Are you unbalanced?


Thought that would get your attention. }( :p :7

Anyway, the question is about physical imbalances. Not strength, but stuff you were born with. Everyone in my family has something uneven. My brother has 2 different thumbs--not different sized, but like 2 totally different fingers, as if someone attached another guy's finger to his hand! :eek: My poor sister had an "unbalanced" chest, fortunately corrected by surgery. I'm the lucky one in the family--I have one eyebrow that sits slightly higher than the other. Not very noticable except to me, the result being I constantly have a somewhat quizzical look on my face.

I think this isn't uncommon since we humans are imperfect by nature. So, just for fun & if you're comfortable sharing, tell us about your defects. ;-)
The bone in my chest is in backwards. Where most people's is concave, mine sticks out. I hate it, but I've got used to it, I guess. Everytime I go for a physical, my doctor says "oh, your chest bone is backwards!". Uh yeah, you've only been my doctor for 20+ years. Why is this surprising to you every.single.year?
OK, don't be grossed out--it sounds worse than it is, but I have an ugly bunion on the inside of my right foot--below my big toe. My right foot is at least a half size bigger than the left (mostly because of the bunion) and the toes kind of veer off at an angle. I've been self-conscious about it and I can't wear certain sandals because of how it looks. The funny thing is my DH kind of has a thing for feet (I wouldn't go so far as to call it a fetish but he thinks nice feet are sexy.) I tend to favor my left foot and got a tattoo on the left ankle for that reason. I've talked to a podiatrist and she is against surgical intervention if it's not really interfering with my life (and I don't want unnecessary surgery). But sometimes I think it would be nice to get it fixed so I could fit in shoes a little better. I wonder if I have this problem because my parents kept me in ill-fitting shoes as a kid or something--I wasn't born with it.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:
I have these teensy, tiny little holes right above my ears, on the very tops of my ears near my face. My grandpa and I are the only ones born with this in our family, and my dad loves to "show them off" to others when we are at family and social gatherings!:)

An alien, thats what I am!
Hey tneah, I've got one of those little alien antenna attachment areas myself. But only one so that definitely means I'm unbalanced! :p
Tneah and Suzanne--
I also have a little hole on the top of my right ear. So I guess I am also unbalanced. Born with it, of course. I run into people every so often that also have one.
tneah--Do you have one in both ears? Haven't seen that.

There is a nickel sized bump at the very back of my head - on my skull where the spine meets - it is a bony "malformation" of some sort. I guess when I was learning to walk as a baby, I tended to fall backwards instead of forwards . . . never been someone great on balance/coordination! My husband refers to it as my "battery".

Wow Mo, from the way you describe it I have the same exact thing!
I thought I was the only person who had this!

Well I either have one ear lower than the other or one eyebrow higher than the other because when I where glasses, one eyebrow peeks over the top rim. LOL
Ok, I have 2 different boobs. Not different enough to require a special bra, but definitely not the same. And, no, I wont get surgery!!!!x( I'm just lucky that they are both healthy. Different, but healthy!:)
>Ok, I have 2 different boobs. Not different enough to require
>a special bra, but definitely not the same. And, no, I wont
>get surgery!!!!x( I'm just lucky that they are both healthy.
>Different, but healthy!:)

Yep, me too. The "ladies" are more fraternal than identical twins.

>>Yes, but just psychologically. :p
>LOL! Why is it that I actually believe you?!;):7

Well, I haven't exactly tried to hide my craziness.... ;)

Anyone who goes through 6 boxes of Kleenex just because Cathe responded to one her posts in the "ask cathe" forum has to be slightly unbalanced in the mental department....

That's interesting--that's the exact issue my sister had, seems to be fairly common. I think she was Part A & Part B. ;-) It drove her crazy, I mean REALLY affected her self confidence. She's not like me in that I'll spend just about anything on my looks (of course she doesn't have to, she's a rosy cheeked woman who looks about 15 years younger than she actually is).

As far as I know this is the only money she ever spent on any kind of procedure--she doesn't even wear makeup! But I love what it did for her peace of mind. I think now she's 2Bs. 2B or not 2B........hmmmm........:)
Yeah, just call me Koyaanisqatsi!

Seriously, my left boob and thigh are larger (so, I guess it's safe to say that the left side of my entire body is bigger than the other, but I just notice the boob and the thigh). Though the boob is not ususally that noticible, it seems more pronounced right before and during my period.

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