My experience with Cathe's lower body work is that it includes the hamstring and glute work you're looking for mixed in with lots of squats and lunges.
Here's a few notes on Live Videos that may help. You can also use the User Guides
Get your free Cathe User's Guides, including rotations,premixes, equipment needed, workout cards and more.
or the Workout Manager to look at specific exercises in Cathe's dvds.
Oh My Glutes: Lots of lunge variations including Lateral Lunges, Deadlifts, uses Gliding device which I find works the glutes of the non-moving leg
Legs for Day: deadlifts, split squats, lateral lunges, Ball – hamstring roll ins, single leg bridge
Legs on Fire: Glider Lateral Lunges, Deadlifts, ends with Ball/floor work including Hamstring roll-in’s single leg bridge lifts
Lower Body Burn: Firewalker work included in the standing/weight section, also lateral lunges and glider work, ends with floor work including single leg bridges all all-4’s
2019 Glassboro Road Trip Leg Day: Each Round ends with Firewalker work, also includes deadlifts and lateral lunges
Trisets Legs Live: Includes split squats, narrow and wide deadlifts and lunge variations off the step (which I find work the glutes if I focus my weight in the standing leg/leg that stays on the step)
I've been using the Workout Blender to add on glute focused segments at the end of my workouts. Let me know if you'd like me list a few of those sections. As Abveyera noted, it would probably be "faster and more targeted" to just do the exercises without videos, but for some reason I like to do them with someone else counting and cuing.