Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

I'm back to normal! My heels still felt bruised on Wed. after work, so I skipped doubles, but I was fine yesterday. Yesterday was STS #11 Back and Triceps and doubles was Butt Bible Level 2 Lower. This morning was RwH Plyo HIIT #2 premix 2 (Plyo HIIT 2 followed by Plyo HIIT 1) + Bonus Abs #2. I usually don't do doubles on Fridays, but since Wed. was a bust, I am doing EBE 2 Peak Cardio after work today. That way it will be only one workout that got hosed due to my heels.

Jodi--I don't care about the fair myself but my husband loves fair food so we go for him. It is interesting to people watch tho! I did find some awesome headbands to wear when working out. Once I put them on they don't move (and keep the hair out of my face)! So it wasn't a complete waste.
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Hi Everyone,

Last time I checked in was Saturday.

Sunday: PRS#1
Monday: Slow and Heavy Legs and shoulders plus my glutes Bonus + Rwh low impact Hiit#1
Tuesday: Kickboxing segment from 4ds+ Triceps and Biceps
Thursday:cycle Max plus glutes bonus
Friday: Hardstrike X-train cardio only plus chest and Back

Jen, Glad your foot is getting better and you can resume your rotation. Wow Plyo #1 and 2 back to back is brutal.
You are really brave to attempt such combination soon after heel bruises.

I have not heard from Mary recently. Hope she is well.o_O

: Congratulations completing CLX, have you gained any strength. Please let us know your thoughts about piyo.

Jodi: Well done on x-train chest, back and shoulders:) Burnset is really intense. The chest segment always leave me
with DOMS...Really hard to reach the midle of my upper back with my arms Lol.

Tom: I am doing my one rep to re-start october. I have seen your last post on "Nia's check-in" I have laughed my
tears out:D:D. No teary smiley---what a shame. Yeah I am getting ready to BEEF myself up Arnold mass being the goal

Will check in tomorrow ladies:)
Hi Everyone,

Last time I checked in was Saturday.

Sunday: PRS#1
Monday: Slow and Heavy Legs and shoulders plus my glutes Bonus + Rwh low impact Hiit#1
Tuesday: Kickboxing segment from 4ds+ Triceps and Biceps
Thursday:cycle Max plus glutes bonus
Friday: Hardstrike X-train cardio only plus chest and Back

Jen, Glad your foot is getting better and you can resume your rotation. Wow Plyo #1 and 2 back to back is brutal.
You are really brave to attempt such combination soon after heel bruises.

I have not heard from Mary recently. Hope she is well.o_O

: Congratulations completing CLX, have you gained any strength. Please let us know your thoughts about piyo.

Jodi: Well done on x-train chest, back and shoulders:) Burnset is really intense. The chest segment always leave me
with DOMS...Really hard to reach the midle of my upper back with my arms Lol.

Tom: I am doing my one rep to re-start october. I have seen your last post on "Nia's check-in" I have laughed my
tears out:D:D. No teary smiley---what a shame. Yeah I am getting ready to BEEF myself up Arnold mass being the goal

Will check in tomorrow ladies:)
Go Girl!!!! Get some beef!! Lol!!
Here are my workouts for the past week.

Day 1 Chalene Extreme Lean Circuit (258)
Day 2 Rest
Day 3 Piyo Lower body
Day 4 Piyo Full Body Blast (222)
Day 5 Piyo Sweat (356)
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Piyo Full Body Blast (222)

I decided to do Piyo this week. Natalie I really like Piyo. I think it is a surprisingly good workout. I was so sore on Day 6 I had to rest. I also work up a good sweat doing Piyo without the impact on my joints. I like the strength rotation workouts that are additional and not included in the base package. My first rotation I completed with Piyo I actually saw some pretty good results.

Even though I love hiit, my almost 45 year old body seems to be less happy with high impact exercises. So I'll probably create a gentle joint rotation. I also need to come up with a good nutrition plan as well.

Hope everyone is having a great workout week.
This morning I officially finished out Meso 1--whoo-hoo! I am seriously looking forward to my recovery week. It will be made up primarily of Mark Lauren workouts--so bodyweight only work for a whole week. This morning was EBE2 Weighted Glutes + Weighted Upper Body + STS Extended Stretch.

