Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret "fashion" show?

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I have to agree, I watched about the first five minutes of it and thought..."These girls need a sandwich" and shut it off.

It does give the wrong impression to younger people and people who are not as confident in themselves but more than ever there is so much time and effort put into these products and I feel and agree with you guys that it could be used for something better.

I know about 90% of the heterosexual men out there would hate me for saying this but an hour of watching starved 20 year olds walk down a runway thinking they are Gods gift to a model woman is not my idea of fun.

Don't get me wrong I can certainly appreciate a beautiful woman and do most oftem but I can not appreciate the image of a useless millon dollar bra on a woman who is supposed to be beautiful. I wonder how they would look after unsupervised eating for a week and no make up, and a $40 bra. :7
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Ok -- I may be the *odd* man out on this subject-- but I wasn't bothered by the show. It didn't air til 10pm. So Im thinking little eyes wouldnt be watching then anyways. And maybe its all about how we as individuals see things. I saw skinny girls and I saw some curvy girls walking the cat walk. I saw confidence in them to be able to do that.

And besides Im all for bra/panties that are fun to wear and match :)

Just my humble opinion.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Feeling inferior is a state of mind within yourself and no one can make you feel inferior without the doubt being there beforehand. Many people workout to attempt to change their body image and therefore it can be said that Cathe herself is selling an unattainable body image.
I'm surprised that nobody seems upset at the soap operas with their soft porn, reality shows where the women are usually half-dressed, talk shows with dysfunctionals discussing topics not meant to be discussed in public, and television in general for that matter.
It's all about the point of view isn't it? We don't like the women parading around in the bikinis for VS but we are perfectly ok watching Survivor where the women are half-dressed, and most likely hand-picked because of their looks. What's the difference? It's all the same. Sex sells. But, of course, it's easy to pick on a show like VS, which is just one show. It also happens to be a show and catalog that we know our hubbies drool over, and we cannot stand knowing that. Right? And so it's easy to rail about it. That's the underlying issue with this thread isn't it? The real problem is that television as a whole needs a major overhaul and that includes many of the shows I have read about in posts by people in here.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Ah, but Cathe is selling somehting we all can attain, fitness. She has given us Rhonda, Hope and Cedie to show us various body types on superbly fit women. The VS model's are selling underwear but they look so incredible I for one would not sport that look. :) I look great with a pair of dumbbells, standing in front of a step though. One of the reasons I don't buy fashion mgazines is they have no one representing me. I'm 42, my hair is graying. I don't look toward Hollywood, Madison Avenue or TV for much at all. The VS models make some of the other women hawking clothing and makeup and the like look downright dowdy by comparison and apparently the VS women only own under clothes, poor things. :) They aren't going to give me an inferiority complex but neither are they going to sell me any underwear though they might get my husband to tune in and turn on and as a parent, I might find that inappropriate inn Prime Time. Remember the time before cable when racier things aired later?
Elves rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Bobbi, those VS models got nothin on you baby!!! LOVE the picture and you have a gorgeous smile!

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

>I know about 90% of the heterosexual men out there would hate
>me for saying this but an hour of watching starved 20 year
>olds walk down a runway thinking they are Gods gift to a model
>woman is not my idea of fun.

We missed it. I didn't even know it was on. I found a flyer that came in the mail on the floor after the show already aired. I must have dropped on the floor one day when I was bringing the mail inside. What's funny is no one in my house cared or even picked it up or read it. :p

I know a lot of down to earth guys aren't really attracted to girls who have bodies like 14 year old boys. But, these women walk around with a lot of self confidence. Men are very attracted self confident women.

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

>I like Victoria's Secret products, for the most part, but I
>have stopped shopping there because I think they are all about
>sex, sex, sex, and ridiculously unattainable body images.

I think the whole point of VS is sex, sex and sex and I wear VS when I want some, that is for sure. :p

I didn't watch it, didn't care to, because I don't need to. I do feel fatter whenever I see anyone parading around like that, but I comfort myself with the fact that many of those girls are very unhealthy and not very smart, and many of them have drug and alchohol abuse problems. I can feel proud to say that I am healthy and feel great! :)

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

>I didn't watch it, didn't care to, because I don't need to. I
>do feel fatter whenever I see anyone parading around like
>that, but I comfort myself with the fact that many of those
>girls are very unhealthy and not very smart, and many of them
>have drug and alchohol abuse problems. I can feel proud to
>say that I am healthy and feel great! :)

...and you look great too Missy!! :)
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I didn't watch the show... but I did record it on TIVO... So we shall see when I get around to watching it... I don't know why I recorded it... as their holiday commercials are GETTING ON MY NERVES!!!!!! Its amazing how they can get away with thoes commercials....and it sadly does make me self consious, that I will never have a body like why even bother... UGGGGGG...
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

>I think the whole point of VS is sex, sex and sex and I wear
>VS when I want some, that is for sure. :p

So True Missy - first thing I reach for too!!! hehe....

