Anyone not get doms from B&G


I swear i am going to conquor B&G. Am i the only one that has to pause and stretch. I get so tight and shake w/it... I swear the goal is to make it through without stopping this year...
Why does this w/o kill me so bad?
I can do all Cathe's leg w/o's with no problem...
Why is this one so tough?

Aka( Storm)
Mine is still sitting safely in my drawer. I'm a little, uh, intimidated. However, one of my main fitness goals for this year is to improve my core strength and B&G is as good a way as any, right?:)
I am sooo glad to hear that there is someone else that doesn't do all of the reps!:p The one legged squats are what KILL me the most. I thnk I have heard her say in one of the workouts, "Do what you can and work up to the rest."

>I am sooo glad to hear that there is someone else that
>doesn't do all of the reps!:p The one legged squats are what
>KILL me the most. I thnk I have heard her say in one of the
>workouts, "Do what you can and work up to the rest."

Gin, exactly!! But still, don't tell Cathe!!

I just did this for the 1st time THREE (3) days ago and I still have doms. I think I have strong legs and I also could not complete all the reps. I still hurt.
Hey Anne (Storm)

You are not alone in this... this is the ONLY lower body workout that hurts me like this one does. I carry most of my weight on the lower half so that is the area i've always focused on the most, which is why my legs, calves, butt, etc... is so strong & I typically don't "hurt" during any lower body workouts.

However, B&G is a KILLER! I haven't quite figured out yet why it's so much harder than others but I am determined to figure it out!!!! This is "on my books" to do tomorrow so I'll report back after & let you know if I figured anything more out! :)

Happy NYE!
All right, girls, you've got me scared...!! I'm starting the Nov 06 rotation tomorrow and just purchased B&G; it will be delivered on Tuesday. I do B&G next Sunday. So, do you all still workout when your legs are sore? After B&G I do LIC premix #3. I'm guessing I still do the rotation, even if I am sore, correct?

I do have thick thighs and while you've got me scared, it's an excited scared - what am I getting into?

B&G is tough... I, too, have 3-day doms. And today, I attempted to do the Leg Blast premix after a 25 minute run... I could only do 30 minutes of it, my legs felt so fried. Wonder how they'll feel tomorrow?????
I did B&G for the first time Friday (well, I did about 30 minutes - the standing leg work). OMG!!!! Today is the first day that I can walk DOWN stairs and not say "ouch" with every move!!! I could feel it coming half way through the workout. (I, too, didn't do all the reps on some of the exercises). My husband came upstairs when I was almost through and I shouted, "SHE'S EVIL!!!!!!!!"). Oh, and I don't have a barbell set (YET!), so I was doing it with just dumb bells!!!

That being said...I LOVE the walking lunges and fire walkers. I don't have a band like Cathe uses, so I just rigged my resistance tube to do them. I've never really liked lunges, but for some reason, the walking ones just seem fun. AND, those one-legged squats are killer (I know they're on other workouts, but this is the first time I've done them.)

I was scared, too, but I tell you, I think I love this workout!
The first time I did it, I had butt DOMS for three days.
I've now done it 5 times, and the DOMS lasts for one day now. The important thing is to not do step the day after.

I don't pause the workout and I do all the reps.
Storm - Okay, did B&G this morning... and it was slightly easier than the last time I did it, which makes me happy! I think one reason why this is so dang hard is she starts out with a bang (my thighs are on fire after that 2nd set of jumping plie squats)and she never looks back or slows down from there... this is just one tough move after anohter & is fast paced, which is why I think it is more difficult than most lower body workouts.

I do have hope though now that it will get "easier" with time, but I believe will always be challenging, which is great b/c I have so many workouts that with time you "outgrow" b/c they get way too easy!

I love how Cathe keeps us challenged!

Happy New Year!
I am new to these acronyms, what are doms? If they mean butt cramps and soreness, then yes I get them every time from doing B&G and I have done it at least a dozen times.
Hi there Paula Sue,

DOMS stands for "Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness"

Thank you Monica. I have doing B&G with heavier and heavier weights. I wonder if I should back off since I have muscular legs and carry most of my weight on the bottom. I was hoping to tone my backside and thighs. Cathe uses about 30ls for squats and so do I, but I wonder if it is too much. I have also been using 2x8lbs for lunges. Any thoughts?
I did the leg blast premix (I think its called) 47 minutes and no ab work. Oh My is all I can say. I was totally shaking at the end and I had the worst DOMS I've ever had. Seriously. I could hardly move the next day. I even put off cardio I had planned and I never do that.

I can't wait to do it again.

Are we masochists or something?}( }( }(

Hey Paula Sue -

Sounds like you are built like me, if I'm going to carry extra weight its in the hips, thighs, butt area and never anywhere else. My upper body & ABS respond very quick & get so sculpted easily. However, my lower half I have to work, work, work.

I am not sure if my approach is the right one or not but I always use a little lighter weight than Cathe does when doing squats, etc... when she uses 30-35 lbs. I'll use 20-24 lbs. and when she uses 8 lbs. do to lunges I'll use 5 half the time and 8 half the time. I also try to mix up my workouts so I am doing some days with lighter weights and more reps for the bottom half, seems to help some. I also watch how much high step I do as that tends to really bulk up my thighs!

Hope this helps....
I get DOMS.

In fact, I just did a 30-minute getting-back-into-weight-training-after-5-weeks-off B&G session tonight, and I'm sure I'll have DOMS tomorrow! Big time DOMS!

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