Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret "fashion" show?

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

At the end of the day they have to sell VS products. I think that if they're trying to *finally* make all these changes after all these years in the business, either they have a lot of competition and they're losing customers or they just want the $$$ of real looking women (and the majority of working women don't look like VS models.) Less than 1% of the population looks like the models on their fashion shows, those models don't buy VS because they get it for free and spend the money they earn at Agent Provocateur buying La Perla and Cosa Bella underwear, and real women with real bodies and real jobs are probably buying their underwear and clothes somewhere else and they only visit VS ocasionally. I used to buy from the VS catalogs years ago, but there are so many options now that I haven't made a purchase in a looong time and I don't have to roll the eyes at the catalogs anymore because I don't get them anymore. :p
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Not me. There's nothing I'd rather do w/my time than sit on the couch & watch a bunch of 6 foot tall, zero body fat, large breasted 17 year old girls prance around in way overpriced clothes a size too small.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I am in the minority here, but I watched the show and it did not bother me. I do not compare myself to other women.

I am more upset about all of the violence that is on TV. Nobody seems to complain about that. You can turn on the TV at any time and see women being attacked and/or murdered and nobody complains. How our society has changed to where violence is acceptable.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Thanks, Michele. Our new computer has a built in digital camera and we have been having fun with it. Check out this beauty of an avatar. :D
Elves rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

but an hour of watching starved 20 year
>>olds walk down a runway thinking they are Gods gift to a
>>woman is not my idea of fun.

WHY does anybody with this body type have to be labeled "starved"?
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret


Those girls have some bodyfat...who ya kidding? They ain't cut like some of us.


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