Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

I must say that this thread has morphed into CIVIL conversation for the most part.

How refreshing . . . Let's hope it's not contaminated with spewing vitriol from either side of the aisle.
One thing I am still puzzling over is why people vote against their own economic interests. As someone who makes a living helping the rich keep more of what they have, I can tell you that the Republicans made it easier than ever for the rich to get richer over the last 8 years. Anyone who makes less than $250,000 per year and has assets not exceeding $4M who voted Republican, strictly from an economic perspective, was voting against their own pocketbook. Yet, for some reason that leaves me scratching my head, the less wealthy the county, the more red it went.

The only thing I can think of is that there is a lot of misinformation out there, or a lot of people voting their religious beliefs instead of their pocketbooks. But when you think about it, the government has a lot more control over your pocketbook than it does over your faith. <Shrug>. I just don't get it.
No need to teeter Miss Lee....fall over the edge to the dark side and join the Libertarians! We have cookies and the Constitution!!


Sparrow, with that cute post you just moved into the "one of my favorite Catheites" league.
How do you know that's not the case? My sister had a radical double mastectomy and was scheduled for reconstructive surgery (she didn't have it because she was then diagnosed with another type of cancer). That reconstructive would have been covered under our socialized medical system. Now, if I wanted implants, those would NOT be covered. But after Janie's experience, I think I'll steer clear.:confused:
Elective cosmetic surgery?? Please tell me our tax dollars is NOT going to pay for that!

I don't understand the confusion. As I said before, I went to Colombia to have cosmetic surgery. Therefore it would not be possible for US tax dollars to pay for that. I assumed I did not need to state the obvious. No cosmetic surgery is covered even under socialized medicine.
Ya right Carola - I know you think I am as dumb as pond scum but trust me that is not the case.

I didn't say that you were dumb. But you got all bent out of shape over our tax $$ paying for "cosmetic" surgery. All I am saying is, cosmetic surgery is not cosmetic surgery.

No reason to get upset.
cosmetic surgery could be for burn victims or reconstructive surgery.

thank you Carola, for reminding me that under circumstances like the ones you mentioned cosmetic surgery is totally justifiable
PLEASE STOP!!!!! Why are we having this discussion? The title of the thread says it. Mr. Obama will be the next President of our country. We have spoken as a collective nation. Any or all of us debating what could have or should have been or who should have been with what ticket and where will not change what happened yesterday.

The only way that we should all be interested in moving is forward - kind of like what our goals are on a fitness forum. If you have thoughts about how and where you want that progress to be, then contact your local or more-than-local representative or run for office next time to try to effectuate the change. But arguing about it here does not accomplish much. Yes, there have been some great and informative discussions, but also some very heated and ugly battles. We have spoken, and the result is in. JMHO.
Elective cosmetic surgery?? Please tell me our tax dollars is NOT going to pay for that!

I don't understand the confusion. As I said before, I went to Colombia to have cosmetic surgery. Therefore it would not be possible for US tax dollars to pay for that. I assumed I did not need to state the obvious. No cosmetic surgery is covered even under socialized medicine.

My mother had reconstructive breast surgery from breast cancer (lost the battle in '92) and my father just had his entire ear removed and the side of his head basically reconstructed due to cancer. I understand the concept of necessary and elective reconstruction. However when you post in a thread that you had cosmetic surgery in a country that has socialized medicine without stating which type - I don't think I am the only one that raised a red flag to it. That is all.
I didn't say that you were dumb. But you got all bent out of shape over our tax $$ paying for "cosmetic" surgery. All I am saying is, cosmetic surgery is not cosmetic surgery.

No reason to get upset.

Not bent out of shape nor upset. Believe me - other things to be upset about other than this election.
The only thing I can think of is that there is a lot of misinformation out there, or a lot of people voting their religious beliefs instead of their pocketbooks. But when you think about it, the government has a lot more control over your pocketbook than it does over your faith. <Shrug>. I just don't get it.

