One thing you will find is that your self esteem my improve once you are away from him. That happened to me - they just bring you down, put you down, and keep you there. Once you are free, just let all of that go - never listen to those voices in your head repeating what he has said to you over the years. Know that you are strong - only a strong woman could do what you are doing - you are standing up for your kids, your dog, and yourself. And you WILL make it, and be even stronger and wiser. Take time to heal your new little family. If someone comes along, and it is right, you will know it and learn to trust again. I did - he adopted my daughter and no one would ever guess they are not biological. Having been in this situation (finding a true love), I find that I hear so many positive stories of people who also find happiness again. Just always remember that your life is worth living to the fullest, and you deserve happiness and joy - as long as you are feeling that, you will be just fine. Hugs and prayers - Shana