Are there any PM exercisers out there?

Anther 7pm exerciser here! Been on that schedule for about 2 years now. I'm not much of a morning person either, but on the weekends (after 9am) I do workout cause I seem to have the time then.

I did try to get up extra early on a weekday and workout before breakfast, I was so uncoordinated that I figured I'd stay with the pm schedule :)
Hi Kathy,

I too am a PM exerciser, and it is my 'treat'/'my time' after my 3 children have gone to bed :) I miss them dearly when they are fast asleep, but it is nice to have 'Anna time' !!!! LOL

I work out between 8pm and 10pm, I have a LONG soak in the bath afterwards and fall into bed, or I may watch a bit of TV or check e-mails before bed.

OTOH, I would love to be able to work out during the morning, but I am in and out of the house walking (exercising ! LOL) with the pushchair taking children to playschool and picking them up :)

Anna :)
Hi Kathy,

I am totally with you, I have ALWAYS been an evening exerciser, I don't sleep well so if I were to get up really early to exercise I'd get about 4 bad hours of sleep a night, and lucky me, the more exhausted I am the worse I sleep, so I don't even think my body would get USED to early morning workouts. SO I work out at night, anywhere from 7 to 9:30 depending on what I'm doing and when I get home. A nice shot of espresso helps, actually a latte is great becasue of the caffeine and protein and seriously the best thing? TIVO! Now I don't have to try to cram my workouts in between shows I like I just Tivo them and workout when I'm ready to workout, then watch the shows later. Anyway I just make sure that I eat well and drink lots of water during the day and I don't let myself get really hungry so that when I get home from work I just have a snack, change my clothes and hit the step!

Unfortunately for me in a few months I have to start training for my black belt in tae kwon do which means two hour sessions every saturday morning at 7:30 am urrgggggg. I don't know what I am going to do! I'll have to get up REALLY early to get enough food and water in my system to deal with 2 hours of martial arts and conditioning. BLAH! I don't know how all those ladies do Cathe at 5 am they must not need any fuel or water in their systems! I would pass out!

I work out as soon as I get home after work - usually around 6:00 p.m. After a while, it becomes a habit and I don't even give it any thought - well, other than thinking about which workout I'm going to do and what equipment I'll need.

I've tried working out in the morning and I feel terrible. My heart rate goes way up and I feel stiff and uncoordinated. However, I do occasionally do 20 minutes of yoga in the morning and that feels really good!

Do any of you that workout in the evenings have to get up early for work? I am just curious because I used to be a PM exerciser and switched to 4:30 a.m. a few years ago. I would like to be able to start workouts at 5:30 or 6:00 in the evenings (get off work at 5:00 pm), but now it keeps me up all night. Is there anyone doing pm workouts getting up early for work? I would have to get up at 6:00 or 6:30.

Hi Linda,

I get up for work at 6:00 am. and I workout around 7 at night. I wind down, by taking a nice long shower, putting my PJ's on and crashing in front of the tv for awhile. I end up going to bed around 10 or 10:30. :)
Hi Linda! I have to get up at 5:30 am in order to get to work by 9 & come home at 6:30. That's why I workout at 7:30 pm. Kathy
Hi! I actually LOVED my AM workouts - I would have to get up at 4:00, have coffee and wake up a little and workout from 4:30-5:30. The only reason I don't is b/c I have to go to bed so EARLY and I miss my evenings with my husband. Even though an hour or an hour and 1/2 is spent working out, after the workout, I spend time with my husband while i get ready for bed, watch a show or 2 and sit in bed... Also, when I do weightwork, I spend that time with my daughter and it's done by 8:30, so I have the rest of my evening free. I just like it. It felt strange at first, kinda like cleaning your house at 10:00PM at night. Makes it fun for some reason. Does that make ANY sense? There are things I like about AM workouts and there are things I like about PM workouts, but staying in bed later wins out most of the time.
Since I got into SR Management at my job 6 years ago and could set my own hours I work 10am-7pm. I get in at night about 7:20 and by 7:35 or 7:40 I have a tape in and am working out. I love it that way. I look foreward to the release I get from the exercise after a long hard day at the office.

:7 Edith :7
I love my morning workouts for many reasons, but I do not like having to go to bed so early, either! I miss my evening workouts a lot would like to go back to evenings. Wonder why it keeps me up ALL NIGHT now and it doesn't seem to bother you guys. But knowing that you guys are doing it and sleeping okay, maybe that will give me a little added "support". Maybe if I would try it for a week or two, I could get turned back around so that I could sleep afterwards!
Guess I am too much of a "creature of habit" .

I exercise at night because I have a 6 1/2 yr old and a 3 yr old--I am dead tired in the morning and have a hard time lifting anything at that time. I find if I do not start the tape by 8:30 my motivation starts drifting and I come up with excuses as to why I can't do it (like tonight!):)

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