Yeah, I don't get it either. Of all my Republican friends (and I have many and they are lovely people) I only know of one voted Republican because of having a high income--most voted Republican because of religious reasons.
My mother had reconstructive breast surgery from breast cancer (lost the battle in '92) and my father just had his entire ear removed and the side of his head basically reconstructed due to cancer. I understand the concept of necessary and elective reconstruction. However when you post in a thread that you had cosmetic surgery in a country that has socialized medicine without stating which type - I don't think I am the only one that raised a red flag to it. That is all.

What difference does it make what kind of surgery i had? It was in a foreign country and therefore not covered by US tax dollars, or private insurance. Only covered by me! Your original reply to my post indicated concern as to our tax dollars funding my surgery.
I wish I could share the optimism and hope most of you hold in the county's choice. I'm scared of the future and don't think the President-Elect is the man for the job. I hope to be able to say I'm wrong in my fears.

I anticipate higher taxes, more econimic unheaval, an increase in terrorist attacks worldwide, as well as at home and NO change in Washington politics. Sigh. Please prove me wrong, Mr Obama.

Sadly I feel the same.
What difference does it make what kind of surgery i had? It was in a foreign country and therefore not covered by US tax dollars, or private insurance. Only covered by me! Your original reply to my post indicated concern as to our tax dollars funding my surgery.

I truly apologize however I just went back and re-read your post and now where in there did you say it was covered by you. Your post was discussing socialized medicine. I think what your were trying to say is that all of your pre-op work was done very fast and efficient due to socialized medicine. You were speaking more about the efficiency - yes?
And making health insurance available and affordable for every American turns us into a communist society?

Giving the middle class a tax break after the greatest tax breaks in history were lavished on the top 5 % in this country makes America a socialist country? I'd say there was a lot of spreading the wealth in the last decade but it wasn't originated by the democrats.

As much as I would LOVE a tax break, can we afford one? Our nation is in debt to everyone including ourselves (how does that work, by the way?). We can not afford middle class (the largest percentage of Americans) tax cuts plus all of the programs that were promised, including health insurance for every American.

It is no secret that the US spends a VAST majority of its national budget on the military. This is one of the main reasons that we can not afford national health insurance. The worst part is, the military is short staffed and under-funded!!!

As much as I would LOVE a tax break, can we afford one? Our nation is in debt to everyone including ourselves (how does that work, by the way?). We can not afford middle class (the largest percentage of Americans) tax cuts plus all of the programs that were promised, including health insurance for every American.

It is no secret that the US spends a VAST majority of its national budget on the military. This is one of the main reasons that we can not afford national health insurance. The worst part is, the military is short staffed and under-funded!!!


Carrie I think you are dead on. The middle class deserves a tax break but I don't see how it can happen. Even if nothing is added (hah!) the cost of current programs will do nothing but climb over the next few months/years. I don't believe raising taxes on 2 percent of the population will result in enough money to fund all these programs.

What we need to do as a nation is understand that sacrifices will need to be made.

Socialized medicine? Ask your Canadian friends how they like having socialized medicine..... where you WAIT for appointments, and you are seen when and by whom the GOVT dictates. It's a far cry from the medical care we currently have access to in this country. I pray I'll always remain healthy!!

Here is the answer from a Canadian!! I have not had anyone including government chose my doctor for me or tell me when I need to go to the doctor. If I have a health problem, I am free to go when and where I want and don’t have to worry about taking out a loan to pay for it. Also, I believe it is better to go and get checked out before it becomes worse and I don’t think I would be able to do that, if I had to fork out money each and every time.

I have no complaints!!!
I truly apologize however I just went back and re-read your post and now where in there did you say it was covered by you. Your post was discussing socialized medicine. I think what your were trying to say is that all of your pre-op work was done very fast and efficient due to socialized medicine. You were speaking more about the efficiency - yes?

You are absolutely correct, I was attempting to illuminate how efficient socialized medicine can be. My apologies for not stating that outright.

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