Healing11--I agree with you, PiYo is excellent workouts and I was also sore after doing them! Drench still wears me out when I return to it. And sometimes I get tired of all the plyo, too. In fact, I've been feeling that way lately. I go in cycles. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I dread it. I did a lot of plyo yesterday and I'll be honest--I wasn't in the mood for any of it!

Nathalie--my heels actually recover pretty fast as long as I respect them--as in, not jumping on them when they hurt. Are you doing your 1RM now? Are you starting STS next week or week after next?
I shortened some leg stuff today cause...don't know why!! I decided I need to find a way to increase both calories and protein. Been eating about half of my sts consumption and really need to " fix that"!! I know you ladies like that slender look for yourselves, but it's NOT working for me!!! Gotta find a buffet!!! Lol!

Voluptuously athletic with good strong rounded shoulders --- That is what I want for myself:)
Not a smallest version of myself.
I know you ladies like that slender look for yourselves, but it's NOT working for me!!! Gotta find a buffet!!! Lol!

Hi Tom,

I would like to share an article from MEN fitness. I read it somehow I thought about your mass quest. Here it is below.

What I like about this article is it discuss two different approaches/goal. Gaining definition versus size. One, who is into 'lifting
heavy myth' --- Ladies might argue claiming to gain mass you can just binge in junk and VOILA:eek::eek:. I have a lot of respect
for ectomorph who manage to build LEAN visible mass/definition cause it is a very hard work. I wish I had an example of female ectomorph
athlete to illustrate that. Sorry Tom for dragging you into Ladies bulking obsessive misconception.:eek:

Now this article clearly explains the difference. Gaining definition for a skinny requires a healthy bulking first:eek::eek::eek:.
It makes sense. Definitions are made of healthy lean muscles. So for a skinny ectomorph lady, there is no muscle to begin with:eek::eek: No
(pun intended)--- So MORE building is required IMO--- Ladies do not produce high level of testosterone. 99% of women --- Hypertrophy and pure are required. It is a long process!

For me personally, It would not have made sense at All to 'bulk' then lean out because of my body type. Mesomorph:)
Plus I started from being obese:eek: So I had layers:D but there was something underneath, no matter how little it was!:)
I:D know for us meso nutrition is more than crucial!!

Hi Tom,

I would like to share an article from MEN fitness. I read it somehow I thought about your mass quest. Here it is below.

What I like about this article is it discuss two different approaches/goal. Gaining definition versus size. One, who is into 'lifting
heavy myth' --- Ladies might argue claiming to gain mass you can just binge in junk and VOILA:eek::eek:. I have a lot of respect
for ectomorph who manage to build LEAN visible mass/definition cause it is a very hard work. I wish I had an example of female ectomorph
athlete to illustrate that. Sorry Tom for dragging you into Ladies bulking obsessive misconception.:eek:

Now this article clearly explains the difference. Gaining definition for a skinny requires a healthy bulking first:eek::eek::eek:.
It makes sense. Definitions are made of healthy lean muscles. So for a skinny ectomorph lady, there is no muscle to begin with:eek::eek: No
(pun intended)--- So MORE building is required IMO--- Ladies do not produce high level of testosterone. 99% of women --- Hypertrophy and pure are required. It is a long process!

For me personally, It would not have made sense at All to 'bulk' then lean out because of my body type. Mesomorph:)
Plus I started from being obese:eek: So I had layers:D but there was something underneath, no matter how little it was!:)
I:D know for us meso nutrition is more than crucial!!

Thanks Nathalie,interesting on rep patterns. I think I could grow if I could get enough intake, but have been struggling to do that, don't know if it's medical, but will check it out in November. I need about 3000_3500 cal and 170-200 grams protein to grow and lately have only been able to get about half that much. Appetite has been decreasing the last few years and now most eating I have to force. This is really strange because I have always been a big eater!! Hopefully they can find an organic cause and get it FIXED!! Thanks for the thought!
Hi all! Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend. Yesterday was the treadmill. Today I did 4DS Kickbox - the Weights Only premix. I followed that up with Ballet Physique's Amped Up. I do love that workout, but I'm afraid it's going in the "never do again" category like the other BP workout I have. The DVD keeps freezing and either jumping to the next section or kicking me back to the main menu. So frustrating to have to stop and go back to find my place. Really messes with my mojo! LOL!

