench, 4 sets of inclined bench 1 set of flys, 3 sets of suspended pushups and 2 sets of regular pushups. I finished with 30 ab wheel roll outs. Couldn't up weights, but did add reps to many of the sets, so not a total loss! Hope everyone starts their week out well!!
Today was back day for me. I started with chin ups. I am sticking to the 20 set/bodypart rule and did 12 sets 10 x8 x5 x5 x4 x4 3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3. Then was wide grip pulldowns, 3 sets x 8 followed by heavy dumbbell rows 2 x8 and finished with 3 sets of deadlifts x3 x2 x1 (really short sets) lol. My weight is up 7# from my low last week, but sure makes pull ups harder...I'll take it though!
Today was leg day. Started with 8 sets of goblet squats x 8. Next was Romanian deads 4x8 then barbell calf raises x25 x25 18. Single calf raises 2x20 and finished with 3 sets of ab wheel roll outs x30 x20 x10. Legs are FRIED...gonna pay for this one!!! Have a great hump day all!!
My husband and I have the day off today for Veteran's Day so I planned to sleep in but I didn't sleep well so I was up early anyway. I did STS #27 Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps + X10 Low Impact. My glutes are so sore from Plyo Legs yesterday! Seriously--I am groaning when I sit and stand! It is weird that I am so sore after two months of Butt Bible + EBE2--plus a week of Barre! But Plyo Legs burned my glutes out yesterday.

We plan to go on a long bike ride today, too. The weather's beautiful so I am looking forward to it.

Oh! He got his new Apple TV and set up the old one in the workout room this morning. I subscribed to Beachbody streaming for the free month and before the end of November I'll be signing up for 6 months of Cathe Live + workout blender so I can get the 15% discount. But since I won't be using it until December at the earliest I am waiting until the last minute to subscribe.

I did preview the two Hammer & Chisel sneak peaks Beachbody posted for streamers and I like what I see! So I will be ordering. I am going to have a look at a few other programs I have been curious about before my free month is up.
Good morning everyone today was shoulder day for me, 22 sets beginning with 10 set pyramid military presses 4 sets of side laterals, 3 sets of barbell front raises 3 sets of rear delt flys 1 set of dumbbell shoulder press and one long set of heavy dumbbell shrugs. Able to eat more gaining weight and feel better! Hopefully this will show up in the gym as strength gains! Have a great day all!
Good morning--how is everyone doing? Glad you are feeling better Tslop--hope you are getting the strength gains you want. Nathalie--how is your father doing?

Yesterday was 4DS Kickbox/Lower Body/Core and this morning was P90X2 P.A.P. Upper + Core Fusion/Pure Core.
Good morning all! Today was arm day and I seem to get up for that one, I did 24 sets..12 bi 12 tri. Started with 8 sets of barbell curls 2 sets of conc curls and 2 sets of dumbbell 21s. Next was tris, and started with 8 sets of dumbbell tri exts 2 sets of pushdowns and 2 sets of kickbacks. I finished with 3 sets of seated knee ins 30x25x20. Hope everyone has an excellent weekend!!!
Hi friends,

Jen - I think Cathe's Plyo Legs really shocked your muscles. Mixing things up is great. Congrats on your DOMS.
I'm not sure if the 2 new KCM DVDs are shipped yet but I'm already waiting for your reviews. ;)
Tom - good job for increasing your strength and gaining weight. You rock!
Thanks to you , I learned what a "hump day" means.
Nathalie - I like how barre and pilates lower body work engages the core and works the inner thighs :) Hope you will find barre workout you enjoy and find challenging.
I agree with you, discovering a new exciting workout increases the motivation!

Some statistics :) - In the past 3 months, Cathe Friedrich's workouts constituted 45% of my fitness regimen; Kelly Coffey-Meyer's - 17%, 10 Minute Solution DVDs (esp. the ones with Jessica Smith, Susanne Bowen and Lara Hudson) - 10% and Paul Katami, Amy Dixon, Jari Love, Michelle Dozois, Amy Bento, Ilaria Montagnani, Chalene Johnson & others - the rest 28%.
I love all these instructors and am grateful to them for giving me the pleasure to workout, get stronger, sweat and have fun!
The instructor's personality is the most important factor for me, then - the music and varied , different and effective moves.

