Anyone hungry at bedtime??


I eat good throughout the day, lift weights, do cardio and by the time bedtime rolls around I'm starving. For example, last night I ate a sub sandwich from Mr. Goodcents around 6:00 p.m. then at 10:00 p.m. I found myself starving so I did a no-no. I ate 1 piece of wheat toast with natural pb, 1/2 c cooked oatmeal w/ skim milk and 1 cup choco milk. I felt better afterwards but to obtain a six pack and build muscle eating like this will not get me there! Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what type of foods do you eat?
I would suggest, first of all, to try something different for dinner. Sub sandwiches are good, but they often have too much white bread, salty meat, and not enough veggies. So, you aren't getting enough filling fiber and maybe not even protein, or the vitamins in veggies. The snack isn't so bad, with the pb and wheat toast, or oatmeal, but both together is a lot for a belly to go to sleep on. And choco milk has a lot of sugar. Good though!! I buy the Horizon choco milk b/c my daughter loves it, and it sure is good :) Try getting more of a healthy dinner in, and more throughout the day. Maybe you aren't eating enough to sustain whatever workouts you are doing, so the dinner just doesn't last long enough. And drink your water. Good luck.
I am weight training and I eat egg whites or a protein shake right before going to bed. I don't think it's necessarily the timing but what you are eating. As Shana said, a sub sandwich is not necessarily the best food choice for someone with your goals. Look for complex carbs and lean proteins and drink plenty of fluids, especially water. I have found personally that having small meals throughout the day eases my hunger and enables me to make better food choices that will help me reach my goals. I have also found that Ellie Krieger's cook book as well as the magazine "Clean Eating" have great recipes and ideas for making the best choices.
I do own Tosca's Clean Eating Cookbook and have made quite a few recipes, which were delicious, but I suppose I'll have to make more time to buy/prepare meals for the week otherwise I'll eat not-so-good foods. I'll look up Ellie Krieger's cookbook...thanks for the info!
First off, ditto what everyone said about the sub. I find myself hungry sometimes even after a good day of eating and my bedtime protein shake. If that happens I then allow myself 1 bite of a protein bar, maybe 2. It helps sometimes to get a bit of solid food, just don't go overboard like it sounds you did.
Along with more fiber and protein in your dinner, you may want to try moving dinner to 7:00-7:30 if you are going to bed at 10:00

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