Nathalie, that is a great article you posted. I am that skinny ectomorph lady, and you are so right, for me to build muscle is a long process. I probably have the same problem as Tom...not taking in enough calories and most of all, protein. Definitely something I need to work on.
Not a great gym day but at least I was not a "no show" I dropped some weight on bench my last 3 heavier sets. Dropped 20# and did 3 longer sets then dropped another 20# and did a set of 8. Did 4x8 on inverted pullups 4x12 0n suspended pushups then dropped 5# on curls and did 2x10 1x5 1x8. Ugh, but until I increase my food intake it probably wont get better! Kinda funny but appetite was NEVER a problem in the past...I should have weighed 300+!!!
Hello! Yesterday was Burn Sets Bi's & Tri's and premix #1 from Yoga Relax. During Sunday's workout, I tweaked my lower back a bit, and I knew I really needed to stretch it out. Yoga Relax did the trick. Still a little sore but feel so much better. Today's plan is cardio, might be low impact to play it safe with my back.
Jodi. Always good to avoid injury! Hopefully it is not serious and gets better! An injury can really set you back and I am much more cautious in my old age!!! Svetlana...I really hope things are better and hopefully will work out for the best for you and your family! I finally had a good day in the weight room!!! I upped my deadlift by 30# and glute bridge by 20#. These are the first improvements in awhile and I was in need of a good day! I finished with ab wheel roll outs x30 x20. Wishing all of you a productive day!
Hi buddies,
Jen - headbands which keep the hair in place are indeed hard to find! I have some very old Under Armor ones which I still use. I remember I recognized The Firm instructors wearing UA so I got some too ;)
Thank you for reviewing KCM's Your Healthy Back. It has been on my wishlist before I tried any Kelly workouts. The thing that (still) stops me from buying it is that there's 1 workout while her other DVDs have 2 w/o's and plenty of premixes. But I need a strong back! Do you think Your Healthy Back can help building spine strength ?
Jodi and Nathalie -I think I'm a mesomorph type but not sure. While I have appetite and eat a lot of carbs , I'm not a fan of meat .
My BMI is constantly in the lower half of the healthy range for my gender and age. I gain and lose weight fast. My wrists and fingers are skinny but my inner thighs seem impossible to trim down.
Tom - Congrats on your good fitness day ! Thank you for being concerned about us. The court hearing is next Monday.
Healing - hope you enjoy PiYo. I'm not a yoga person, which kept me from giving PiYo a chance. Chalene Johnson is one of my all-time favorite instructors - and I'm very picky :) so thumbs up from me.
My workouts since my last log-in:
- Friday - Circuit + Legs - KCM Bootcamp - w/o 2 & Trim Down (Boxing only I totally love it) PM Cathe's Gym Styles Legs - mat segment
- Saturday - Intermediate Cardio + Chest and Back day - Turbo Jam Cardio Blast, Turbo Fire 30 PM - Cathe's Gym Style CT (Chest) and BSB (Back)
- Sunday - Kickbox + Shoulders - Xtrain Hard Strikes (cardio), Kick Punch and Crunch (without warm up and abs) PM - the shoulders segments from Cathe's Muscle Endurance, High Reps and Power Hour.
- Yesterday - Hiit + Abs - X10 (3 Segments), Tabatasize (3 tabatas), Total Body Stretching - stretch #2 PM Cathe's Ab Circuits - Pilates & No eqpt Abs
- Today - Paul Katami's Burn and Build (oh, I love the sweat! I use a 9 lbs kettlebell and a normal step but still effective) PM - KCM Body Training w/o 1, Cathe's Butts and Guts - bonus abs with ball.

I wish to everybody a great day, or a good night :)
I decided to go old school this afternoon...I reached for two workouts I did before my Cathe obsession began. I did Crunch's Burn & Firm Pilates and some segments from Crunch's Super Slim Down Pilates Yoga Blend. The instructor for both is Ellen Barrett. These are not hard workouts, but I love them. Some cardio and sweat, some great stretching, and lots of fun.
Hello everyone! I am enjoying my recovery week! Tough workouts but I'm not killing myself, tho this morning's EFX really challenged me.

Sunday: P90X2 Recovery & Mobility
Monday: EFX #1; Doubles KCM Your Health Back
Tuesday: Mobility Rx #1 + Anarchy Free Flow
Wednesday (today): EFX #2

I am off work today. Last night my husband and I went to see the Foo Fighters in concert and were up late--so we are relaxing today.

