Australian Couple vs. Bank

Sweaty1, GREAT post. I hate all this "blame everyone else except me attitude". The majority of businesses out there are honest, with lots of hardworking people. It only takes a few to act otherwise, and make the news....they make news because they are the exception!

Old news. This was reported early on the week in the UK.

Yes, but we are discussing it now :)
Sweaty1, while I appreciate your position, and I'm sure not ALL banks are a bunch of crooks, I think most are. I'm still reeling over the fact that they took billions of taxpayers funds & have yet to do anything with it but give their employees bonuses (and if they have done something w/it that I'm not aware of, please correct me).

I'm still reeling over the fact that too many people got snookered into bad mortgages.

I'm still reeling over the fact that our current economic crisis is due to irresponsible & borderline criminal banking practices.

You're wrong to take offense. I work for the govmt & I don't take offense to the accusations of graft & corruption b/c I know those accusations are true. What the banking industry has done to this country over the past decade is disgusting, & its employees should own that.

The only reason I was somewhat supportive of the bailout was b/c of people like Annie. I didn't think it would've been right for businesses to fail & for millions of bank employees who took no part in the disgusting practices of upper level executives to lose their jobs (not to mention it would've made a bad economy worse by adding to the ranks of the unemployed).

I just refinanced my mortgage (previously through Countrywide) w/a small bank that didn't take, nor need, bailout funds. That was not a happy accident.

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