So - no one mentioned the 6 weeks post pardom Heidi Klume - talk about unrealistic expectations!!! That is just insane!!! hehe... :) I didn't see the show - but I saw promo shots with her - if that isn't enough to depress us - what is??? :) That just proves the genetic freaks comment...
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I don't think of the Victoria's Secret models as real women, I just think of them as manequins.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

i just want some of them to go a round in the gym with some real weights with me and see if they survive. sure they are pretty but can they kick arse LOL


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I didn't watch the show or even realize that it was on. Furthermore, I have no interest in this presentation and would have changed the channel. I can understand why it would upset people.

Having said this.... I also thought about what was said in the above post. Many adults (& their children) in everyday life walk around showing off their bodies or their enhanced body parts. The acceptance of plastic surgery (cosmetic not reconstructive), extreme diets & pills, & society's focus on the "beautiful people" sends the message to impressionable minds that this is what it takes to make it in the world. How many parent's resort to this behavior and then tell their children that they are beautiful the way they are? We get mixed messages everyday about body image and VS may reenforce this message but is not the cause. We need to look to ourselves first and acknowledge our part in perpetuating this image.

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

What really irritates me is the societal standard that there is only one perfect body type--that of a woman, who by World Health Organization standards is considered malnourished. We're bombarded with it on all fronts--tv, magazines, movies, celebrities of all types. I know logically, that these perfect bodies are only achieved through a combination of genetics, extreme dieting, and the luck to have the time and money to hire a personal trainer and/or personal chef and to be able to devote your day to working out instead of, say, sitting at a desk to earn a paycheck.

Yet even knowing this, I *still* struggle with comparing my body image to the one that society sets out as ideal. I have to constantly check myself and remind myself what is real and achievable given my life and the choices I have made. And despite all of that, I *still* wonder, am I fit? am I too fat? Does the cellulite on the back of my legs make me a lesser person?!

Yes, ridiculous, I know--ridiculous to measure my self-worth by a media image I can never achieve, by body types that are right for other women but not for me, by a societal image of perfection that, more than half the time, is the result of clever lighting or heavy use of PhotoShop. Yet, if as a 46-year-old woman *I* have trouble with this, then what is it doing to young girls growing up with these messages? I have heard more than one 8-year-old complain that she is too fat and is on a diet. That's just sad.

Well, that's my rant. My short answer is that I think the VS show is kind of fun. I just wish they included a range of body types, a la the recent Dove ad campaign.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Yet, if as a 46-year-old woman *I* have trouble with this, then what is it
>doing to young girls growing up with these messages? I have
>heard more than one 8-year-old complain that she is too fat
>and is on a diet. That's just sad.

I used to work on a psychiatric ward. I well remember a 12 year old girl admitted with anorexia trying to sneak in aerobic exercise. I found her in her bathroom with the door closed doing jumping jacks. Yeah...if you've got daughters (sons too, because eating disorders are on the rise in males) I'd be paying a lot of attention to the messages you may be sending or allowing to enter your home.

ETA that this child didn't make it. She was dead before her 14th birthday.

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I thought it was ridiculous! I mean, I don't care about underwear that much anyways....much less watching other women parade around in boring!!!! LOL! I like something on me that serves a purpose, not things dangling off my bosom or fancy chains hanging off my behind. I absolutely had no desire whatsoever to watch the show. Now if I was back on ebay selling VS bras again, I would be very excited that the show was on.

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

The prime TV market wants to watch it, so that's why it's on the air. The same crowd that buys the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit issue! Also, I'd venture a guess that a lot of young women watch it, too, and I'll agree that a lot of them watch it wishing they could look just like that! What is it, like 1% of the population really looks like that???!!!!
Just Do It! :)
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

> more than half the time, is the result of
>clever lighting or heavy use of PhotoShop.

True. I saw a regular pic of Pamela Andersen the other day, and she had cellulite on the back of her legs. :)

The models themselves say they don't wake up looking like they do on the runway or in pics.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

A few months ago I got an email survey from Victoria's Secret, and the majority of the questions were related to body type. I don't remember many of the questions, but I do remember being surprised and somewhat encouraged by the fact that they were even asking what VS's average customers see when they look at their catalogs. Among other things, it asked me to identify my body type (shortish, pear) and to identify celebrities who have what I think are realistic body types (I put Beyonce Knowles). It also asked about the fit and style of their clothes.

I don't know if they're planning to make changes to their clothing line to suit everyday women, but that's what I took from the questions. I agree that their current models represent pretty impossible body images, but maybe they're becoming aware of it and are planning changes. Or at least their marketing people are becoming aware :) I don't know if anything will really come of it.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

VS models and models in general really don't bother me. I'm 46 years old and have had four children. For all that wear and tear I don't look so bad!! Plus, I can run a four hour marathon! And my husband thinks I'm PERFECT so I have nothing to strive for. (except a faster marathon! LOL!)

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