As I said, I wouldn't do it. Two wrongs don't make a right and God is watching. However, had that silly woman not continually logged onto Facebook (making their capture pretty mush a sure bet), I would still think it funny.
As for why I hate banks, it started long before the bank bailout. It started with two carpal tunnel surgeries and a car accident. Not being at work meant I was earning literally half what I had been, and that's continued since our economy tanked. Bottom line: two lousy late payments on two credit cards caused the banks behind each of my credit cards to TRIPLE my interest rates (huge minimum payments due about every 15 days) on ALL my cards. After that, everything just snowballed (inability to pay at all, late on all utilities, gas shut-off, late mortgage payments, chapter 13... what fun). I can't even get into the crap my own bank has put me through. Two years ago I had an 800+ credit score and used to spend my spare change neutering the stray cats of the neighborhood. Seems like a LIFETIME ago. Soon after banks started tormenting me THEY began begging for me, as a taxpayer, to bail THEM out - all while sending me threatening letters regarding my credit card payments. Had they not kicked me when I was down by tripling my interest rates in the first place, I would never have even been in this mess!!! THEN, after they got their no-strings-attached bailout money, which any rational person would assume they would understand was to be used for only the most crucial bank operations (like loaning it out to get the economy started back up), they used it for things like decorating their offices with $1,500 trash cans! Does anyone really still not understand that We the People were flat-out RAPED?!
Once I'm out of this God-awful mess I'll own one credit card that I'll never use for anything but gasoline. And I'll pay it off every month, strictly for the purpose of re-building my credit. Aside from that, I will never not pay cash for a thing, ever again. And because I blew through every dime of my savings, just trying to stay afloat, while I was off work, my focus will be on building up that. I'll never ever get into a mess like this again. And I will make it my mission to prevent any bank from ever taking personal advantage of me again. But laws regarding new controls over banks can't come fast enough. Those people are OUT OF CONTROL.
Don't get me started on how I feel about the underhanded games bank loan officers played to convince pretty much everyone I know to take out much bigger loans for much more expensive homes than they actually really wanted when they went in for mortgage loans. They lined their pockets, with no trace of guilt, and never looked back. I live in central Ohio, the default capital of the world so please pardon me for not shedding a tear for the bank fat cats.
Now I, too, am off MY soapbox. Thank you.