Svetlana--I think KCM's Your Healthy Back is an excellent workout. I'm no expert, but I think it contains just the kind of exercises you need to do to strength your spine and prevent future problems. I am really glad I got it. I personally think I need to spend more time doing workouts like that. Lately I've been feeling like maybe I don't need to be pushing myself so hard all the time. I am definitely going to finish the rotation I am currently doing, but I think I need to incorporate workouts like KCM's back workout and Mark Lauren's Mobility RX workouts more often. Actually--all of Mark Lauren's workouts. His are so functional and they really challenge you. I also bought a workout by Tracy Long that I am going to do this week that is focused on hip strength and mobility.

I actually did some impulse buys. Any time I have a foot crisis I start thinking long term--as in, what do I do when I cannot jump anymore and my feet really start limiting me. I bought some more kettlebell workouts! Has anyone done Skogg? I got his program and I also bought another Paul Katami kettlebell workout--Kettlebell Drills. I already have some great kettlebell workouts, but I am looking for some that are all low impact yet still intense--no jumping or choreography. Any suggestions? Skogg looks like he has a lot of challenging KB workouts, but until I give the one I bought a try, I am not buying any more. And, of course, I also pre-ordered KCM's two new workouts.

Jodi--that $ucks about the defective DVDs. You can't return them or exchange them? If you're like me you bought them used, or it's well over 30 days before you sampled them! You do a lot of barre workouts. Do you feel barre works the lower body better than more traditional lower body work? I always feel like I need to incorporate more barre work into my rotations but I never enjoy it as much as more traditional lower body workouts. But maybe I just haven't found the right one yet. I feel the same way about Tonique. It seems like she creates some great and challenging workouts but, the one I did at least, just isn't fun to me like a Cathe or KCM workout.

I'm old schooling it too next month! This past weekend I went into the closet and perused my two boxes full of workout DVDs that I don't use anymore (one is a box full on Firm workouts only!) and discovered Firm's yoga workout. Since I now do yoga every Sunday I decided it was time to revisit that one--so sometime during Meso 2 I am doing a Firm workout. I can't seem to part with those old workouts. I always think one day I won't be able to do Cathe and Shaun T--so at least I still have my Firms. I remember after the accident when I had to completely rehabilitate after not walking for 4 months, I was doing a lot of Pilates and Leslie Sansone! Then I worked my way up to The Firm again before being able to get back into P90X. So I just can't get rid of those DVDs. Who knows when I might need them again?
Hi Everyone,

Here is my check in:

Sat: Imax2
Sun: Yoga Max
Mon: supercut
Tues: Afterburn and Yoga Relax
Today --- Wednesday: Cycle Max

Jen: I have skogg system and have done it. Not the full set but I have tried enough to share my thoughts on it. It's a great system.
Production quality is not the best I have seen but instructions are good. Michael hold one of the best form I have seen. Moves are pretty
kettle bell basic for first dvd. Then it gradually build up. I wish he could make a double KB system. I need to purchase kettlebell.
I lost two pair while relocating;) I also have AOS still wrapped:eek: I am so glad you mentioned about hip mobility. I am neglecting
this aspect of the training but my lower squat are reminding me how negligent I have been!:p I know I should not. I am not going to
purchase KCM. I have few of her dvd and I do not reach for them. I will get few barre --- to add on working my hip mobility. I do not
enjoy it and feel I should not force myself to the point of changing my routine. I love compound and love lifting. I should be focusing on
that. I am happy to do it and I do gain results. Jen if you do not really enjoy barre, do not jump on it. Unless you are not gaining result
from what you enjoy doing. It all depend on you goal of course.

Jodi: Sorry to hear about defective dvds. Glad you enjoyed reading the article I posted.

I am that skinny ectomorph lady, and you are so right, for me to build muscle is a long process. I probably have the same problem as Tom...not taking in enough calories and most of all, protein. Definitely something I need to work on.

You are probably not taking enough calories because you are lacking appetite. May be that is what you need to work on. Yes it is a long
process. Are you gaining muscles from Barre? How long have you been doing barre?

Svetlana: Hope your custody case get settled very soon. Also if necessary get an appointment with nutrition expert. BMI being so low,
I would seek for help!

Tom: Hope you are finishing Nia's program strong.

Healing11: Hope you are having fun doing piyo. If you need any rotation, look at cathe's index rotation. There are tons of them.

I have not hear from Sarbear and Mary. Hope they are well.

That is all I have to share for today.

Regards everyone.:)

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