My workouts:
Last Friday - Kick Max (warm up & blasts), Legs and Glutes. Doubles - KCM Kickbox w/0 #1, Core Max (ball segment)
Saturday - Party Rocking Step 2 Doubles - 4 DS Boot Camp (cardio & stretch)
Sunday - Turbo Hiit 15 + the leg segments from Jari Love's TTC, R&C, Get Ripped and Slim and Lean Doubles: KCM Bootcamp w/o #2
Monday - Cardio Supersets. Doubles: KCM Body Shop w/o 1 (it arrived ! and I'm happy)
Tuesday - Susan Chung Rapid Fire 1 (55 min of it) Doubles- Paul Katami ASAP Sculpt
Wednesday - Xtrain Tabatasize (4 tabatas) Doubles - Ilaria Montagnani PowerStrike 6
Yesterday - Amy Bento Kickbox Surge (cardio only) Doubles - lower body from 10MS Tighten Tone Pilates, Slim Sculpt Pilates, Pilates On The Ball, Belly Butt & Thigh Toners
Today - KCM Shape Up (cardio premix) , Trim Down (cardio) Doubles - the back segments from Muscle Endurance, Muscle Max and High Reps

Wish a happy weekend to everyone :)
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Hi Everyone,

Thanks Jen, my father is getting better and better. I have spoken to him recently and he sounds much better
for someone who was really sick about 8 weeks ago.

How is your daughter Jen, is she in Paris now? What happened is absolutely horrible. Was in the area exactly a year ago,
I could not just switch off picturing myself on sidewalk cafe enjoying coffee and diner....shocking.

Svetlana: I will definitely try Linda woolridge, I quite like her stuff. They look effective. I will be doing barre as finisher or pre-activating drill. I love weight way too much to completely rely on barre. That said I am happy to mix things up. Barres are endurance training.
you are very hands on knowing exactly what you are relying on for your workout. It is good. For me I am a 95% cathe...To say the least;)
Personnality of the instructor ---hmmm You have just given idea. Yes personnality is important but his/her competency is also important. TA is a no no no for me. I would not even view any past, incoming workout she makes. Why--- she does make some exercisers feel BAD about themselves. She feed insecurities among some women and that is what I can not stand about her. Size zero is unrealistic IMO. There is only a small percentage of women who are naturally that size. Hope you enjoy your new KCM workout.

Tom: hope you gain more weight and maintain your gains...

Here is my second week rotation. I am working out tomorrow.

Mon: STS Disc4 CSB + Tabatacise and ABS

Tues: STS Disc6 Legs + RwH low impact#1+ Glutes

Wed: STS Disc5 B&T+ ABS

Thurs: To the max plus Glutes

Frid: RwH upper body circuit + Abs

Sat: RwH Lower body circuit + Glutes

I am bummed cause my pull up attachment is not fixing properly on my door. So I will have to some other variation to build up to unassisted pull up. Really annoying:(;);) will use my Rack.

Hope you have all had a good week.:)
This morning was STS #37 Squat Rack Legs + 4x12 heavy barbell hip thrusts. Nathalie--I actually used the hip thrusts from the link you posted a while back (that I saved) Jessie Hilgenberg's 7 move leg workout. I even had it queued up on my iphone so as soon as I finished Squat Rack Legs I could set up quickly and get started.

Svetlana--that's pretty impressive you have it down to percentages! You are definitely mixing things up!
We must have posted at the same time Nathalie! Yes--the Paris terrorist attacks are horrible! Thank goodness my daughter is no longer in Paris. She was planning to study abroad there this summer but she is rethinking her plans. And I am discouraging her from doing it now!
We must have posted at the same time Nathalie! Yes--the Paris terrorist attacks are horrible! Thank goodness my daughter is no longer in Paris. She was planning to study abroad there this summer but she is rethinking her plans. And I am discouraging her from doing it now!

This can happen anywhere Jen... I suppose for you as a mother your mind would be at ease if she lives not too far:):)
It would be a good experience for her tough....a foreign language fluency could be an asset in future.
Does she speak french?

Happy she is safe Jen...

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