Body Blast or Intensity Series


My name is Amy and I'm a recent Cathe convert!:) I'm LOVING her videos - so far I have the new step dvd, hardcore extreme, the gym style toning dvd's, and cardio hits....I can't decide whether to buy Body Blast or the Intesity Series next - any thoughts out there? THANKS!!
Those are both great choices, so you can't really go wrong, but I think for sheer fun and premix choice, you can't beat the Body Blast series. This is really Cathe at her best.

Good luck!
I would suggest the Body Blast series as well. The workouts are great and with the premixes available, you really get a ton of workout choices and time frames. But, just a warning, if you hang around this forum, you'll end up getting both. hahaha
Welcome, btw!!:D
Susan C.M.
I love the cardio in the Body Blast Series: Step Blast, KPC, and the cardio of SJP. And while the use of the stability ball is interesting and adds variety in the weight routines of Push Pull and Supersets, it will be far less intense compared to the GymStyles you have.

As for the Intensity Series - fantastic weight workouts in the Pyramids and Muscle Endurance! IMAX2 is fun, yet intense - probably the most enjoyable (for music and choreography) of the IMAXes. The other two workouts, Bootcamp and Cardio and Weights, I don't do too often because I like to keep my cardio days seperate from my weight days.

So, I'd say for fun - Bodyblast..... for kickbutt - Intensity!

Intensity series is Cathe's best, IMO. I kept all the workouts.
There is a nice balance of workouts: interval, cardio and weights, bootcamp, endurance weights, 2-day split.

I like certain workouts in the BB series, but not as much as IS.
My opinion, the Intensity Series is Cathe at her best!!!

This is just a stellar series, one definately for the Video Hall of Fame. It is tough, challenging, and a sure fat/blaster.

BodyBlast is fun, but nothing compared to the Intensity Series.

I completely agree! The Intensity Series is the best workout by far. The pyramids are still my hardest weight workouts. I especially enjoy doing Terminator!
Only SJP and KPC are difficult in BodyBlast while the only easy workout in the intensity series is Cardio & Weights.
I would definitely recommend getting the Intensity Series!
Then what do you consider to be more diffcult: the Pyramid workout or the Gym Styles? Right now, I have Muscle Max, but I am getting Pyramid in a couple of day. I plan to stay with Muscle Max for a month, then switch to Pyramid for a month, and I am wondering what to get for the month after that. I like to work my entire body about twice a week, except for my legs, which I do extra in the gym with Nautilus machines.

I use Cathe's workout for my second weight workout in the week, because on Monday nights, I take at strength class in my gym.
This is a tough choice. I like the BB series for the music louder and the premix options. I like the I series, b/c it is just about perfect overall in my opinion.
Hi there--I love the body blast dvd's I own (kpc/l&gl and sjp/step blast), but I am particularly partial to the intensity series+the terminator dvd.

Caitlin--the Pyramids are great, but they are more endurance than strength imho. They move very quickly. The gymstyles wipe me out like no other strength workout. They are more strength oriented, but I find I have to take more rest at times by pausing the player.
Anyway. they're both great--you'll have to get both}( }(

Thank you, Maggie,

I have two more weeks for Muscle Max, and then I am spending about four weeks on the Pyramids. I will get the Gym Style ones the next month. How do others feel about Pure Strength? I have to also pause the player when I do Muscle Max, because sometimes, I can't change the plates on my barbell as fast as Cathe and her friends do on theirs.

I also read here that the Gym Styles were a little bit similar to Muscle Max, but I don't know if that is true. I am excited because all the other equipment I ordered is coming this Friday.
It's a tough choice! I like the Body Blast series better, and Step Blast is my all time favorite workout in the world. KPC is also fantastic, and Legs and Glutes is lots of fun. BUT... Imax 2 from the Intensity Series is a very close second for aerobics, and I am currently hooked on the Terminator workouts. The Pyramids are great workouts, especially upper body. So I don't know. Get them both! }(
BOTH! Oh yes we are so good at spending eachother's money!

LOVE KPC, IMAX, L&G! PUB and PLB, bootcamp are great too. I personally like SS and PP.

SO you just have to get both!!

Let us know what you decide.
I think at one point you should get them all but you should get the Intensity Series first and then get Body Blast! :)

Hi There,

Very tough decision!! The problem is that one of my favorite Cathe workouts EVER is Kick, Punch and Crunch from the Bodyblast Series. It is THE BEST Kickboxing workout. From the intensity series, I would get all of them. So, if I were you, I would get the Intensity Series PLUS the Kick, Punch, Crunch DVD that also has Legs and Glutes OR, at the very least, I would also get Kick, Punch, and Crunch on VHS.

GOOD LUCK and let us know what you decide!!!!

Thank you SO much for your input - I really appreciate it!:)

I used to teach aerobics part-time for 10+ years, but have been working out at home with dvd's for the past 2 years...had the HARDEST time finding challenging videos, so my collection grew with videos I wasn't completely satisfied with...the first time I stumbled across a Cathe video was about 3 months ago - it was HardCore Extreme, and I ordered it and it BLEW ME AWAY!!!! I was THRILLED to find her website and order, and order, and order more videos!:)

I've decided to order the Intensity Series now...I've already told my husband he's buying me Body Blast for Christmas:)

Thanks again for your comments and suggestions! Happy Exercising to you all!
For me, the Intensity Series is the BEST! I'm getting some great results with the Pyramids. Imax2, what else can I say, it's a classic and really is fun. I love the music!

I actually just got both on Monday (pounced on my UPS guy) and LOVE them both! They're a wonderful addition to ANY routine you've already got going!

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