Anyone else using the workout manager?


Hi everyone I was here fixing my calendar and I started wondering if there is someone else using it, I think is so good that I can see how many workout's and how many calories burned this year, even how many miles I have ran.
I know probably for the calories burned is an estimate but still is such a good inspiration to keep that up. Don't you think so.:)

Here some examples..
workout done this year--- 128
calories burned this week---2012:eek: (two day's off went to Las Vegas to pick up my daughters)..
calories burned this year---102219
distance travel this year---43

awesome job Cathe and thanks for letting us use all this tools.
I know an others web-site's I have to pay to be part of the community.
Hey there! yes, I use it too, well I used to use it ALOT. but I don't have a set schedule for work, SO I was constantly changing my workouts around on my calendar. it was beginning to annoy me. so what I do now is print my schedule then at the end of the months I add it in the calendar and see what the numbers come up to!

It's a great tool! I love it! I also love the meal planner tool. You have to pay a little...I mean...10$ a month, it's SOOOO worth it! Glad you're enjoying your manager! =)
Yep! I'm a WM user too! Love watching those little graph lines go down on the weight! Of course, I'm at about stable now with that, just a teensy weensy bit to go! Next challenge, to watch the Body Fat one start going down! Guess i'm going to have to get STS for that! All my cardio has gotten the weight off, but the BF is just hanging there . . . literally! :(:eek:
I have been using the workout manager since the first of the year and love it too. I also have a great pedometer I use to track cardio and the workout manage is pretty true to calories burned according to what the pedometer tracks. Of course, your MET needs to be the same value because if you don't push it your calorie count will be too high. It is a great tool and I too love seeing that I have now walked over 90 miles take a few days that I didn't get a chance to log them in. I tried the food journal but found it to be too time consuming for me. This is a great site!

I love, love, love the workout manager. It totally keeps me motivated and on track. I love how you can keep track of your weight losee/BMI, your workouts, calories burned, I love everything about it! I feel so accomplished at the end of the month when I look at the calendar and see all the workouts I have done. It just keeps me going.

awesome job Cathe and thanks for letting us use all this tools.
I know an others web-site's I have to pay to be part of the community.

I always tell my husband that I am so glad this is free. I know when I did the Firm years ago, you had to pay to use the website (I never did, just cannot jusitfy paying money for a website). But in a way, Cathe not being greedy earns her more money. I find myself buying more and more dvds and equipment from this site and before I buy a dvd I check out the numbers for it on the workout manager (I check out the calories burned for the workout and premixes). I think it is smart business sense. I feel like I am part of her inner circle and it makes it that much easier to buy, buy, buy, lol. :D

I LOVE the workout manager. You are right! Entering your workouts is so motivating! I also think that it keeps you accountable. ;)
You're right Melissa. I'm accountable not only to myself but to my workout manager calander. What a great tool.


ITA with everyone. The WM is an excellent tool that definitely keeps me motivated. I don't like to see blank boxes on my calendar.
love it..

That's nice. I see a lot of us is using it, fun,fun,fun, I don't like to see blank boxes ether:mad:, I start using mine at the beginning of this year also.
I want to see how is going to look at the end of the year:eek:

I too use it all the time. I like to download rotations, then I just look to see what I´m scheduled to do and voila!

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